ShadeRoot Greasyfork

Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Greasyfork

// Written by Glenn Wiking
// Script Version: 1.1.0d
// Date of issue: 18/02/16
// Date of resolution: 24/02/16
// ==UserScript==
// @name        ShadeRoot Greasyfork
// @namespace   SRGF
// @description Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Greasyfork
// @include     **
// @version     1.1.0d
// @icon

// ==/UserScript==

function ShadeRootGF(css) {
    var head, style;
    head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    if (!head) { return; }
    style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';
    style.innerHTML = css;

ShadeRootGF (
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	'.CodeRay .line-numbers, textarea {background-color: #481F1A !important; border: 1px #351111 !important;}'
	'#code-container, .CodeRay pre, .CodeRay code {background: #2D1008 !important; !important; border: 1px solid #2A140E !important;}'
	'.CodeRay, a.install-help-link {color: #EDD !important;}'
	'.CodeRay .integer {color: #E39634 !important; text-shadow: 0 0 1px #A82424 !important;}'
	'.CodeRay .key {color: #943DE4 !important;}'
	'.CodeRay .function {color: #147ED7 !important;}'
	'.CodeRay .predefined-constant {color: #6DB7F6 !important;}'
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	'.FlyoutMenu {background: #5f1717 !important; color: #f3cccc !important; border: solid 1px #380a0a !important;}'
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// ACE
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	'.ace-tm {background-color: #4A2E2E !important;}'
	'.form-control textarea, #ace-editor {color: #EDD !important;}'
	'.ace-tm .ace_gutter {background: #350707 !important; color: #D4C9C9 !important;}'
	'.ace_folding-enabled > .ace_gutter-cell {background: #2A1B1B !important;}'
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