// ==UserScript==
// @name Trimps tools
// @namespace trimps.github.io
// @version 1.282
// @description Trimps tools (visual)
// @author Anton
// @match https://trimps.github.io
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
var $ = jQuery;
var _GameHelpers = {
getBotVersion: function() {
return typeof GM_info === 'function' ? GM_info().script.version :
(typeof GM_info === 'object' ? GM_info.script.version : '?');
isPortal: function () {
return portalWindowOpen;
getJobPrice: function (jobName, resource) {
return game.jobs[jobName].cost[resource][0] * Math.pow(game.jobs[jobName].cost[resource][1], game.jobs[jobName].owned);
hasFormation: function(what) {
what = parseInt(what);
if (!game.global.preMapsActive && !game.global.lockTooltip) {
if (game.upgrades.Formations.done && what === 0) return true;
if (game.upgrades.Formations.done && what === 1) return true;
if (game.upgrades.Dominance.done && what === 2) return true;
if (game.upgrades.Barrier.done && what === 3) return true;
if (game.upgrades.Formations.done && game.global.highestLevelCleared >= 180 && what === 4) return true;
return false;
getCurrentEnemyAttack: function() {
var cellNum, cell;
if (game.global.mapsActive) {
cellNum = game.global.lastClearedMapCell + 1;
cell = game.global.mapGridArray[cellNum];
} else {
cellNum = game.global.lastClearedCell + 1;
cell = game.global.gridArray[cellNum];
return calculateDamage(cell.attack, false, false, false, cell);
getBreedingBaseSpeed: function () {
if (game.global.challengeActive === "Trapper") return 0;
var base = 0.0085;
var currentCalc = _GameHelpers.getBreedingCount() * base;
if (game.upgrades.Potency.done > 0) {
currentCalc *= Math.pow(1.1, game.upgrades.Potency.done);
return currentCalc;
getBreedingTotalSpeed: function () {
if (game.global.challengeActive === "Trapper") return 0;
var trimps = game.resources.trimps;
var base = 0.0085;
//Add job count
var breeding = trimps.owned - trimps.employed;
var currentCalc = breeding * base;
//Add Potency
if (game.upgrades.Potency.done > 0){
currentCalc *= Math.pow(1.1, game.upgrades.Potency.done);
//Add Nurseries
if (game.buildings.Nursery.owned > 0){
currentCalc *= Math.pow(1.01, game.buildings.Nursery.owned);
//Add Venimp
if (game.unlocks.impCount.Venimp > 0){
var venimpStrength = Math.pow(1.003, game.unlocks.impCount.Venimp);
currentCalc *= (venimpStrength);
if (game.global.brokenPlanet){
currentCalc /= 10;
//Add pheromones
if (game.portal.Pheromones.level > 0){
var PheromonesStrength = (game.portal.Pheromones.level * game.portal.Pheromones.modifier);
currentCalc *= (PheromonesStrength + 1);
//Add Geneticist
if (game.jobs.Geneticist.owned > 0) {
currentCalc *= Math.pow(.98, game.jobs.Geneticist.owned);
//Add quick trimps
if (game.unlocks.quickTrimps){
currentCalc *= 2;
if (game.global.challengeActive === "Daily"){
var mult = 0;
if (typeof game.global.dailyChallenge.dysfunctional !== 'undefined'){
mult = dailyModifiers.dysfunctional.getMult(game.global.dailyChallenge.dysfunctional.strength);
currentCalc *= mult;
if (typeof game.global.dailyChallenge.toxic !== 'undefined'){
mult = dailyModifiers.toxic.getMult(game.global.dailyChallenge.toxic.strength, game.global.dailyChallenge.toxic.stacks);
currentCalc *= mult;
if (game.global.challengeActive === "Toxicity" && game.challenges.Toxicity.stacks > 0){
currentCalc *= Math.pow(game.challenges.Toxicity.stackMult, game.challenges.Toxicity.stacks);
if (game.global.voidBuff === "slowBreed"){
currentCalc *= 0.2;
var heirloomBonus = calcHeirloomBonus("Shield", "breedSpeed", 0, true);
if (heirloomBonus > 0){
currentCalc *= ((heirloomBonus / 100) + 1);
return currentCalc;
getMinimumBreeding: function () {
var battleTrimps = (game.portal.Coordinated.level) ? game.portal.Coordinated.currentSend : game.resources.trimps.maxSoldiers;
if (battleTrimps < 5) return 5; else return battleTrimps + 1;
getBreedingCount: function () {
var trimps = game.resources.trimps;
return game.global.challengeActive === "Trapper" ? 0 : trimps.owned - trimps.employed;
isMetalChallenge: function () {
return game.global.challengeActive === "Metal";
canGatherMetal: function () {
return document.getElementById('metal').style.visibility === 'visible';
var _BotStrategy = {
isStarted: false,
_tPassiveWatcher: undefined,
_tAutoBuy: undefined,
middleGameStrategy: function() {
if (game.global.world < 60) return;
if (game.global.formation === 0) {
if (_GameHelpers.hasFormation(1)) setFormation('1');
