YT: not interested in one click

Hover a thumbnail on and click an icon at the right: "Not interested" and "Don't recommend channel"

< Feedback on YT: not interested in one click

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2022-03-11

has a bug: sometimes clicking the "Not Interested" causes the dropdown to spawn from top-left

Posted: 2022-03-12

I've never encountered it. What is your browser? Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey/Greasemonkey version?

Posted: 2022-03-19

Firefox 98.0.1, Tampermonkey 4.15.6154. Diagnosed to see if any other script or addon was interfering but that wasn't the case.

Also I just now realized the rating I've put was wrong, should be "OK" (Functional, but has bugs)

Posted: 2022-03-20

I couldn't reproduce it, but I've changed some timings in the new version, so maybe it'll fix the problem.

Posted: 2022-03-24
Posted: 2022-03-24

To explain what I do:
Open the subscriptions page or a video in a new tab;
(For easier observation) DON'T scroll down;
Click "Not Interested" or similar shortcut button from your script;
Look at top-left corner or try (and fail) to scroll down.

It only happens once per tab.

Posted: 2022-03-24

Are there any warnings/errors in devtools console?

Posted: 2022-03-24

No warning nor error relevant to the script.

Posted: 2022-03-25

Welp, try the new version.

Posted: 2022-03-25

The bug persists. Maybe there could be a way to cheat it by having it think you clicked on a blank spot anywhere else after.

Posted: 2022-03-25

The script is already doing it, so I can't imagine how the bug is even physically possible.

Posted: 2022-03-27

OK, is there any way to have it close the element with the class "ytd-popup-container". Since that seems to be the pop up's class.

Posted: 2022-04-26

Knock Knock, think I found what was going on.
changed line 71;
setTimeout(() => {}, 100);

It now clicks off correctly!

Posted: 2022-04-27

Now (1.1.5) it works well, apparently.

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