Shell Shockers Basic Aimbot + ESP: LibertyMutualV1

UPDATED FOR 0.50.0! Fed up of a popular script injecting ads into your game? Need a simple script to modify or use? FOSS ESP, Tracers and Aimbot. Hold right mouse button to aimlock.

Εγκατάσταση αυτού του κώδικαΒοήθεια
Κώδικας προτεινόμενος από τον δημιιουργό

Μπορεί, επίσης, να σας αρέσει ο κώδικας Shell Shockers Aimbot & ESP: StateFarm Client V3 - Bloom, Chat, Botting, Unban & More,

Εγκατάσταση αυτού του κώδικα
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Shell Shockers Basic Aimbot + ESP: LibertyMutualV1
// @namespace
// @license      GPL-3.0
// @version      1.3.1
// @author       onlypuppy7
// @description  UPDATED FOR 0.50.0! Fed up of a popular script injecting ads into your game? Need a simple script to modify or use? FOSS ESP, Tracers and Aimbot. Hold right mouse button to aimlock.
// @match*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @icon
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

//Usage: Hold right mouse button to aimlock
//This script is more of a template than a functioning tool. If you're modifying this, you can add a GUI to start!

(function () {
    let originalReplace = String.prototype.replace;

    String.prototype.originalReplace = function() {
        return originalReplace.apply(this, arguments);

    const enableESP=true; //turn to false for off
    const enableTracers=true; //turn to false for off

    //Credit for script injection code: AI. ChatGPT prompt: "tampermonkey script. how can i make it grab a javascript file as it's loaded. if it detects the javascript file, make it apply modifications to it via regex? using XMLHttpRequest"
    //Credit for idea to use XMLHttpRequest: A3+++
    const originalXHROpen =;
    const originalXHRGetResponse = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'response');
    let shellshockjs = function(...args) {
        const url = args[1];
        if (url && url.includes("js/shellshock.js")) {
            shellshockjs = this;
        originalXHROpen.apply(this, args);
    Object.defineProperty(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'response', {
        get: function() {
            if (this===shellshockjs) {
                return applyLibertyMutual(;
    let F=[];
    let H={};
    let functionNames=[];
    let ESPArray=[];
    let RMB=false;

    //Credit: AI. ChatGPT prompt: "make javascript tampermonkey code that sets a variable RMB to true while right mouse button is being held"
    document.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) {
        if (event.button === 2) {
            RMB = true;
    }, true);

    document.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) {
        if (event.button === 2) {
            RMB = false;
    }, true);

    //scrambled... geddit????
    const getScrambled=function(){return Array.from({length: 10}, () => String.fromCharCode(97 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 26))).join('')}
    const createAnonFunction=function(name,func){
        const funcName=getScrambled();
    const findKeyWithProperty = function(obj, propertyToFind) {
        for (const key in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                if (key === propertyToFind) {
                    return [key];
                } else if (
                    typeof obj[key] === 'object' &&
                    obj[key] !== null &&
                ) {
                    return key;
        // Property not found
        return null;
    const fetchTextContent = function(url) {
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false); // Make the request synchronous
        if (xhr.status === 200) {
            return xhr.responseText;
        } else {
            console.error("Error fetching text content. Status:", xhr.status);
            return null;

    const applyLibertyMutual = function(js) {

        let hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(js).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
        let clientKeys;
        onlineClientKeys = fetchTextContent(""+hash+".json"); //credit: me :D

        if (onlineClientKeys == "value_undefined" || onlineClientKeys == null) {
            let userInput = prompt('Valid keys could not be retrieved online. Enter keys if you have them. Join the StateFarm Network Discord server to generate keys!', '');
            if (userInput !== null && userInput !== '') {
                alert('Aight, let\'s try this. If it is invalid, it will just crash.');
                clientKeys = JSON.parse(userInput);
            } else {
                alert('You did not enter anything, this is gonna crash lmao.');
        } else {
            clientKeys = JSON.parse(onlineClientKeys);

        H = clientKeys.vars;

        let injectionString="";
        const modifyJS = function(find,replace) {
            let oldJS = js;
            js = js.originalReplace(find,replace);
            if (oldJS !== js) {
                console.log("%cReplacement successful! Injected code: "+replace, 'color: green; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.6em; text-decoration: italic;');
            } else {
                console.log("%cReplacement failed! Attempted to replace "+find+" with: "+replace, 'color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.6em; text-decoration: italic;');

        console.log('%cATTEMPTING TO START LIBERTYMUTUAL', 'color: magenta; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; text-decoration: underline;');
        const variableNameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*$/;
        for (let name in H) {
            deobf = H[name];
            if (variableNameRegex.test(deobf)) {
                injectionString = `${injectionString}${name}: (() => { try { return ${deobf}; } catch (error) { return "value_undefined"; } })(),`;
            } else {
                alert("Message from the LibertyMutual Devs: WARNING! The keys inputted contain non-variable characters! There is a possibility that this could run code unintended by the LibertyMutual team, although possibly there is also a mistake. Do NOT proceed with using this, and report to the LibertyMutual developers what is printed in the console.");
                console.log("REPORT THIS IN THE DISCORD SERVER:", clientKeys);
                const crashplease = "balls";
                crashplease = "balls2";
        console.log('%cLIBERTYMUTUAL INJECTION: INJECT VAR RETRIEVAL FUNCTION AND MAIN LOOP', 'color: yellow; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-decoration: underline;');
        console.log('%cSuccess! Variable retrieval and main loop hooked.', 'color: green; font-weight: bold;');
        console.log('%cSuccess! Cull inhibition hooked.', 'color: green; font-weight: bold;');
        modifyJS("Not playing in iframe", "LIBERTYMUTUAL ACTIVE!");
        // console.log(js);
        return js;

    createAnonFunction("retrieveFunctions",function(vars) { ss=vars ; F.LIBERTYMUTUAL() });

    createAnonFunction("LIBERTYMUTUAL",function() {
        // globalSS = ss;
            if (PLAYER.hasOwnProperty("ws")) {
                ss.MYPLAYER = PLAYER
        }); = findKeyWithProperty(ss.MYPLAYER,H.mesh);

        let TARGETED;
        let CROSSHAIRS=new BABYLON.Vector3();

