屏蔽 CSDN 及其它垃圾信息

// ==UserScript==
// @name        屏蔽 CSDN
// @version
// @author      aaron
// @description 屏蔽 CSDN 及其它垃圾信息
// @match       https://www.baidu.com
// @match       https://www.baidu.com/s*
// @match       https://www.google.com
// @match       https://www.bing.com
// @match       https://www.bing.com/search*
// @match       https://www.google.com/search*
// @match       https://www.google.com.hk/search*
// @match       https://www.google.com.tw/search*
// @require     https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest

// @license     MIT

// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1249199
// ==/UserScript==

// @notes: 优化代码, 新增 Bing 搜索过滤

(function () {

    // 标题
    const titleArr = ["CSDN博客", "简书", "51CTO", "博客园", "软件园", "下载之家", "下载网",
        "百度健康", "快速问医生", "求医网", "求医问药", "家庭医生", "亿速云", "动力节点在线", "IT 技术博客",
        "千锋教育", "虎课网", "黑马程序员", "FinClip", "tie.pub", "php中文网", "mybj123.com", "脚本之家",
        "今日头条", "慕课网实战课程", "群英网络", "百度知道"];

    // 标题匹配正则
    const titleRegex = ["- csdn$"];

    // 描述
    const descArr = ["为您推荐的内容", "阿里云为您提供"];

    // 屏蔽来源(包含关键字则屏蔽)
    const sourceArr = ["博客园", "CSDN博客", "CSDN技术社区", "csdn.net", "百度知道", "腾讯云计算",
        "百度文库", "华军软件园", "当下软件园", "东坡下载站",
        "系统之家", "软件园", "/soft/", "软件", "下载网", "寻医",
        "健康", "健客网", "医生", "柠檬爱美", "紫一商城", "120.net", "求医", "宝宝知道", "58codes.com",
        "itgh.cn", "frontend.devrank.cn", "codeleading.com", "nzw6.com", "悠悠之家", "pythonjishu.com",
        "脚本之家", "jb51.net", "zhidao.baidu.com"];

    window.exec = function () {
        const searchEngines = {
                tag: 'div',
                id: 'content_left',
                className: 'result',
                contentTag: '.t',
            'google': {
                tag: 'div',
                id: 'center_col',
                className: 'MjjYud',
                contentTag: '.GTRloc',
            'bing': {
                tag: 'li',
                id: 'b_results',
                className: 'b_algo',
                contentTag: '.tptt',
        const selectorID = {
                content: document.getElementById(`${searchEngines.baidu.id}`),
            'google': {
                content: document.getElementById(`${searchEngines.google.id}`),
            'bing': {
                content: document.getElementById(`${searchEngines.bing.id}`),

        const selectors = {
                documents: $(selectorID.baidu.content).find(`${searchEngines.baidu.tag}[class*=${searchEngines.baidu.className}]`)
            'google': {
                documents: $(selectorID.google.content).find(`${searchEngines.google.tag}[class*=${searchEngines.google.className}]`)
            'bing': {
                documents: $(selectorID.bing.content).find(`${searchEngines.bing.tag}[class*=${searchEngines.bing.className}]`)

        if (selectorID.baidu.content) {
            for (let i = selectors.baidu.documents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                isRemove(selectors.baidu.documents[i], searchEngines.baidu.contentTag);
        if(selectorID.google.content) {
            for (let i = selectors.google.documents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                isRemove(selectors.google.documents[i], searchEngines.google.contentTag);
        if(selectorID.bing.content) {
            for (let i = selectors.bing.documents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                isRemove(selectors.bing.documents[i], searchEngines.bing.contentTag);

    function isRemove(document, selector) {
        const title = getTitle(document, selector);
        const desc = getDesc(document);
        const source = getSource(document);

        const removeByArray = (text, arr, type) => {
            for (const element of arr) {
                if (text.includes(element)) {

        if (title) {
            for (const element of titleRegex) {
                if (new RegExp(element).test(title)) {
            removeByArray(title, titleArr, 'title');

        if (desc) {
            removeByArray(desc, descArr, 'desc');

        if (source) {
            removeByArray(source, sourceArr, 'source');

     * 获取文章信息
     * @param {string} element
     * @param {string} selector
     * @returns {string}
    function getArticleInfo(element, selector) {
        try {
            const selectedElement = element.querySelector(selector);
            return selectedElement ? selectedElement.innerText : "";
        } catch (error) {
            handleError(`get ${element} or ${selector} error`, error);
        return "";

     * 获取文章标题
     * @param {string} element
     * @param {string} selector
     * @returns {string}
    function getTitle(element, selector) {
        return getArticleInfo(element, selector);

     * 获取文章描述
     * @param {*} element
     * @returns {string}
    function getDesc(element) {
        return getArticleInfo(element, 'span[class*="content"]');

     * 获取文章来源
     * @param {*} element
     * @returns {string}
    function getSource(element) {
        return getArticleInfo(element, 'div[class*="source"]');

     * 通用错误处理函数
     * @param {string} message
     * @param {Error} error
    function handleError(message, error) {
        console.error(`${message}`, error);

     * 屏蔽内容
    function hiddenContent() {
        let timer;

        document.body.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", (e) => {
            if (timer) {
            timer = window.setTimeout(() => {
            }, 100);

    $(function () {
