[GMT] Tags Helper

Improvements for working with groups of tags + increased efficiency of new requests creation

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Εφαρμόζεται σε
  • Alt+click to tags line of chosen album for copy them to clipboard in comma-separated textual form
  • Ctrl+Alt+click to tags line of chosen album for creating new request form with these tags pre-filled
  • on artist profile page, collage view page, request view page and torrent view page, tags box gets a button to copy all listed tags in comma-separated textual form to clipboard
  • Drag & drop active link to tags line of chosen album to create request using these tags -- the tags line gets highlighted on trigger (requires the Upload Assistant script for collaboration)

On older browsers, all mouse click actions also can be invoked from context menu on the tags line (artist profile page)

On pages with tags text input, paste/drop string with genres/styles, the script will try to parse and normalize them to tags format. Multiple genres in this string can be delimited by newlines, commas, semilocons or '|'.

  • Tag inputs, tags areas => paste/drop genres list to get it normalized to Gazelle format
  • [RED only] Ctrl+drop other tags/genres list to tags area => add as tags to the group directly (API key must be configured as redacted_api_key)
  • on usual forms using tags input (ie. add tags to release group or search forms), the tags input gets normalized to Gazelle format on submit