Audio and Video Enhancement Script: Supports infinite speed adjustment, video downloading, and more.

Audio and Video enhancement script, supports all H5 video websites, such as: Bilibili, Douyin, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Xigua Video, YouTube, Weibo Video, Zhihu Video, Sohu Video, NetEase Open Course, Baidu network disk, Alibaba cloud disk, ted, instagram, twitter, etc. Full shortcut key control, support: double-speed playback/accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-screen web pages, adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast

< Feedback on Audio and Video Enhancement Script: Supports infinite speed adjustment, video downloading, and more.

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2020-01-04


在twitter的视频里按S翻转视频没效果,马上就复位了 youtube视频方向上调大音量时,超过一个量就弹回去了,例:本来50%音量,按住方向↑增大音量,到90%多的时候就复原到50%音量

Posted: 2020-01-06

@Stormblack 说道: 在twitter的视频里按S翻转视频没效果,马上就复位了 youtube视频方向上调大音量时,超过一个量就弹回去了,例:本来50%音量,按住方向↑增大音量,到90%多的时候就复原到50%音量


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