Google Language Switcher

Save and apply language preferences for Google Search, Maps, and YouTube

// ==UserScript==
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// @name         Google Language Switcher
// @namespace
// @version      0.5
// @description  Save and apply language preferences for Google Search, Maps, and YouTube
// @name:en      Google Language Switcher
// @description:en Save and apply language preferences for Google Search, Maps, and YouTube
// @name:es      Cambiador de idioma de Google
// @description:es Guarda y aplica preferencias de idioma para Google Search, Maps y YouTube
// @name:fr      Changeur de langue Google
// @description:fr Enregistrez et appliquez les préférences de langue pour Google Search, Maps et YouTube
// @name:de      Google-Sprachumschalter
// @description:de Speichern und Anwenden von Spracheinstellungen für Google Search, Maps und YouTube
// @name:it      Cambia lingua di Google
// @description:it Salva e applica le preferenze della lingua per Google Search, Maps e YouTube
// @name:pt      Alternador de idioma do Google
// @description:pt Salve e aplique preferências de idioma para Google Search, Maps e YouTube
// @name:ru      Переключатель языка Google
// @description:ru Сохраните и примените языковые предпочтения для Google Search, Maps и YouTube
// @name:ja      Google言語スイッチャー
// @description:ja Google検索、マップ、YouTubeの言語設定を保存して適用
// @name:ko      구글 언어 전환기
// @description:ko Google 검색, 지도 및 YouTube에 대한 언어 설정을 저장하고 적용
// @name:zh-cn   谷歌语言切换器
// @description:zh-cn 保存并应用Google搜索、地图和YouTube的语言偏好
// @name:zh-tw   谷歌語言切換器
// @description:zh-tw 保存並應用Google搜尋、地圖和YouTube的語言偏好
// @name:ar      مبدل لغة جوجل
// @description:ar احفظ وطبق تفضيلات اللغة لـ Google Search و Maps و YouTube
// @name:hi      गूगल भाषा स्विचर
// @description:hi Google Search, Maps और YouTube के लिए भाषा वरीयताओं को सहेजें और लागू करें
// @name:th      ตัวสลับภาษา Google
// @description:th บันทึกและใช้ค่ากำหนดภาษาใน Google Search, Maps และ YouTube
// @name:vi      Bộ chuyển đổi ngôn ngữ Google
// @description:vi Lưu và áp dụng các tùy chọn ngôn ngữ cho Google Search, Maps và YouTube
// @name:id      Pengalih Bahasa Google
// @description:id Simpan dan terapkan preferensi bahasa untuk Google Search, Maps, dan YouTube
// @name:ms      Penukar Bahasa Google
// @description:ms Simpan dan terapkan keutamaan bahasa untuk Google Search, Maps dan YouTube
// @name:tr      Google Dil Değiştirici
// @description:tr Google Search, Maps ve YouTube için dil tercihlerini kaydedin ve uygulayın
// @name:nl      Google Taalwisselaar
// @description:nl Sla taalvoorkeuren op en pas deze toe voor Google Zoeken, Maps en YouTube
// @name:pl      Przełącznik języka Google
// @description:pl Zapisz i zastosuj preferencje językowe dla Google Search, Maps i YouTube
// @author       TieuThanhNhi
// @copyright    2024, TieuThanhNhi (
// @license      MIT
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    const LANG_PARAM = 'hl';
    const STORAGE_KEY = 'googleLang';
        // ... (add other Google domains here)

    const languages = [
        { code: 'en', name: 'English' },
        { code: 'es', name: 'Español' },
        { code: 'fr', name: 'Français' },
        { code: 'de', name: 'Deutsch' },
        { code: 'it', name: 'Italiano' },
        { code: 'pt', name: 'Português' },
        { code: 'ru', name: 'Русский' },
        { code: 'ja', name: '日本語' },
        { code: 'ko', name: '한국어' },
        { code: 'zh-CN', name: '中文 (简体)' },
        { code: 'zh-TW', name: '中文 (繁體)' },
        { code: 'ar', name: 'العربية' },
        { code: 'hi', name: 'हिन्दी' },
        { code: 'th', name: 'ไทย' },
        { code: 'vi', name: 'Tiếng Việt' },
        { code: 'id', name: 'Bahasa Indonesia' },
        { code: 'ms', name: 'Bahasa Melayu' },
        { code: 'tr', name: 'Türkçe' },
        { code: 'nl', name: 'Nederlands' },
        { code: 'pl', name: 'Polski' },

    function addStyles() {
            .lang-switcher {
                position: fixed;
                top: 10px;
                right: 10px;
                z-index: 9999;
                padding: 5px;
                border-radius: 5px;
                background-color: #f8f9fa;
                border: 1px solid #dadce0;
                font-size: 14px;
                color: #202124;
                transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;
            .lang-switcher:hover {
                opacity: 1 !important;

    function createLanguageSwitcher() {
        const switcher = document.createElement('select');
        switcher.className = 'lang-switcher'; = '0.6';

        switcher.add(new Option('Select Language', ''));

        const savedLang = GM_getValue(STORAGE_KEY, '');

        languages.forEach(lang => {
            const option = new Option(, lang.code);
            if (lang.code === savedLang) {
                option.selected = true;

        switcher.addEventListener('change', handleLanguageChange);

    function handleLanguageChange(e) {
        const newLang =;
        if (newLang) {
            GM_setValue(STORAGE_KEY, newLang);

    function applyLanguage(lang) {
        const url = new URL(window.location.href);
        url.searchParams.set(LANG_PARAM, lang);
        window.location.href = url.toString();

    function isDomainSupported(hostname) {
        return SUPPORTED_DOMAINS.some(domain => hostname.endsWith(domain));

    function init() {
        if (!isDomainSupported(window.location.hostname)) return;

        const savedLang = GM_getValue(STORAGE_KEY, '');
        const currentLang = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get(LANG_PARAM);

        if (savedLang && savedLang !== currentLang) {
        } else {

    setTimeout(init, 1000);