Block ads on bitcointalk. Java Script - is filled with scammy ads. free yourself from the noise.
Resizer for Java Script - Make comic book pages fit on screen, because you're worth it.
manga sites tweaks Java Script - image loading indicators, prevent headers from being sticky
Add button to move widget bar to left side - Java Script - Allows user to move widgets like the chatbox to the left side of the app.
Stop game info labels from overlapping games on Java Script - put the game info labels above the game rather than fixed to the right side, which can overlap with narrow widths
Usability Tweaks for Manga sites. Java Script - Keyboard navigation, inertial drag scrolling, page rotation, chapter preloading and chapter tracking for MangaStream sites, like Asura Scans, Flame Scans, Void Scans, Luminous Scans, Shima Scans, Night Scans, Freak Scans.
Custom Logo picker for Java Script - We've got birds! old birds, new birds, even pigeons! new competitors, dead competitors, federated competitors!
Installability Java Script - Every web page is an installable app! Generate or repair a Web Manifest for any web page.
MiddleMan Sandbox Java Script - A test script for the middleman library. See for details.
Unshortcut links on Java Script - replace musky links with actual links to actual web sites
Loop exercise videos Java Script - Exercise videos will loop, press space to start playing, press F for full screen.
Itsnotlupus' Tiny Utilities Java Script (Bibliothek) - small utilities that I'm tired of digging from old scripts to put in new ones.
ModuleRaid with unsafeWindow Java Script (Bibliothek) - This is build 5.1.2 of pixeldesu's moduleraid, patched to target unsafeWindow to work consistently within userscripts
Itsnotlupus' I18N Support Java Script (Bibliothek) - no budget? no translators? no problem.
Itsnotlupus' MiddleMan Java Script (Bibliothek) - inspect/intercept/modify any network requests
Itsnotlupus' React Tools Java Script (Bibliothek) - Observe, inspect and perhaps modify a React tree through the React DevTools Hook