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Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.1 2024-05-11

< Σχολιασμός για τον κώδικα Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Αναφορά: Καλός - ο κώδικας λειτουργεί

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 23/02/2017

FireFox Sync Perma-Ban list ?!

would be great :}

Jefferson ScherΔημιουργός
Δημοσιεύτηκε: 23/02/2017

Hi Tilly, I haven't tried using Firefox Sync for Add-ons. What is your experience? Does the script synchronize without any settings, or with some settings but without the block list? Or is the script not synchronizing at all?

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 20/06/2024


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