Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

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Veröffentlicht: 24.01.2015


Looks like we got whole new challenge, Mod6 upcoming changes

  • Professions can now all reach level 25 (currently still in development)

So keeping bot running can became more necessary than new features... well, need just see new stuff!!!

Veröffentlicht: 25.01.2015

sweeet, i didnt know about that. Damn i hope they add more AD rewards higher then 1600 per 12 hours!

Veröffentlicht: 03.02.2015
Bearbeitet: 03.02.2015

Well, it seems that we got Alchemy lvl25 first and Enhanced Superior Potions... Leatherworking, Platesmithing, Weaponsmithing, but what are benefits to reach higher level? seems Mustex/Bunta did script well, just add tasks in list if want level professions, maybe lvl25 will be different tasklist?

Veröffentlicht: 03.02.2015
Bearbeitet: 03.02.2015

Alchemy 0 - 25, list done.

(alchemy tasks also worked, some exotic materials needs long play to get)

If you do other mod6 professions (level 20 - 25) list, post task names here.

It looks that other profession tasks might be better keep out from "default" tasklist, because they need special ingredients, but need look that later.

Veröffentlicht: 04.02.2015

where did u get ur information from, is new portal available somewhere?

Veröffentlicht: 04.02.2015
where did u get ur information from, is new portal available somewhere?

You told me, ;D...

Preview Server should be up tomorrow:

Testing it here, best place to test some "autoselling" so dont make real damage and filters prevents most damage if sell list set ".*" or "_"...

Go Arc and transfer one or more "copy of your character" to server. Keep Live and Test gateway separated, make portable chrome installation or use same its after you.(they dont affect each other but if YOU mixup them...)

Here is one "test subject", use testing only,

Veröffentlicht: 09.02.2015
Bearbeitet: 09.02.2015

Extract profession names from gateway, array gives some trash but you get all names.

@kakoura, you lost -Crown of Profession list maker_ to script... :(

It can fetch more information but array need adjust, below is code and after that is list generated with it, it must run when you are in profession task folder with browser. change folder and profession name to get other names.

var tasks = unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.craftinglist['craft_' + 'Weaponsmithing'].entries.filter(function(entry) { return entry.def && entry.def.displayname; });//var tasks = unsafeWindow.client.dataModel.model.craftinglist['craft_' + 'Artificing'];
tasks.forEach(function (main) {
     main.consumables.forEach(function (slotconsum){ 
        main.rewards.forEach(function (slotrewards){
// consumables, rewards contain arrays, array[0] contains "hdef" what is needed and "Residoom" is string what can be searched form "consumables" and print if exist 
            console.log("LVL:" + main.def.requiredrank,",name:"+'"'+main.def.displayname+'"',"taskname:"+'"''".'/*,",SELL_list name:"+ slotrewards.hdef,"Required crafted item:"+ slotconsum.hdef*/);});});});

