NO WEBP - Convert WEBP Pics To Common Formats(JPG PNG GIF) For Onenote & Evernote Clip

Through replacing suffixs to get the original address, convert the WEBP pictures of Douban, WeChat Public Account, Jianshu, Zhihu, Bilibili Read,, Dongchedi,, Hupu,,,, Xiaohongshu, Fandom into common formats(JPG PNG GIF) for web clipping of Evernote and Onenote. GIF kept and worked in new version. GIF in Douban & Zhihu(high quality) autoloads. You can also try to add included urls by yourself. Welcome feedback and suggestions.

< Feedback on NO WEBP - Convert WEBP Pics To Common Formats(JPG PNG GIF) For Onenote & Evernote Clip

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2021-05-17
Edited: 2021-05-17

Evernote 无法保存 Bilibili Read WebP 图片为 jpg,无论剪藏还是直接粘贴至客户端,仍为 WebP,但网页上已经成功替换。

Black RabbitAuthor
Posted: 2021-05-29
Edited: 2021-05-29

猜测是Evernote客户端的问题:已知Evernote的Mac版客户端应用此脚本直接剪藏后会无法显示图片,Win版未知;Web版Evernote以附件形式显示,点开可浏览大图;ios端Evernote直接显示图片,Android端未知;Onenote各平台皆可正常显示。详情可参阅young so于2021/1/25发表的反馈。
如何判断脚本是否正常运作:方法一,等网页加载完毕后,右键图片选"另存为",弹窗的文件名若为 ***.jpg 则为运行正常(后缀或为png和gif),若为 ***.webp 或 ***.jpg@1920*1080.webp 等带有webp字样、或是直接没有后缀的 ***,则为运行有问题。方法二,右键图片点击"检查",检查右边窗口高亮项中的网址后缀,判断方法同方法一。

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