Bulk Upvoter for Reddit

Upvote a whole page of posts or comments with the click of a button! Includes support for whitelists and blacklists, hotkeys, and saving settings to file. Now works on old, new, and vanilla Reddit!

Αυτές είναι εκδόσεις αυτού του κώδικα όπου ο κώδικας έχει ενημερωθεί. Προβολή όλων των εκδόσεων.

  • v1.5.3 09/04/2024

    2024-04-08: "Save Config to File" relabeled "Export Config to File".

  • v1.5.2 04/02/2024

    2-4-2024: The logic for checking subreddit pages on New Reddit is also being applied to user pages on that site, since it turned out to be necessary.

  • v1.5.1 01/02/2024

    1-31-2024: Fixed mistake in previous update's page detection rule.

  • v1.5 31/01/2024

    1-31-2024: Changed the logic for how New Reddit subreddit pages are handled. Posts on those pages contain a second hidden set of arrows, which means these pages need to be handled differently.

  • v1.4.1 30/01/2024

    1-30-2024, ten minutes later: I forgot to update the matching logic so the lists would work with Old and New Reddit. That's showbusiness. I fixed it.

  • v1.4 30/01/2024

    Update 1-30-2024, later: In my last update, I failed to make the config tab appear on the settings pages for Old and New Reddit. I have fixed this oversight.

  • v1.3 30/01/2024

    Update 1-30-2024: The new Reddit redesign necessitated a new version of Bulk Upvoter for Reddit that could penetrate all the unnecessary shadow DOM elements. While I was modifying things, I updated the script to be compatible with old.reddit.com and new.reddit.com.

    NOTE: Due to browser limitations, sharing settings automatically between different versions of Reddit is impractical. However, the script allows you to export and import settings for easy migration.

    Update 1-27-2024: In cases where a post is displayed on top of another page, only the comments in that post will be upvoted, and the background page will be left alone.

  • v1.2 27/01/2024
  • v1.1.1 19/01/2024
  • v1.1 18/01/2024
  • v1.0 17/01/2024