var enemy = _GameHelpers.getCurrentEnemyAttack();
var me = game.global.soldierCurrentBlock + game.global.soldierHealthMax;
if (enemy >= me && parseInt(game.global.formation) !== 1) {
if (_GameHelpers.hasFormation(1)) setFormation('1');
if (parseInt(game.global.formation) !== 2 && _GameHelpers.hasFormation(2)) {
var formation2health = game.global.soldierHealthMax / 8;
var me2 = formation2health + game.global.soldierCurrentBlock;
if (me2 > enemy) {
autoBuyStorage: function () {
var packratLevel = (1 + game.portal.Packrat.level * (game.portal.Packrat.modifier * 100) / 100);
var buildingsForResources = {
food: "Barn",
wood: "Shed",
metal: "Forge"
for (var res in buildingsForResources) {
if (buildingsForResources.hasOwnProperty(res)) {
var bldName = buildingsForResources[res];
if (game.resources[res].owned / (game.resources[res].max * packratLevel) >= 0.8) {
if (canAffordBuilding(bldName, false, false, false, true)) {
buyBuilding(bldName, true, true);
_Log.println('Building ' + bldName);
autoJobs: function() {
earlyGameStrategy: function (isPassive) {
if (_GameHelpers.isPortal()) return;
if (parseInt(game.global.eggLoc) !== -1) {
_Log.println('Destroying Easter Egg');
if (isPassive === false) {
var breeding = _GameHelpers.getBreedingCount();
var unemployed = Math.ceil(game.resources.trimps.realMax() / 2) - game.resources.trimps.employed;
if (game.buildings.Trap.owned >= 1 && game.resources.trimps.owned < game.resources.trimps.realMax() &&
(breeding < _GameHelpers.getMinimumBreeding() || unemployed > 0) &&
_GameHelpers.getBreedingBaseSpeed() < 1) {
var hasTrap = _Buildings.hasInQueue('Trap');
var cnt = game.global.challengeActive === "Trapper" ? 100 : (breeding < unemployed ? 25 : 1);
if (!hasTrap && game.buildings.Trap.owned < 1 && game.resources.food.owned >= 10 && game.resources.wood.owned >= 10) {
buyBuilding('Trap', true, true, cnt);
if ((game.global.buildingsQueue.length > 0 && game.global.autoCraftModifier < 1) || (game.global.buildingsQueue.length > 5)) {
var playerStrength = getPlayerModifier();
var minimumSpeedToHelp = 1 + playerStrength;
if (getPsString('food', true) < minimumSpeedToHelp && game.resources.food.owned < 10) {
if (getPsString('wood', true) < minimumSpeedToHelp && game.resources.wood.owned < 10) {
var canGetScience = game.global.challengeActive !== "Scientist";
if (canGetScience && getPsString('science', true) < minimumSpeedToHelp && game.resources.science.owned < 10) {
var metalNeeded = _Upgrade.getUpgradePriceSumForRes('metal');
if (getPsString('metal', true) < minimumSpeedToHelp && game.resources.metal.owned < Math.min(100, metalNeeded)) {
var needScientists = game.upgrades.Scientists.done === 0 && game.upgrades.Scientists.allowed === 1;
if (canGetScience && getPsString('science', true) < minimumSpeedToHelp && (game.resources.science.owned < 60 || needScientists)) {
if ((game.global.playerGathering === 'trimps' && (game.buildings.Trap.owned === 0 || _GameHelpers.getBreedingBaseSpeed() > 1)) ||
(game.global.playerGathering === 'buildings' && game.global.buildingsQueue.length === 0)) {
passiveWatcher: function () {
if (_GameHelpers.isPortal()) return;
autoBuyEquipment: function () {
mapAttackStrategy: function () {
autoUpgrade: function() {
autoBuy: function() {
auto: function () {
if (_GameHelpers.isPortal()) return;
onStartButton: function () {
if (_BotStrategy.isStarted) {
_BotStrategy.isStarted = false;
} else {
_BotStrategy.isStarted = true;
stop: function () {
_Log.println('BOT stop');
_BotStrategy._tPassiveWatcher = setInterval(_BotStrategy.passiveWatcher, 1000);
_Log.println('Passive watcher started');
$('#botStart').text('Bot start');
start: function () {
_Log.println('Passive watcher stop');
_Log.println('BOT start version ' + _GameHelpers.getBotVersion());
_BotStrategy._tAutoBuy = setInterval(_BotStrategy.auto, 1000);
$('#botStart').text('Bot stop');
var _Equipment = {
hasUpgradeForEquipment: function (equipName) {
for (var item in game.upgrades) {
if (game.upgrades.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
var upgrade = game.upgrades[item];
if (parseInt(upgrade.locked) === 1) continue;
if (typeof upgrade.prestiges !== 'undefined' && upgrade.prestiges === equipName) {
return true;
return false;
getMetalNeededForEquipment: function (equipName) {
var price = getBuildingItemPrice(game.equipment[equipName], 'metal', true, 1);
var artMult = Math.pow(1 - game.portal.Artisanistry.modifier, game.portal.Artisanistry.level);
