Automatically selects professions for empty slots
< Σχολιασμός για τον κώδικα Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation
Not tested it, but...
If settings are Skip "??" and profession name isnot LEadership or Alchemy and ProfessionLevel is "??", then skip.
"|" (or) operator cuold be better, "&&"(and) cuold not work... I think you find logic there.
function searchForTask(taskname, profname, professionLevel) {
// Return first object that matches exact craft name
// skip task if proff.level20
if (settings['level_20_skip'] && profname != ('Leadership'|'Alchemy') && professionLevel > 19) {
console.log(profname, "is level", professionLevel, "skipping.");
return false;
if (settings['level_25_skip'] && profname != ('Leadership'|'Alchemy') && professionLevel > 24) {
console.log(profname, "is level", professionLevel, "skipping.");
return false;
Your example says,
If settings are Skip "??" and profession name isnot LEadership and profession name isnot Alchemy and ProfessionLevel is "??", then skip.
Iis basic javascript stuff but still I need test it before Im sure, ;).
Skip Level 20/Level 25 Questions
I have change the script to this so that leadership and alchemy are not bound by the Skip logic - it seems to work off and on. Can you verify this is correct?