
The ultimate URL purifier

Version vom 02.05.2024. Aktuellste Version

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/492078/1369519/pURLfy.js

class Purlfy extends EventTarget {
    fetchEnabled = false;
    lambdaEnabled = false;
    maxIterations = 5;
    #log = console.log.bind(console, "\x1b[38;2;220;20;60m[pURLfy]\x1b[0m");
    #fetch = fetch;
    #acts = {
        "url": decodeURIComponent,
        "base64": s => decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(s.replaceAll('_', '/').replaceAll('-', '+')))),
        "slice": (s, start, end) => s.slice(parseInt(start), end ? parseInt(end) : undefined),
        "regex": (s, regex) => {
            const r = new RegExp(regex);
            const m = s.match(r);
            return m ? m[0] : "";
        "dom": (s) => new DOMParser().parseFromString(s, "text/html"),
        "sel": (s, selector) => s.querySelector(selector),
        "attr": (e, attr) => e.getAttribute(attr),
        "text": (e) => e.textContent,
    #zeroStatistics = {
        url: 0,
        param: 0,
        decoded: 0,
        redirected: 0,
        visited: 0,
        char: 0
    #statistics = { ...this.#zeroStatistics };
    #rules = {};
    #AsyncFunction = async function () { }.constructor;

    constructor(options) {
        this.fetchEnabled = options?.fetchEnabled ?? this.fetchEnabled;
        this.lambdaEnabled = options?.lambdaEnabled ?? this.lambdaEnabled;
        this.maxIterations = options?.maxIterations ?? this.maxIterations;
        Object.assign(this.#statistics, options?.statistics);
        this.#log = options?.log ?? this.#log;
        this.#fetch = options?.fetch ?? this.#fetch;

    clearStatistics() {
        const increment = {};
        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.#statistics)) {
            increment[key] = -value;

    clearRules() {
        this.#rules = {};

    getStatistics() {
        return { ...this.#statistics };

    importRules(rules) {
        Object.assign(this.#rules, rules);

    #udfOrType(value, type) { // If the given value is of the given type or undefined
        return value === undefined || typeof value === type;

    #validRule(rule) { // Check if the given rule is valid
        if (!rule || !rule.mode || !rule.description || !rule.author) return false;
        switch (rule.mode) {
            case "white":
            case "black":
                return Array.isArray(rule.params) && this.#udfOrType(rule.std, "boolean");
            case "param":
                return Array.isArray(rule.params) && (rule.acts === undefined || Array.isArray(rule.acts)) && this.#udfOrType(rule.continue, "boolean");
            case "regex":
                return Array.isArray(rule.regex) && Array.isArray(rule.replace) && this.#udfOrType(rule.continue, "boolean") && rule.regex.length === rule.replace.length;
            case "redirect":
                return this.fetchEnabled && this.#udfOrType(rule.ua, "string") && this.#udfOrType(rule.continue, "boolean");
            case "visit":
                return this.fetchEnabled && this.#udfOrType(rule.ua, "string") && (rule.acts === undefined || Array.isArray(rule.acts)) && this.#udfOrType(rule.continue, "boolean");
            case "lambda":
                return this.lambdaEnabled && (typeof rule.lambda === "string" || rule.lambda instanceof this.#AsyncFunction) && this.#udfOrType(rule.continue, "boolean");
                return false;

    #matchRule(parts) { // Iteratively match the longest rule for the given URL parts
        let fallbackRule = null; // Most precise fallback rule
        let currentRules = this.#rules;
        for (const part of parts) {
            if (currentRules.hasOwnProperty("")) {
                fallbackRule = currentRules[""];
            if (currentRules.hasOwnProperty(part + "/")) {
                currentRules = currentRules[part + "/"]; // Exact match - continue to the next level
            } else if (currentRules.hasOwnProperty(part)) {
                const rule = currentRules[part];
                if (this.#validRule(rule)) {
                    return rule; // Exact match found
            } else { // No exact match found, try to match with regex
                let found = false;
                // Iterate through current rules to match RegExp
                for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(currentRules)) {
                    if (!key.startsWith("/")) continue; // Skip non-RegExp keys
                    try {
                        const sub = key.endsWith("/"); // Has sub-rules
                        const regex = new RegExp(sub ? key.slice(1, -1) : key.slice(1));
                        if (regex.test(part)) { // Regex matches
                            if (!sub && this.#validRule(val)) {
                                return val; // Regex match found
                            } else if (sub) {
                                currentRules = val; // Continue to the next level
                                found = true;
                    } catch (e) {
                        this.#log("Invalid regex:", key.slice(1));
                if (!found) break; // No matching rule found
        if (currentRules.hasOwnProperty("")) { // Fallback rule
            fallbackRule = currentRules[""];
        if (this.#validRule(fallbackRule)) {
            return fallbackRule;
        return null;