if (game.global.challengeActive === "Daily" && typeof game.global.dailyChallenge.metallicThumb !== 'undefined'){
artMult *= dailyModifiers.metallicThumb.getMult(game.global.dailyChallenge.metallicThumb.strength);
if (game.global.challengeActive === "Obliterated"){
artMult = (artMult === -1) ? 1e12 : (1e12 * artMult);
price = Math.ceil(price * artMult);
return price;
autoBuyEquipment: function () {
var maxEquipLevel = game.global.challengeActive === 'Frugal' ? 10000 : 7;
var isMetal = _GameHelpers.isMetalChallenge();
for (var x in game.equipment) {
if (game.equipment.hasOwnProperty(x) && game.equipment[x].locked === 0) {
if (_Equipment.hasUpgradeForEquipment(x)) continue;
var maxLevel = isMetal ? 1 :
(game.equipment[x].prestige > maxEquipLevel ? 1 : (maxEquipLevel + 1 - game.equipment[x].prestige) * 2);
if (x === 'Shield' && !game.equipment['Shield'].blockNow) {
maxLevel = 1;
if (game.equipment[x].level < maxLevel && canAffordBuilding(x, null, null, true)) {
if (game.equipment[x].cost.hasOwnProperty('metal')) {
// save metal for upgrades
var currentMetal = game.resources['metal'].owned;
var equipMetal = _Equipment.getMetalNeededForEquipment(x);
var upgradesMetal = _Upgrade.getUpgradePriceSumForRes('metal');
if (currentMetal >= (upgradesMetal + equipMetal)) {
buyEquipment(x, true, true);
_Log.println('Upgrading equipment ' + x);
} else {
buyEquipment(x, true, true);
_Log.println('Upgrading equipment ' + x);
var _Job = {
needFarmer: 25,
needLumber: 25,
needMiner: 25,
needScientist: 1,
selectAutoJob: function () {
var canGetScience = game.global.challengeActive !== "Scientist";
var upgradePrice = _Upgrade.getMaximumResourceUpgradePrice();
var scienceNeeded = _Upgrade.getUpgradePriceSumForRes('science');
var setBasic = function () {
if (_GameHelpers.canGatherMetal() && _GameHelpers.isMetalChallenge()) {
} else {
if (canGetScience && scienceNeeded > 0) {
} else {
if (scienceNeeded > game.resources.science.owned && canGetScience) {
} else {
if (upgradePrice !== false) {
for (var x in upgradePrice) {
if (upgradePrice.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
if (x === 'wood' || x === 'metal' || x === 'science' || x === 'food') {
} else {
} else {
buyJobs: function ($obj, unemployed, objName, jobId) {
if ($obj.length > 0) {
var needAllMax = _Job.needFarmer + _Job.needLumber + _Job.needMiner + _Job.needScientist;
var breeding = _GameHelpers.getBreedingCount();
var cnt = 1;
var minBreeding = _GameHelpers.getMinimumBreeding();
if (unemployed > needAllMax * 1000000000 && (breeding - 10000000000 > minBreeding)) {
game.global.buyAmt = 10000000000;
cnt = 10000000000;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 100000000 && (breeding - 1000000000 > minBreeding)) {
game.global.buyAmt = 1000000000;
cnt = 1000000000;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 10000000 && (breeding - 100000000 > minBreeding)) {
game.global.buyAmt = 100000000;
cnt = 100000000;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 1000000 && (breeding - 10000000 > minBreeding)) {
game.global.buyAmt = 10000000;
cnt = 10000000;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 100000 && (breeding - 1000000 > minBreeding)) {
game.global.buyAmt = 1000000;
cnt = 1000000;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 10000 && (breeding - 100000 > minBreeding)) {
game.global.buyAmt = 100000;
cnt = 100000;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 1000 && (breeding - 10000 > minBreeding)) {
game.global.buyAmt = 10000;
cnt = 10000;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 100 && (breeding - 1000 > minBreeding)) {
game.global.buyAmt = 1000;
cnt = 1000;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 10 && (breeding - 100 > minBreeding)) {
cnt = 100;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax * 2.5 && (breeding - 25 > minBreeding)) {
cnt = 25;
else if (unemployed > needAllMax && (breeding - 10 > minBreeding)) {
cnt = 10;
else {
cnt = 1;
buyJob(jobId, true, true); // confirmed, noTip
numTab(1); // +1
_Log.println('New ' + objName + (cnt > 1 ? " x" + cnt : ''), 'Combat');
return cnt;
} else {
return 0;
getJobsNeededCounts: function () {
var maxTrimps = game.resources.trimps.realMax();
var unemployed = Math.ceil(maxTrimps / 2) - game.resources.trimps.employed;
var jobsTotal =
unemployed +
game.jobs.Farmer.owned +
game.jobs.Lumberjack.owned +
game.jobs.Miner.owned +
