Smart Chess Bot: The Ultimate Chess Analysis System

Our chess analysis system is designed to give players the edge they need to win. By using advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, our system can analyze any chess position and suggest the best possible move, helping players to make smarter and more informed decisions on the board.

Version vom 01.04.2024. Aktuellste Version

Filter: Letzte 30 Tage Letzte 365 Tage Ganze Zeit

Installationen pro Tag

Wöchentliche Installationen

Tägliche Aktualisierungsprüfungen


Datum Installationen Aktualisierungsprüfungen
2024-10-19 16 260
2024-10-20 14 238
2024-10-21 13 279
2024-10-22 11 299
2024-10-23 21 280
2024-10-24 11 293
2024-10-25 27 265
2024-10-26 17 229
2024-10-27 20 258
2024-10-28 18 266
2024-10-29 15 285
2024-10-30 16 271
2024-10-31 15 268
2024-11-01 15 259
2024-11-02 27 250
2024-11-03 16 247
2024-11-04 12 295
2024-11-05 18 278
2024-11-06 15 286
2024-11-07 12 268
2024-11-08 21 297
2024-11-09 13 261
2024-11-10 14 266
2024-11-11 18 277
2024-11-12 15 291
2024-11-13 22 258
2024-11-14 19 306
2024-11-15 24 275
2024-11-16 12 256
2024-11-17 12 255
Alle Daten herunterladen als: JSON CSV