mmmturkeybacon Scroll To Workspace

When a HIT has been accepted, this script scrolls the mturk workspace to the top of the window. When a HIT is being previewed, this script scrolls the 'Accept HIT' button to the top of the window, unless there is a CAPTCHA. Whenever a HIT is previewed or accepted, this script sets the iframe height equal to the browser's viewport height to ensure proper scrolling and gives focus to the iframe.

As of 2015-04-30. See the latest version.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v3.08 2015-05-11 accepted interntal HITs weren't being padded and therefore scrolling wasn't working right
  • v3.07 2015-04-30 no longer set height of hit-wrapper to viewport height
  • v3.06 2015-04-25 height of workspace for internal HITs is set to viewport height, workspace height changes automatically if window height is changed
  • v3.05 2015-04-08
  • v3.04 2014-07-08 Imported from URL