var hasFarmer = game.jobs.Farmer.locked === 0;
var hasLumber = game.jobs.Lumberjack.locked === 0;
var hasMiner = game.jobs.Miner.locked === 0;
var hasScientist = game.jobs.Scientist.locked === 0;
var needAll =
(hasFarmer ? _Job.needFarmer : 0) +
(hasLumber ? _Job.needLumber : 0) +
(hasMiner ? _Job.needMiner : 0) +
(hasScientist ? _Job.needScientist : 0);
if (needAll < 1) needAll = 1;
var minOwned = Math.min(
Math.floor(jobsTotal * 0.25)
if (game.global.world < 20) minOwned = minOwned / 2;
if (minOwned > 30) minOwned = 30; // for science
if (minOwned < 1) minOwned = 1;
var jobsWithoutScientists = jobsTotal - minOwned;
return {
Scientist: _Job.needScientist ? minOwned : -1,
Farmer: _Job.needFarmer ? Math.floor(jobsWithoutScientists * _Job.needFarmer / needAll) : -1,
Lumberjack: _Job.needLumber ? Math.floor(jobsWithoutScientists * _Job.needLumber / needAll) : -1,
Miner: _Job.needMiner ? Math.floor(jobsWithoutScientists * _Job.needMiner / needAll) : -1
autoJobs: function () {
var breeding = game.resources.trimps.owned - game.resources.trimps.employed;
if (breeding < (_GameHelpers.getMinimumBreeding() + 1) && game.global.challengeActive !== 'Trapper') return;
var maxTrimps = game.resources.trimps.realMax();
var unemployed = Math.ceil(maxTrimps / 2) - game.resources.trimps.employed;
var trainerCost = _GameHelpers.getJobPrice('Trainer', 'food');
if ((trainerCost < game.resources.food.owned) && unemployed <= 0 && game.jobs.Farmer.owned > 1 && game.jobs.Trainer.locked === 0) {
_Log.println('Fire farmer, sorry. We need trainers.');
game.global.firing = true;
buyJob('Farmer', true, true);
game.global.firing = false;
if (unemployed <= 0) return;
if (trainerCost <= game.resources.food.owned && game.jobs.Trainer.locked === 0) {
buyJob('Trainer', true, true);
_Log.println('New trainer');
return 1;
if (game.jobs.Geneticist.locked === 0 && _GameHelpers.getBreedingTotalSpeed() > maxTrimps * 2) {
buyJob('Geneticist', true, true);
_Log.println('New geneticist');
return 1;
var cnt = 0;
var $jobsBlock = $('#jobsHere');
var $explorer = $jobsBlock.find('.thingColorCanAfford[id=Explorer]');
if ($explorer.length > 0) {
buyJob('Explorer', true, true);
_Log.println('New explorer');
return ++cnt;
var $farmer = $jobsBlock.find('.thingColorCanAfford[id=Farmer]');
var toHire = _Job.getJobsNeededCounts();
if (toHire.Farmer > 0 && game.jobs.Farmer.owned < toHire.Farmer) {
cnt += _Job.buyJobs($farmer, unemployed, 'farmer', 'Farmer');
} else if (toHire.Lumberjack > 0 && game.jobs.Lumberjack.owned < toHire.Lumberjack) {
var $lumber = $jobsBlock.find('.thingColorCanAfford[id=Lumberjack]');
cnt += _Job.buyJobs($lumber, unemployed, 'lumberjack', 'Lumberjack');
} else if (toHire.Miner > 0 && game.jobs.Miner.owned < toHire.Miner) {
var $miner = $jobsBlock.find('.thingColorCanAfford[id=Miner]');
cnt += _Job.buyJobs($miner, unemployed, 'miner', 'Miner');
} else if (toHire.Scientist > 0 && game.jobs.Scientist.owned < toHire.Scientist) {
var $science = $jobsBlock.find('.thingColorCanAfford[id=Scientist]');
cnt += _Job.buyJobs($science, unemployed, 'scientist', 'Scientist');
if (unemployed > 0 && cnt === 0) {
cnt += _Job.buyJobs($farmer, unemployed, 'farmer', 'Farmer');
return cnt;
var _Buildings = {
buyTribute: function () {
if (_GameHelpers.isMetalChallenge()) return;
var canAfford = canAffordBuilding("Tribute", false, false, false, true);
if (canAfford && game.buildings.Tribute.locked !== 1) {
buyBuilding("Tribute", true, true);
_Log.println('Building ' + "Tribute");
buyGym: function () {
var canAfford = canAffordBuilding("Gym", false, false, false, true);
if (canAfford && game.buildings.Gym.locked !== 1) {
buyBuilding("Gym", true, true);
_Log.println('Building ' + "Gym");
hasInQueue: function (item) {
for (var x in game.global.buildingsQueue) {
var queueItem = game.global.buildingsQueue[x].split('.')[0];
if (queueItem === item) {
return true;
return false;
autoBuy: function () {
if (_GameHelpers.isMetalChallenge()) {
} // buy only Gym and Trainer
var toBuy;
for (var item in game.buildings) {
if (item === 'Barn' || item === 'Shed' || item === 'Forge' || item === 'Wormhole' || item === 'Trap') continue;
if (!game.buildings.Collector.locked &&
(item === 'Mansion' || item === 'Hotel' || item === 'Resort' || item === 'House' || item === 'Hut')) continue;
if (game.upgrades.Gigastation.done >= 10 && item === 'Collector') continue;
if (game.buildings.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
