Rotten Tomatoes Link On IMDb

Adds a direct link to the corresponding Rotten Tomatoes movie description page for every IMDb movie

< Rückmeldungen aufRotten Tomatoes Link On IMDb

Rezension: Fehler - Skript funktioniert nicht

Veröffentlicht: 22.04.2019

Doesn't work

Nothing shows up using Firefox 66 and Greasemonkey 4.7

Veröffentlicht: 24.01.2021

Hi, you likely tried the script while OMDb was limiting access to their API, so this script could not work anymore. This was adressed in the meantime.

There are also movies (especially new movies) for which OMDb does not even have a link to RT yet, in which case the tomato won't be shown either.

You can check your browser console to see what's happening.

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