    #isStandard(urlObj) { // Check if the given urlObj's search string follows the standard format
        return urlObj.searchParams.toString() === urlObj.search.slice(1);

    #applyActs(input, acts, logFunc) { // Apply the given acts to the given input
        let dest = input;
        for (const cmd of (acts)) {
            const args = cmd.split(":");
            const name = args[0];
            const act = this.#acts[name];
            if (!act) {
                logFunc("Invalid act:", cmd);
                dest = null;
            try {
                dest = act(dest, ...args.slice(1));
            } catch (e) {
                logFunc(`Error processing input with act "${name}":`, e);
                dest = null;
        return dest;

    async #applyRule(urlObj, rule, logFunc) { // Apply the given rule to the given URL object, returning the new URL object, whether to continue and the mode-specific incremental statistics
        const mode = rule.mode;
        const increment = { ...this.#zeroStatistics }; // Incremental statistics
        const lengthBefore = urlObj.href.length;
        const paramsCntBefore = urlObj.searchParams.size;
        let shallContinue = false;
        switch (mode) { // Purifies `urlObj` based on the rule
            case "white": { // Whitelist mode
                if (!rule.std && !this.#isStandard(urlObj)) {
                    logFunc("Non-standard URL search string:", urlObj.search);
                const newParams = new URLSearchParams();
                for (const param of rule.params) {
                    if (urlObj.searchParams.has(param)) {
                        newParams.set(param, urlObj.searchParams.get(param));
                urlObj.search = newParams.toString();
            case "black": { // Blacklist mode
                if (!rule.std && !this.#isStandard(urlObj)) {
                    logFunc("Non-standard URL search string:", urlObj.search);
                for (const param of rule.params) {
                urlObj.search = urlObj.searchParams.toString();
            case "param": { // Specific param mode
                // Process given parameter to be used as a new URL
                let paramValue = null;
                for (const param of rule.params) { // Find the first available parameter value
                    if (urlObj.searchParams.has(param)) {
                        paramValue = urlObj.searchParams.get(param);
                if (!paramValue) {
                    logFunc("Parameter(s) not found:", rule.params.join(", "));
                const dest = this.#applyActs(paramValue, rule.acts ?? ["url"], logFunc);
                if (dest && URL.canParse(dest, urlObj.href)) { // Valid URL
                    urlObj = new URL(dest, urlObj.href);
                } else { // Invalid URL
                    logFunc("Invalid URL:", dest);
                shallContinue = rule.continue ?? true;
            case "regex": { // Regex mode
                let newUrl = urlObj.href;
                for (let i = 0; i < rule.regex.length; i++) {
                    const regex = new RegExp(rule.regex[i], "g");
                    const replace = rule.replace[i];
                    newUrl = newUrl.replaceAll(regex, replace);
                if (URL.canParse(newUrl, urlObj.href)) { // Valid URL
                    urlObj = new URL(newUrl);
                } else { // Invalid URL
                    logFunc("Invalid URL:", newUrl);
            case "redirect": { // Redirect mode
                if (!this.fetchEnabled) {
                    logFunc("Redirect mode is disabled.");
                const options = {
                    method: "HEAD",
                    redirect: "manual"
                if (rule.ua) {
                    options.headers = {
                        "User-Agent": rule.ua
                let dest = null;
                try {
                    const r = await this.#fetch(urlObj.href, options);
                    if (r.status >= 300 && r.status < 400 && r.headers.has("location")) {
                        dest = r.headers.get("location");
                    } else if (r.url !== urlObj.href) {
                        dest = r.url; // In case `redirect: manual` doesn't work
                } catch (e) {
                    logFunc("Error following redirect:", e);
                if (dest && URL.canParse(dest, urlObj.href)) {
                    const prevUrl = urlObj.href;
                    urlObj = new URL(dest, urlObj.href);
                    if (urlObj.href === prevUrl) { // No redirection
                        logFunc("No redirection made.");
                    shallContinue = rule.continue ?? true;
                } else {
                    logFunc("Invalid redirect destination:", dest);
            case "visit": { // Visit mode
                if (!this.fetchEnabled) {
                    logFunc("Visit mode is disabled.");
                const options = {
                    method: "GET",
                    redirect: "follow" // TODO: "manual"
                if (rule.ua) {
                    options.headers = {
                        "User-Agent": rule.ua
                let r, html = null;
                try {
                    r = await this.#fetch(urlObj.href, options);
                    html = await r.text();
                } catch (e) {
                    logFunc("Error visiting URL:", e);
                const redirected = r.url !== urlObj.href;
                if (redirected) {
                    logFunc("Visit mode, but got redirected to:", r.url);
                    urlObj = new URL(r.url, urlObj.href);
                } else {
                    const dest = this.#applyActs(html, rule.acts ?? ["regex:https?:\/\/.(?:www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?!&\/\/=]*)"], logFunc);
                    if (dest && URL.canParse(dest, urlObj.href)) { // Valid URL
                        urlObj = new URL(dest, urlObj.href);
                    } else { // Invalid URL
                        logFunc("Invalid URL:", dest);
                shallContinue = rule.continue ?? true;
            case "lambda": {
                if (!this.lambdaEnabled) {
                    logFunc("Lambda mode is disabled.");
                try {
                    const lambda = typeof rule.lambda === "string" ? new this.#AsyncFunction("url", rule.lambda) : rule.lambda;
                    rule.lambda = lambda; // "Cache" the compiled lambda function
                    urlObj = await lambda(urlObj);
                    shallContinue = rule.continue ?? true;
                } catch (e) {
                    logFunc("Error executing lambda:", e);
            default: {
                logFunc("Invalid mode:", mode);
        const paramsCntAfter = urlObj.searchParams.size;
        increment.param += (["white", "black"].includes(mode)) ? (paramsCntBefore - paramsCntAfter) : 0;
        increment.char += Math.max(lengthBefore - urlObj.href.length, 0); // Prevent negative char count
        return [urlObj, shallContinue, increment];