if (parseInt(game.buildings[item].locked) === 1) continue;
var canAfford = canAffordBuilding(item, false, false, false, true);
if (canAfford) {
if (item === 'Nursery') {
var isElectro = game.global.challengeActive === "Electricity";
var mult = game.global.brokenPlanet ? (game.global.world >= 80 ? 2 : 1.5) : 1;
var enoughNursery = (game.buildings.Nursery.owned >= (game.buildings.Tribute.owned * mult) ||
game.buildings.Nursery.owned >= (game.buildings.Gym.owned * mult));
if ((isElectro || !enoughNursery) && !_Buildings.hasInQueue('Nursery'))
toBuy = item;
} else {
toBuy = item;
if (typeof toBuy !== 'undefined') {
buyBuilding(toBuy, true, true);
_Log.println('Building ' + toBuy);
var _Log = {
println: function (mes, type) {
if (typeof type === 'undefined') type = "Story";
message("BOT: " + mes, type);
message: function (messageString, type, lootIcon, extraClass, extraTag, htmlPrefix) {
if (type === 'Loot' && lootIcon === null) return;
if (type === 'Combat' && (lootIcon === null || typeof lootIcon === 'undefined')) return;
if (type === 'Loot' &&
(messageString.indexOf('You just found') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('You found') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('That guy just left') > -1 ||
(messageString.indexOf(' dropped ') > -1 && messageString.indexOf('That ') > -1) ||
messageString.indexOf(' manage to ') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('Then he died') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf(' popped out!') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('That Feyimp gave you') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('in that dead Tauntimp') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('fragments from that Flutimp') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('That Jestimp gave you') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('That Titimp made your Trimps super strong') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('You scored ') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('Hulking Mutimp ') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('Cubist art is your favorite!') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('Reward encountered: ') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('Findings: ') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('Salvage results: ') > -1 ||
messageString.indexOf('You hear nearby Kittimps ') > -1
)) return;
if (type === 'Story' && typeof lootIcon === 'undefined' &&
messageString.indexOf('BOT: New ') > -1) return;
var showTimestamps = parseInt(game.options.menu.timestamps.enabled) === 1;
if (type === 'Notices' && messageString === 'Game Saved!') {
var t = showTimestamps ? getCurrentTime() : updatePortalTimer(true);
if (messageString.indexOf('The ground up Venimp now increases your Trimps') > -1) {
if (messageString.indexOf('You killed a Magnimp! The strong magnetic forces now increase your loot by') > -1) {
if (messageString.indexOf('Seeing the Whipimps fall is causing all of your Trimps to work') > -1) {
var log = document.getElementById("log");
var displayType = "block";
var prefix = "";
var addId = "";
if (messageString === "Game Saved!" || extraClass === 'save') {
addId = " id='saveGame'";
if (document.getElementById('saveGame') !== null) {
if (game.options.menu.timestamps.enabled) {
messageString = (showTimestamps ? getCurrentTime() : updatePortalTimer(true)) + " " + messageString;
if (!htmlPrefix) {
if (lootIcon && lootIcon.charAt(0) === "*") {
lootIcon = lootIcon.replace("*", "");
prefix = "icomoon icon-";
else prefix = "glyphicon glyphicon-";
if (type === "Story") messageString = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-star'></span> " + messageString;
if (type === "Combat") messageString = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-flag'></span> " + messageString;
if (type === "Loot" && lootIcon) messageString = "<span class='" + prefix + lootIcon + "'></span> " + messageString;
if (type === "Notices") {
messageString = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-off'></span> " + messageString;
} else {
messageString = htmlPrefix + " " + messageString;
var messageHTML = "<span" + addId + " class='" + type + "Message message" + " " + extraClass + "' style='display: " + displayType + "'>" + messageString + "</span>";
var $allLogs = $('#log').find('span');
$allLogs.slice(0, -30).remove();
var _Map = {
