Greasy Fork is available in English.



Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name            CSS Adaptation Toolkit
// @name:zh         CSS 适配工具包
// @description     CSS SDK for adapting pages to be responsive (responsive web design)
// @description:zh  用于将网页改编为响应式设计的工具函数
// @version         1.43.0
// @match           *://*/*
// @license         The Unlicense
// ==/UserScript==

// <  APIs  >
const CSSA = unsafeWindow.CSSA = {
  inspect: {
    get whichHaveInlineStyles() { return elemsWithInlineStyles() },
    get overflowed() { return elemsOverflowed() }

  mod: {
    dump: cssTextModified,
    insertStyleSheet, apply: insertStyleSheet,
    forceOverrideProps: new Set(['overflow']),
    doc: document

  waitForSelector, wait: waitForSelector,

  debug: {

  miscConfigs: {
    removeSelectorsThose: { tooBroad: true }

  toString() { return this.mod.dump().toString() }
// </ APIs  >

unsafeWindow.addEventListener('load', () => {
  CSSA.mod.origWholeCssText = CSSA.mod.dump().modified

function insertStyleSheet(styleText) {
  (CSSA.mod.doc || document).head.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<style user-custom>${styleText}</style>`)

const warnSelectorsThose = { tooBroad: '/*⚠*/' }
const rxSelectorsThose = { tooBroad: /^\/\*⚠\*\/[^.#]+ {[^\n]+\n*/gm }

function elemsWithInlineStyles(doc = document, filterAttr) {
  const elems = []
  if (!doc) return elems
  elems.push(...[...doc.all].filter(el =>
    (!filterAttr || el.hasAttribute(filterAttr)) &&
    !/\b(a|img|span)\b/.test(el.localName) &&
    (el.localName === 'iframe'
      ? elems.push(...elemsWithInlineStyles(el.contentDocument, filterAttr)) && false
  return elems
function extractStyleToCssForm(elem) {
  let { localName, attributes: { id = '', class: className = '', style } } = elem
  if (specTags.has(localName)) id = className = ''
  else {
    localName = id || className ? '' : `${warnSelectorsThose.tooBroad}${localName}`
    if (className) className = className.value.replace(/ |^/g, '.')
    if (id) {
      id = /[-]|auto|\bid\b/.test(id.value) ? '' : `#${id.value}`
      if (id) className = ''
  return `${localName}${id}${className} { ${style.value
    .replace(/(:) | (!)/g, '$1$2')
    .replace(/;\b/g, '$& ')
    .replace(/;$/, '')} }`
const specTags = new Set('html body'.split(' '))
function cssTextModified(rootNode = document, { filterAttr = '', existingCustomStyle = 'user-custom' } = {}) {
  rootNode = rootNode.getRootNode()
  // `rootNode` can be an arbitrarily selected leaf node without having to pay attention to selecting `HTMLDocument`
  let origCust = existingCustomStyle && rootNode instanceof Node && rootNode.querySelector(`style[${existingCustomStyle}]`)?.innerText || ''
    , curr = elemsWithInlineStyles(rootNode, filterAttr).map(extractStyleToCssForm).join('\n')
    , modified = modifiedCss(mergeCommonCss(origCust + curr))
    , merged = (origCust + modified).trim()
  if (!origCust)
    'Note: If you have style rules located in a `<style>` element to merge,\n' +
    '      mark it like `<style user-custom>`.\n' +
    '      Then it will be `querySelector("style[user-custom]")`.'
  return { modified, merged, pageOrig: CSSA.mod.origWholeCssText, toString() { return this.merged } }
function mergeCommonCss(css = '') {
  const re = {
    node: [/^(\s*)([^{}}]+)\s*\{([^}]+?)\s*\}(.*?)\2\{([^}]+?)\s*\}/ms, '$1$2{$3;$5 }$4'],
    nodes: [/([^{\n]+?)(\s*\{[^}]+\})(.*?)\s*([^{\n]+?)\2/s, '$1, $4$2$3']
  let merged
  Object.values(re).forEach(([match, replace]) => {
    const merge = str => str.replace(match, replace)
    merged = merge(css)
    while (css !== merged) merged = merge(css = merged)
  Object.keys(CSSA.miscConfigs.removeSelectorsThose).forEach(k =>
    CSSA.miscConfigs.removeSelectorsThose[k] && (
      merged = merged.replace(rxSelectorsThose[k], '')
  return merged.trim()
function modifiedCss(prevCss = '') {
  if (!CSSA.mod.origWholeCssText) return (CSSA.mod.origWholeCssText = prevCss)
  CSSA.mod.origWholeCssText.split('\n').forEach(line => prevCss = prevCss.replace(line.trim(), ''))
  return prevCss

