GC - Universal Userscripts Settings

Library for adding a user interface to manage settings for grundos.cafe userscripts

Αυτός ο κώδικας δεν πρέπει να εγκατασταθεί άμεσα. Είναι μια βιβλιοθήκη για άλλους κώδικες που περιλαμβάνεται μέσω της οδηγίας meta // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/514423/1473491/GC%20-%20Universal%20Userscripts%20Settings.js

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GC - Universal Userscripts Settings


// @require script_url
// @grant GM.getValue (can be made optional)
// @grant GM.setValue (can be made optional)
// @match *://*.grundos.cafe/help/*/


Add your settings by calling addTextInput, addNumberInput, addCheckboxInput, or addDropdown with a configuration object.

Common Configuration Fields:

categoryName: The name of the category header for which to put the setting underneath.
settingName: This name will be used to get/set the setting unless a currentSetting or callbackFunction, respectively, is given.
labelText: The label text for the setting.
lableTooltip: The tooltip to display for more information when the label is clicked (optional)
defaultSetting: The default setting to show if the key does not exist or no currentSetting is supplied.
currentSetting: The current value of the setting, if none supplied it is retrieved with GM.getValue(settingName, defaultSetting).
callbackFunction: The function to call when the setting is updated. It will be called with settingName and the new value as arguments. If none supplied, the new value will be set with GM.setValue(settingName, value).

User Interface:

Settings will be added to /help/userscripts/ which is linked from various /help/*/ pages.