needAttackCurrentMap: function () {
return _Map.isAbleToAttackMaps() && (typeof game.mapsAttacked[game.global.world] === 'undefined');
hasMapOfCurrentLevel: function () {
for (var x in game.global.mapsOwnedArray) {
if (game.global.mapsOwnedArray.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var mapObj = game.global.mapsOwnedArray[x];
if (parseInt(mapObj.level) === parseInt(game.global.world)) return true;
return false;
buyNewMapOfCurrentLevel: function () {
if (!_Map.isSelectingMap()) {
var money = game.resources.fragments.owned;
if (money > 0) {
var currentMapPrice = updateMapCost(true);
if (money >= currentMapPrice) {
var result = buyMap();
if (result === 1) {
_Log.println('Bought new map level ' + game.global.world);
} else {
console.log('Buy map result = ' + result);
} else {
console.log('No fragments (' + money + ') to buy map for ' + currentMapPrice);
attackMapOfCurrentLevel: function (knownMapId, isPrestige) {
var x, mapObj;
var breeding = _GameHelpers.getBreedingCount();
game.global.lookingAtMap = '';
if (typeof knownMapId === 'undefined') {
for (x in game.global.mapsOwnedArray) {
if (game.global.mapsOwnedArray.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
mapObj = game.global.mapsOwnedArray[x];
var isVoid = mapObj.location === "Void";
if (isVoid && _GameHelpers.isMetalChallenge()) continue; // skip Void on Metal challenge
if (parseInt(mapObj.level) === parseInt(game.global.world)) {
game.global.lookingAtMap = mapObj.id;
} else {
game.global.lookingAtMap = knownMapId;
if (game.global.lookingAtMap !== '') {
_Log.println('Attacking ' + (isPrestige ? 'prestige ' : '') + 'map ' + game.global.lookingAtMap);
game.options.menu.alwaysAbandon.enabled = 1; // GO TO MAPS!
game.mapsAttacked[game.global.world] = true;
game.global.repeatMap = true; // REPEAT
if (breeding < (_GameHelpers.getMinimumBreeding() + 1)) fightManual();
} else {
if (!_GameHelpers.isMetalChallenge()) console.log('where is my map?');
getPrestigeMapToAttack: function () {
for (var x in game.global.mapsOwnedArray) {
if (game.global.mapsOwnedArray.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var mapObj = game.global.mapsOwnedArray[x];
if (parseInt(mapObj.clears) === 0
&& parseInt(mapObj.level) <= parseInt(game.global.world)
&& mapObj.noRecycle) {
return mapObj.id;
return -1;
attackCurrentMap: function () {
document.getElementById("mapLevelInput").value = game.global.world;
var prestigeMapToAttack = _Map.getPrestigeMapToAttack();
if (prestigeMapToAttack !== -1) {
_Map.attackMapOfCurrentLevel(prestigeMapToAttack, true);
if (!_Map.hasMapOfCurrentLevel()) {
if (_Map.hasMapOfCurrentLevel()) {
} else {
console.log('no map of current level ' + game.global.world);
isAbleToAttackMaps: function() {
return (game.global.world >= 6) && !game.global.preMapsActive;
isSelectingMap: function() {
return document.getElementById("grid").style.display === 'none' &&
document.getElementById("preMaps").style.display === 'block';
mapAttackStrategy: function () {
if (!_Map.isAbleToAttackMaps()) return;
if (game.global.pauseFight) {
_Log.println('Enabling auto attack!');
game.global.pauseFight = false;
pauseFight(true); // update only
} else {
if (_Map.needAttackCurrentMap()) {
} else {
if (_Map.hasMapOfCurrentLevel() && game.global.currentMapId === '') {
game.global.lookingAtMap = '';
var map_id, map_name = '', isVoid;
for (var x in game.global.mapsOwnedArray) {
if (game.global.mapsOwnedArray.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var mapObj = game.global.mapsOwnedArray[x];
isVoid = mapObj.location === "Void";
if (isVoid && _GameHelpers.isMetalChallenge()) continue; // skip Void on Metal challenge
if (mapObj.level <= game.global.world && mapObj.noRecycle === true && mapObj.clears === 0) {
game.global.lookingAtMap = mapObj.id;
map_id = x;
map_name = mapObj.name;
if (game.global.lookingAtMap !== '' && typeof map_id !== 'undefined') {
isVoid = game.global.mapsOwnedArray[map_id].location === "Void";
if (isVoid) {
if (_GameHelpers.isMetalChallenge()) return;
if (game.global.lastClearedMapCell >= game.global.mapGridArray.length - 2) {
_Log.println('Attacking Void map ' + map_name + ' level (' + game.global.mapsOwnedArray[map_id].level + ')');
} else {
return;// attack Void only in last 2 cells
} else {
_Log.println('Attacking prestige map ' + map_name + ' level (' + game.global.mapsOwnedArray[map_id].level + ')');
game.options.menu.alwaysAbandon.enabled = 1; // GO TO MAPS!