    #incrementStatistics(increment) {
        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(increment)) {
            this.#statistics[key] += value;
        if (typeof CustomEvent === "function") {
            this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("statisticschange", {
                detail: increment
        } else {
            this.dispatchEvent(new Event("statisticschange"));

    async purify(originalUrl) { // Purify the given URL based on `rules`
        let increment = { ...this.#zeroStatistics }; // Incremental statistics of a single purification
        let shallContinue = true;
        let firstRule = null;
        let iteration = 0;
        let urlObj;
        this.#log("Purifying URL:", originalUrl);
        const optionalLocation = typeof location !== 'undefined' ? location.href : undefined;
        if (URL.canParse(originalUrl, optionalLocation)) {
            urlObj = new URL(originalUrl, optionalLocation);
        } else {
            this.#log(`Cannot parse URL ${originalUrl}`);
            return {
                url: originalUrl,
                rule: "N/A"
        while (shallContinue && iteration++ < this.maxIterations) {
            const logi = (...args) => this.#log(`[#${iteration}]`, ...args);
            const protocol = urlObj.protocol;
            if (protocol !== "http:" && protocol !== "https:") { // Not a valid HTTP URL
                logi(`Not a HTTP URL: ${urlObj.href}`);
            const hostAndPath = urlObj.host + urlObj.pathname;
            const parts = hostAndPath.split("/").filter(part => part !== "");
            const rule = this.#matchRule(parts);
            if (!rule) { // No matching rule found
                logi(`No matching rule found for ${urlObj.href}.`);
            firstRule ??= rule;
            logi(`Matching rule: ${rule.description} by ${rule.author}`);
            let singleIncrement; // Incremental statistics for the current iteration
            [urlObj, shallContinue, singleIncrement] = await this.#applyRule(urlObj, rule, logi);
            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(singleIncrement)) {
                increment[key] += value;
            logi("Purified URL:", urlObj.href);
        if (firstRule && originalUrl !== urlObj.href) { // Increment statistics only if a rule was applied and URL has been changed
        return {
            url: urlObj.href,
            rule: firstRule ? `${firstRule.description} by ${firstRule.author}` : "N/A"

if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
    module.exports = Purlfy; // Export for Node.js
} else {
    this.Purlfy = Purlfy; // Export for browser