CH Plaintext HIT Export

Export HIT information in multi-line plain text format.

Dies sind alle Versionen des Skriptes. Nur Versionen anzeigen, bei denen sich der Quelltext geändert hat.

  • v1.7.1c 16.10.2016
  • v1.7.1c 05.10.2015 TO server sequence swap due to protracted mirror downtime
  • v1.7c 21.07.2015 modifications to handle Amazon's 7/20/2015 removal of requester ID and HITs Available data when logged out, and reworked a lot of code readability
  • v1.6c 03.06.2015
  • v1.6c 03.06.2015 on 6/2/2015, Amazon screwed with stuff that messed up exporting HITs you don't qualify for; this update fixes that
  • v1.5c 08.03.2015 added error handling so script shouldn't hang when servers are unreachable, and failover to main TO server when mirror is down
  • v1.4c 23.02.2015 compatibility improvements: this script can be used with 'mmmturkeybacon Last HITs Previewed', if 'Last HITs Previewed' comes first in your execution order
  • v1.3c 13.02.2015 now displays a dialog box to (re-)copy the text from yourself (like Great HIT Export does)
  • v1.2c 27.01.2015
  • v1.2c 27.01.2015 handling of logged-out usage (note: some HITs have no way to get a preview link when logged out, so the requester link is substituted on those)
  • v1.1c 15.01.2015 handling of 'notqualified' links
  • v1.0c 07.01.2015
  • v1.0c 22.12.2014