game.global.repeatMap = true; // REPEAT
game.global.mapsOwnedArray[map_id].clears = 1;
if (_GameHelpers.getBreedingCount() < (_GameHelpers.getMinimumBreeding() + 1)) fightManual();
} else {
if (game.global.currentMapId !== '') {
var lastMapCell = game.global.mapGridArray[game.global.mapGridArray.length - 1];
var specialGift = '';
if (lastMapCell.special !== '') {
specialGift = game.mapUnlocks[lastMapCell.special];
var needExitMap = (specialGift === '' || specialGift.prestige !== true) &&
lastMapCell.special !== 'Heirloom' &&
lastMapCell.name !== 'Warden' &&
lastMapCell.name !== 'Robotrimp' &&
specialGift.canRunOnce !== true;
if (needExitMap) {
_Log.println('Leaving map ' + game.global.currentMapId + '...');
mapsClicked(true); // go to maps
recycleMap(-1, true);
mapsClicked(); // go to world
} else if (_Map.isSelectingMap()) {
mapsClicked(); // go to world
mapDeleter: function() {
if (game.global.currentMapId === '') {
for (var x in game.global.mapsOwnedArray) {
var map = game.global.mapsOwnedArray[x];
if (map.level < (game.global.world - 10) && map.noRecycle !== true) {
game.global.lookingAtMap = map['id'];
_Log.println('Deleting map ' + map.name + ' (' + map.level + ')');
recycleMap(-1, true);
var _Upgrade = {
autoUpgrade: function () {
for (var item in game.upgrades) {
if (game.upgrades.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
var upgrade = game.upgrades[item];
if (parseInt(upgrade.locked) === 1) continue;
var canAfford = canAffordTwoLevel(upgrade);
if (canAfford) {
if (item === "Coordination") {
if (!canAffordCoordinationTrimps()) continue;
if (item === "Gigastation") {
var minAddon = Math.floor(game.global.highestLevelCleared / 6);
var minWaprstation = Math.floor(game.global.world / 6) + minAddon + game.upgrades.Gigastation.done * 2;
if (minWaprstation < 6 + minAddon) minWaprstation = 6 + minAddon;
if (game.buildings.Warpstation.owned < minWaprstation) continue;
buyUpgrade(item, true, true);
_Log.println('Researching ' + item + ' level ' + parseInt(upgrade.done));
return 1;
return 0;
getUpgradePrice: function (upgradeObject) {
var price, result = {};
for (var cost in upgradeObject.cost) {
if (upgradeObject.cost.hasOwnProperty(cost)) {
if (typeof upgradeObject.cost[cost] === 'object' && typeof upgradeObject.cost[cost][1] === 'undefined') {
var costItem = upgradeObject.cost[cost];
for (var item in costItem) {
if (costItem.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
price = costItem[item];
if (upgradeObject.prestiges && (item === "metal" || item === "wood")) {
if (game.global.challengeActive === "Daily" && typeof game.global.dailyChallenge.metallicThumb !== 'undefined') {
price *= dailyModifiers.metallicThumb.getMult(game.global.dailyChallenge.metallicThumb.strength);
price *= Math.pow(1 - game.portal.Artisanistry.modifier, game.portal.Artisanistry.level);
if (typeof price === 'function') price = price();
if (typeof price[1] !== 'undefined') price = resolvePow(price, upgradeObject);
result[item] = price;
return result;
getAllUpgradePrice: function () {
var totalPrice = {};
for (var item in game.upgrades) {
if (game.upgrades.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
var upgrade = game.upgrades[item];
if (parseInt(upgrade.locked) === 1) continue;
var price = _Upgrade.getUpgradePrice(upgrade);
for (var res in price) {
if (price.hasOwnProperty(res)) {
if (typeof totalPrice[res] === 'undefined') totalPrice[res] = 0;
totalPrice[res] += price[res];
return totalPrice;
getUpgradePriceSumForRes: function (res) {
var totalPrice = _Upgrade.getAllUpgradePrice();
if (typeof totalPrice[res] !== 'undefined') {
return totalPrice[res];
} else {
return 0;
getMaximumResourceUpgradePrice: function () {
var totalPrice = _Upgrade.getAllUpgradePrice(), maxPriceName = '', maxPrice = 0;
for (var res in totalPrice) {
if (totalPrice.hasOwnProperty(res)) {
if (totalPrice[res] > maxPrice) {
maxPrice = totalPrice[res];
maxPriceName = res;
var result = {};
if (maxPriceName !== '') {
result[maxPriceName] = maxPrice;
return result;
} else {
return false;
var _BotUI = {
_logEnabled: true,
_tTitimp: undefined,
_tStyleFix: undefined,
styleUpdate: function () {
// remove counts
//noinspection CssUnusedSymbol
$('head').append($("<style type=\"text/css\">\n" +
".queueItem,.btn{padding:0}\n" +
".thingColorCanNotAfford.upgradeThing{background-color:#530053;}\n" +
"#battleSideTitle{padding:0}\n" +
".battleSideBtnContainer{margin-top:0;}\n" +
"#logBtnGroup{display:none}\n" +