function elemsOverflowed(rootElem = document.body, { echo = false } = {}) {
  if (!(rootElem instanceof HTMLElement)) throw TypeError('An entry element is required to be specified.')
  if (echo) console.log(`The width of the rootElem`, rootElem, `is ${rootElem.clientWidth}px.`)
  return [...rootElem.querySelectorAll('*')].filter(el => el.clientWidth > rootElem.clientWidth)

function unsetStyles(elem = CSSA.$0, props = [], { echo = false } = {}) {
  if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) throw TypeError('An element is required to be specified.')
  if (typeof props === 'string') props = props.split(/[\s;]+/).filter(Boolean) += => `${prop}:unset${CSSA.mod.forceOverrideProps.has(prop) ? '!important' : ''}`).join('; ')
  if (echo) console.log('The style value of', elem, `has been set to: {\n  ${}\n}`)
unsetStyles.for = {
  width: elem => unsetStyles(elem, 'min-width width')

function selectFarthest(startElem, selectors = '*') {
  if (!selectors) throw TypeError('Please provide a non-empty selectors string.')
  if (startElem.contains(document.body)) throw TypeError('startElem should be a child node of <body>.')
  if (!startElem instanceof HTMLElement) throw TypeError('startElem should be an HTMLElement.')
  let { parentElement } = startElem
  while (parentElement && parentElement.localName !== 'body') {
    if (parentElement.matches(selectors)) startElem = parentElement;
    ({ parentElement } = startElem)
  return startElem

function waitForSelector(selectors, { timeout = 30000, optional } = {}) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const immediateSelect = stage => {
      const elem = document.querySelector(selectors)
      if (elem) return (resolve(elem), stage || 1)
      // console.log(`${}: No matches were found in stage '${stage}'.`)
    let iWait
    if (iWait = immediateSelect('ASAP')) return iWait

    const observer = new MutationObserver(muts => {
      for (const mut of muts) {
        for (const node of mut.addedNodes) {
          if (node instanceof Element && node.querySelector(selectors)) {
            return resolve(node)
    observer.observe(document.body, { attributes: !true, childList: true, subtree: true })

    setTimeout(() => {
      optional ? resolve(optional) : reject(`Timed out for selectors '${selectors}'`)
    }, timeout)

function breakOnAttrsChange(elem, attrsToObsvr) {
  if (!elem instanceof Element) throw TypeError('An element is required to be passed in.')
  if (typeof attrsToObsvr === 'string') attrsToObsvr = attrsToObsvr.split(/[,;\s]+/)
  if (!(Array.isArray(attrsToObsvr) && attrsToObsvr.length)) attrsToObsvr = ['class']
  const observer = new MutationObserver(muts => {
    muts.forEach(mut => console.log(, `: my attr '${mut.attributeName}' changed from` +
    `\n  '${mut.oldValue}' to\n  '${}'`
  observer.observe(elem, { attributeFilter: attrsToObsvr, attributeOldValue: true })
  return unsafeWindow.__observers.push(observer)

if (!Array.isArray(unsafeWindow.__observers)) unsafeWindow.__observers = []