        // eye level
        CROSSHAIRS.y += 0.4;
        const forwardOffset = -5; 
        const yaw = ss.MYPLAYER[H.yaw];
        const pitch = -ss.MYPLAYER[H.pitch];
        const forwardX = Math.sin(yaw) * Math.cos(pitch);
        const forwardY = Math.sin(pitch);
        const forwardZ = Math.cos(yaw) * Math.cos(pitch);
        CROSSHAIRS.x += forwardX * forwardOffset;
        CROSSHAIRS.y += forwardY * forwardOffset;
        CROSSHAIRS.z += forwardZ * forwardOffset;

        let minValue=99999;
            if (PLAYER) {
                //Partial credit for enemy player filtering: PacyTense. Also just common sense.
                if ((PLAYER!==ss.MYPLAYER) && ((||(! {
                    //ESP CODE
                    if ((!PLAYER.generatedESP)) {
                        //Credit for box from lines code: AI. ChatGPT prompt: "how can i create a box out of lines in babylon.js?"
                        //ESP BOXES
                        const boxSize = {width: 0.4, height: 0.65, depth: 0.4};
                        const vertices = [
                            new BABYLON.Vector3(-boxSize.width / 2, 0, -boxSize.depth / 2),
                            new BABYLON.Vector3(boxSize.width / 2, 0, -boxSize.depth / 2),
                            new BABYLON.Vector3(boxSize.width / 2, 0 + boxSize.height, -boxSize.depth / 2),
                            new BABYLON.Vector3(-boxSize.width / 2, 0 + boxSize.height, -boxSize.depth / 2),
                            new BABYLON.Vector3(-boxSize.width / 2, 0, boxSize.depth / 2),
                            new BABYLON.Vector3(boxSize.width / 2, 0, boxSize.depth / 2),
                            new BABYLON.Vector3(boxSize.width / 2, 0 + boxSize.height, boxSize.depth / 2),
                            new BABYLON.Vector3(-boxSize.width / 2, 0 + boxSize.height, boxSize.depth / 2),
                        const lines = [];
                        for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                            lines.push([vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4]]);
                            lines.push([vertices[i + 4], vertices[(i + 1) % 4 + 4]]);
                            lines.push([vertices[i], vertices[i + 4]]);
                        const box = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLineSystem(getScrambled(), { lines }, PLAYER[].scene);
                        //ChatGPT prompt: "how can i make an object anchored to another object, change its color, and have it render on top of everything else? babylon.js"
                        box.color = new BABYLON.Color3(1, 1, 1);
                        box.renderingGroupId = 1;
                        //TRACER LINES
                        const tracers=BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines('lines', { points: [PLAYER[][H.mesh].position, CROSSHAIRS] }, PLAYER[].scene);
                        tracers.color=new BABYLON.Color3(1, 1, 1);
                        tracers.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = true;
                    //update the lines
                    PLAYER.tracers.setVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.PositionKind, [CROSSHAIRS.x, CROSSHAIRS.y, CROSSHAIRS.z, PLAYER[][H.mesh].position.x, PLAYER[][H.mesh].position.y, PLAYER[][H.mesh].position.z]);

                    //AIMBOT CODE
                    //Credit: This section is mostly common sense, and could be made by most decent programmers. It is still worth mentioning PacyTense used a functionally equivalent thing similar to this this before me 4 years ago.
                    const distance=Math.hypot(PLAYER[H.x]-ss.MYPLAYER[H.x], PLAYER[H.y]-ss.MYPLAYER[H.y], PLAYER[H.z]-ss.MYPLAYER[H.z]);

                    if (distance<minValue) {
            if (RMB && TARGETED && TARGETED[H.playing]) {
                //3D maths
                const directionVector={
                    [H.x]: -(TARGETED[H.x]-ss.MYPLAYER[H.x]),
                    [H.y]: -(TARGETED[H.y]-ss.MYPLAYER[H.y]-0.05),
                    [H.z]: -(TARGETED[H.z]-ss.MYPLAYER[H.z]),
        for ( let i=0;i<ESPArray.length;i++) {
            if (ESPArray[i][2] && ESPArray[i][2].timecode==timecode) { //still exists
            } else {
                //Credit for info: AI. ChatGPT prompt: "how can i delete an object in babylon.js?"
    createAnonFunction("setPrecision",function (value) { return Math.floor(value * 8192) / 8192 }); //required precision
    createAnonFunction("calculateYaw",function (pos) {
        return F.setPrecision(Math.mod(Math.atan2(pos[H.x],pos[H.z]), Math.PI2));
    createAnonFunction("calculatePitch",function (pos) {
        return F.setPrecision(-Math.atan2(pos[H.y],Math.hypot(pos[H.x],pos[H.z]))%1.5);