Greasy Fork is available in English.

Gitlab Schedule Duplicator

The [gs-duplicator] is a utility tool for GitLab that simplifies the duplication, creation, and updating of GitLab pipeline schedules. Its key features include cloning schedules with identical configurations, editing schedules using dropdown options derived from variable descriptions, and downloading schedule configurations as .env files for backup and transfer. The gs-duplicator aims to streamline and optimize the GitLab workflow, providing users with an efficient and user-friendly experience.

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Δημοσίευση αναφοράς, σχολίου ή ερώτησης

Αν νομίζετε ότι ο κώδικας παραβιάζει τους κανόνες του Greasy Fork, υποβάλετε αναφορά απομάκρυνσης.

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