List needs small edit and its printed multiple times.... :(

LVL:5 ,name:"Short Sword +2" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Shortsword_Blue_2".
LVL:10 ,name:"Battleaxe +3" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Battleaxe_Blue_3".
LVL:10 ,name:"Greatsword +3" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Greatsword_Blue_3".
LVL:10 ,name:"Short Sword +3" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier2_Shortsword_Blue_3".
LVL:16 ,name:"Sword Knot +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Swordknot_Blue_4".
LVL:1 ,name:"Craft Iron Blades and Pine Hafts" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Refine_Basic".
LVL:1 ,name:"Mass Iron Blades and Pine Hafts crafting" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Refine_Basic_Mass".
LVL:1 ,name:"Dagger +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Dagger_1".
LVL:1 ,name:"Greatsword +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Greatsword_1".
LVL:1 ,name:"Longbow +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Longbow_1".
LVL:1 ,name:"Longsword +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Longsword_1".
LVL:1 ,name:"Mace +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Mace_1".
LVL:2 ,name:"Iron and Pine Trading" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Gather_Special".
LVL:2 ,name:"Battleaxe +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Battleaxe_1".
LVL:2 ,name:"Greataxe +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Greataxe_1".
LVL:2 ,name:"Short Sword +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Shortsword_1".
LVL:2 ,name:"Blades +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Blades_1".
LVL:3 ,name:"Iron Blades and Pine Hafts trading" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Refine_Special".
LVL:3 ,name:"Sword Knot +1" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Swordknot_1".
LVL:3 ,name:"Upgrade Weaponsmith" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Recruit_Master_Blue".
LVL:3 ,name:"Trade Iron Anvils for a Steel Anvil" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Trade_Anvil_Blue".
LVL:3 ,name:"Trade Iron Grindstones for a Steel Grindstone" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Trade_Grindstone_Blue".
LVL:3 ,name:"Trade Iron Hammers for Steel Hammer" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Trade_Hammer_Blue".
LVL:4 ,name:"Dagger +2" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Dagger_2".
LVL:4 ,name:"Greatsword +2" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Greatsword_2".
LVL:4 ,name:"Longbow +2" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Longbow_2".
LVL:4 ,name:"Longsword +2" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Longsword_2".
LVL:4 ,name:"Mace +2" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier1_Mace_2".
LVL:18 ,name:"Archer's Blades +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Blades_Set_2".
LVL:19 ,name:"Soldier's Sword Knot +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Swordknot_Set_2".
LVL:20 ,name:"Dagger of Aryvandaar" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_P_Dagger_Purple_Special".
LVL:20 ,name:"Greatsword of Aryvandaar" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Greatsword_Purple_Special".
LVL:20 ,name:"Longbow of Aryvandaar" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Longbow_Purple".
LVL:20 ,name:"Longsword of Aryvandaar" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Longsword_Purple".
LVL:20 ,name:"Defender's Longsword +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Longsword_Set_3".
LVL:20 ,name:"Defender's Mace +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Mace_Set_3".
LVL:20 ,name:"Soldier's Greatsword +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Greatsword_Set_3".
LVL:20 ,name:"Vagabond's Dagger +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Dagger_Set_3".
LVL:20 ,name:"Warden's Blades +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Blades_Set_3".
LVL:20 ,name:"Warden's Longbow +4" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier3_Longbow_Set_3".
LVL:21 ,name:"Craft Mithral Blades and Phandar Hafts" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Refine_Basic".
LVL:21 ,name:"Mass Blades and Hafts Crafting" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Refine_Basic_Mass".
LVL:21 ,name:"Elemental Dagger" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Dagger_4".
LVL:21 ,name:"Elemental Greatsword" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Greatsword_4".
LVL:21 ,name:"Elemental Longbow" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Longbow_4".
LVL:21 ,name:"Elemental Longsword" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Longsword_4".
LVL:21 ,name:"Elemental Mace" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Mace_4".
LVL:21 ,name:"Elemental Mithral and Phandar Trading" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Gather_Special".
LVL:22 ,name:"Elemental Battleaxe" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Battleaxe_4".
LVL:22 ,name:"Elemental Greataxe" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Greataxe_4".
LVL:22 ,name:"Elemental Short Sword" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Shortsword_4".
LVL:22 ,name:"Elemental Blades" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Blades_4".
LVL:23 ,name:"Elemental Sword Knot" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Swordknot_4".
LVL:23 ,name:"Archer's Elemental Longbow" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Longbow_Set_2".
LVL:23 ,name:"Berserker's Elemental Greatsword" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Greatsword_Set_2".
LVL:23 ,name:"Knight's Elemental Mace" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Mace_Set_2".
LVL:23 ,name:"Prowler's Elemental Dagger" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Dagger_Set_2".
LVL:23 ,name:"Warrior's Elemental Longsword" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Longsword_Set_2".
LVL:24 ,name:"Berserker's Elemental Greataxe" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Greataxe_Set_2".
LVL:24 ,name:"Elemental Warrior's Battleaxe" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Battleaxe_Set_2".
LVL:24 ,name:"Prowler's Elemental Short Sword" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Shortsword_Set_2".
LVL:24 ,name:"Soldier's Elemental Sword Knot" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Swordknot_Set_2".
LVL:24 ,name:"Elemental Archer's Blades" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Blades_Set_2".
LVL:25 ,name:"Defender's Elemental Longsword" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Longsword_Set_3".
LVL:25 ,name:"Radiant Elemental Mace" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Mace_Set_3".
LVL:25 ,name:"Soldier's Elemental Greatsword" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Greatsword_Set_3".
LVL:25 ,name:"Vagabond's Elemental Dagger" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Dagger_Set_3".
LVL:25 ,name:"Warden's Elemental Blades" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Blades_Set_3".
LVL:25 ,name:"Warden's Elemental Longbow" taskname:"Weaponsmithing_Tier4_Longbow_Set_3". 

Veröffentlicht: 09.02.2015

@kakoura, you lost -Crown of Profession list maker_ to script... :(
what do you mean? if your english is not good please type in your native language and i will try to translate. cause this sentence doesnt make sense to me what you mean.

Veröffentlicht: 09.02.2015
Bearbeitet: 09.02.2015
@kakoura, you lost -Crown of Profession list maker_ to script... :( what do you mean? if your english is not good please type in your native language and i will try to translate. cause this sentence doesnt make sense to me what you mean.

xD, local joke and hard to translate, but everyone loves it.(short terms, Automation makes "drudge" unemployed or something like that)

I asked before, -was there script what can extract Profession names from web site and you responeded, -no, its done by hand... very hard job to extract all names by hand (respect), now it can be done with script.

Maybe local humor is twisted.

Script what can do job must be corrected, I did arrays wrong way and list is hard to read, but easier understand than local humor... so its good then.


Veröffentlicht: 09.02.2015

very good to hear for the auto.

Veröffentlicht: 09.02.2015
very good to hear for the auto.

Test it,

, its like new toy.

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