"#log{height:100%;}\n" +
".glyphicon-apple{color:orangered;}\n" +
"#buyHere .alert.badge{display:none}\n"+
// remove tabs
// fix height
$('#topRow,#queueContainer').css('margin-bottom', '0');
$('#jobsTitleDiv').css('padding', '0').css('font-size', 'smaller');
$('#buyHere').css('margin', '0').css('padding', '0').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
$('#queueContainer').css('height', '70px');
$('#numTabs').css('margin', '0');
$('#buyContainer').css('height', 'calc(99vh - 20vw - 96px)');
// add button
$('#settingsTable').find('tr').append('<td class="btn btn-info" id="botStart" title="' + _GameHelpers.getBotVersion() + '">Bot start</td>');
$('#botStart').on('click', _BotStrategy.onStartButton);
// add grid
var $grid = $('<table style="width:100%;margin-top:4px;font-size:smaller;"><tr>' +
'<td id="magnimp-cell"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-magnet"></span><label style="margin-left:4px" title="Magimp">...</label></td>' +
'<td id="venimp-cell"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-glass"></span><label style="margin-left:4px" title="Venimp">...</label></td>' +
'</tr><tr>' +
'<td id="whipimp-cell"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span><label style="margin-left:4px" title="Whipimp">...</label></td>' +
'<td id="titimp-cell"><span class="icomoon icon-hammer"></span><label style="margin-left:4px" title="Titimp">' + prettify(game.global.titimpLeft) + '</label></td>' +
styleFix: function () {
var $buyBoxThings = $('.buyBox').find('.thing');
$buyBoxThings.find('.thingOwned').css('margin-left', '4px');
$('#buildingsTitleDiv,#upgradesTitleDiv,#equipmentTitleDiv').css('display', 'none');
if (typeof game.passedMaps === 'undefined') game.passedMaps = {};
if (typeof game.mapsAttacked === 'undefined') game.mapsAttacked = {};
for (var x in game.passedMaps) if (x > game.global.world) {
// Game restart?
game.passedMaps = {};
game.mapsAttacked = {};
var hasItem = false;
if (typeof game.mapUnlocks === 'undefined') {
_BotUI._tStyleFix = setInterval(_BotUI.styleFix, 2000);
} else {
for (x in game.mapUnlocks) {
if (game.mapUnlocks.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var notPass = game.mapUnlocks[x].startAt <= game.global.world && (typeof game.passedMaps[game.mapUnlocks[x].startAt] === 'undefined' || game.passedMaps[game.mapUnlocks[x].startAt] < 1);
if (notPass) {
$('#battleSideTitle').css('background-color', notPass ? '#A00' : '#600');
hasItem = true;
if (!hasItem) {
$('#battleSideTitle').css('background-color', 'transparent');
game.passedMaps[game.global.world] = game.global.mapBonus;
if (game.global.mapBonus > 0) {
for (x in game.mapUnlocks) {
if (game.mapUnlocks.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
if (game.mapUnlocks[x].startAt < game.global.world) {
game.passedMaps[game.mapUnlocks[x].startAt] = 1;
disableLog: function () {
if (_BotUI._logEnabled) {
message = _Log.message;
_BotUI._logEnabled = false;
updateSuperTrimps: function () {
var whipStrength = Math.pow(1.003, game.unlocks.impCount.Whipimp);
whipStrength = prettify((whipStrength - 1) * 100) + "%";
var magimpStrength = Math.pow(1.003, game.unlocks.impCount.Magnimp);
magimpStrength = prettify((magimpStrength - 1) * 100) + "%";
var venimpStrength = Math.pow(1.003, game.unlocks.impCount.Venimp);
venimpStrength = prettify((venimpStrength - 1) * 100) + "%";
var mag = $('#magnimp-cell').find('label');
if (mag.text() !== magimpStrength) mag.text(magimpStrength);
var whip = $('#whipimp-cell').find('label');
if (whip.text() !== whipStrength) whip.text(whipStrength);
var ven = $('#venimp-cell').find('label');
if (ven.text() !== venimpStrength) ven.text(venimpStrength);
titimpUpdate: function () {
$('#titimp-cell').find('label').text(prettify(game.global.titimpLeft > 0 ? game.global.titimpLeft : 0));
initTrimpsTools: function() {
var TrimpsTools = {
Helpers: _GameHelpers,
Strategy: _BotStrategy,
Equipment: _Equipment,
Job: _Job,
Buildings: _Buildings,
Log: _Log,
Map: _Map,
Upgrade: _Upgrade,
UI: _BotUI
if (typeof game.TrimpsTools === 'undefined') {
game.TrimpsTools = TrimpsTools;
if (typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined') unsafeWindow.TrimpsTools = TrimpsTools;
init: function () {
_BotUI._tStyleFix = setInterval(_BotUI.styleFix, 2000);
_BotUI._tTitimp = setInterval(_BotUI.titimpUpdate, 500);
setTimeout(function () {
_Log.println('Trimps BOT version ' + _GameHelpers.getBotVersion());
_BotStrategy.stop(); // start passive watcher
}, 1000);