4chan Image Viewer

Opens current thread Images in 4chan into a popup viewer, tested in Tampermonkey

< Feedback on 4chan Image Viewer

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2014-09-15

Works well

I like the speed resulting from image preload.

In Firefox, the "fit-image-to-width" does nothing - you might want to set max-width to the actual window width like you do with height. I wouldn't use that setting anyway though.

Remembering the image index is good, but it would also be good to be able to enter the viewer at an any desired point (beginning of thread, middle of thread, already-viewed image...)

At one point it got stuck (near beginning of thread) and clicking would either do nothing or return to the first image. If I run into it again I'll try to determine what scenario causes that.

Posted: 2014-09-18

@freecyber thanks for the comment. I'll have to work on something for width-fit for Firefox. It looks like it's an issue where Firefox is much more strict on how table content is styled and a table is what I use to center content vertically. I'll probably switch to something more modern like flexbox to fix it.

I'm not sure what a UI would look like for opening a thread at a desired point. I suppose I could do something like add a small button to thread posts with images to open it at that point, if that's what you were thinking.

Posted: 2014-09-18

Yes, that's what I had in mind. If you think it would be worthwhile.

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