Remove Swipe Div Java Script - Removes the div with class "swipe van-swipe"
Remove Gallery and Magnifier Buttons Java Script - Removes gallery and magnifier buttons from the page
Remove Entry Meta Element Java Script - Removes specified entry meta element from the page
Remove Breadcrumb Element Java Script - Removes specified breadcrumb element from the page
Remove Menu Bar Elements Java Script - Removes specified elements from the menu bar
Remove Navbar Elements Java Script - Removes specified elements from the navbar
Remove menu bar Java Script - Remove the menu bar from a web page
Remove ad div element Java Script - Remove ad div element from the webpage
绅士漫画头部广告 Java Script - Remove ad div element from the webpage
头部 Java Script - Remove ad div element from the webpage
底部ad Java Script - Removes all code containing the href attribute from the page
滑动器6 Java Script - 控制网页自动向上滑动的速度
Remove Axutongxue Ads Java Script - Remove ads from axutongxue website
Remove Axutongxue Java Script - Remove ads from axutongxue website