Auto-like YouTube video if you are subscribed to the author's channel. Or can set an option to like all videos regardless if you are subrscribed or not.
< Σχολιασμός για τον κώδικα YouTube autolike
I think you might try changing window.ytInitialPlayerResponse
to document.querySelector('ytd-page-manager#page-manager').data.playerResponse
I think you might try changing window.ytInitialPlayerResponse to document.querySelector('ytd-page-manager#page-manager').data.playerResponse Like this? (watch the img attached)
getObjectProperty(document.querySelector('ytd-page-manager#page-manager').data.playerResponse, 'annotations.0.playerAnnotationsExpandedRenderer.featuredChannel.subscribeButton.subscribeButtonRenderer.subscribed');
I'm using violentmonkey with Chrome
it might be due to youtube's new layout. try
The script has been updated and works again. I'll work ASAP on a way to add option panel to set if you want to like all the videos or not. For next issues, please go on because greasyfork does not notify me when I have a new comment.
I've updated the script and now you have a Configuration menu under my script when you click on the Tampermonkey extension icon. This appears only when you are on a YouTube page.
I've updated the script and now you have a Configuration menu under my script when you click on the Tampermonkey extension icon. This appears only when you are on a YouTube page.
thank uuu 😍
It doesn't work anymore :(
Is there a way to choose if put like to all the videos and not only if you're subscribed?