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Brazen Paginator

Helper for client side customized pagination

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Brazen Paginator
// @namespace    brazenvoid
// @version      2.0.0
// @author       brazenvoid
// @license      GPL-3.0-only
// @description  Helper for client side customized pagination
// ==/UserScript==

class BrazenPaginator
     * @typedef {{itemListSelector: JQuery.Selector, itemSelectors?: JQuery.Selector, lastPageUrl: string,
     *            onGetPageNoFromUrl: PaginatorGetPageNoFromUrlHandler, onGetPageUrlFromPageNo: PaginatorGetPageUrlFromPageNoHandler,
     *            onGetPaginationElementForPageNo: PaginatorGetPaginationElementForPageNoHandler, paginationWrapper: JQuery}} PaginatorConfiguration
     * @callback PaginatorAfterPaginationEventHandler
     * @param {BrazenPaginator} paginator

     * @callback PaginatorGetPageNoFromUrlHandler
     * @param {string} pageUrl
     * @param {BrazenPaginator} paginator

     * @callback PaginatorGetPageUrlFromPageNoHandler
     * @param {number} pageNo
     * @param {BrazenPaginator} paginator

     * @callback PaginatorGetPaginationElementForPageNoHandler
     * @param {number} pageNo
     * @param {BrazenPaginator} paginator

     * @param {PaginatorConfiguration} configuration
    constructor (configuration)
         * @type {PaginatorConfiguration}
         * @private
        this._config = configuration
         * @type {number}
         * @private
        this._currentPageNo = 0

         * @type {number}
         * @private
        this._lastPageNo = 0

         * @type {boolean}
         * @private
        this._pageConcatenated = false

         * @type {number}
         * @private
        this._paginatedPageNo = 0

         * @type {JQuery}
         * @private
        this._targetElement = null

        // Events and callbacks

         * @type {PaginatorAfterPaginationEventHandler}
         * @private
        this._onAfterPagination = null

    _conformUIToNewPaginatedState ()
        if (this._pageConcatenated) {
            this._pageConcatenated = false

            let currentPageElement = this.getPaginationElementForPageNo(this._currentPageNo)
            let newSubsequentPageNo = this._paginatedPageNo + 1
            let newSubsequentPageNoUrl = this.getPageUrlFromPageNo(newSubsequentPageNo)

            // Mutate current page no element to show paginated page numbers

            currentPageElement.text(this._currentPageNo + '-' + this._paginatedPageNo)

            // Get next pages' pagination elements

            let currentNextPageElements = currentPageElement.nextAll()

            if (this._paginatedPageNo === this._lastPageNo) {

                // Delete all pagination elements if last page is paginated


            } else {

                // Determine whether the paginated page immediately precedes the last page

                if (newSubsequentPageNo !== this._lastPageNo) {

                    // If not so, determine whether pagination element for the page following the paginated page exists

                    let newSubsequentPageElement = this.getPaginationElementForPageNo(newSubsequentPageNo)
                    if (!newSubsequentPageElement.length) {

                        // If it does not exist then try getting the old next page no element

                        let oldSubsequentPageElement = this.getPaginationElementForPageNo(this._currentPageNo + 1)
                        if (oldSubsequentPageElement.length) {

                            // If it does exist then mutate it for this purpose

                            oldSubsequentPageElement.attr('href', newSubsequentPageNoUrl).text(newSubsequentPageNo)

                        } else {

                            // If even that does not exist, then clone the less desirable alternative; the last page element and mutate it to this use

                            let lastPageElement = this.getPaginationElementForPageNo(this._lastPageNo)
                            lastPageElement.clone().insertAfter(currentPageElement).attr('href', newSubsequentPageNoUrl).text(newSubsequentPageNo)


                    // Remove any other pagination elements for already paginated pages

                    currentNextPageElements.each((index, element) => {
                        let paginationLink = $(element)
                        let paginationLinkUrl = paginationLink.attr('href')
                        if (paginationLinkUrl && this.getPageNoFromUrl(paginationLinkUrl) <= this._paginatedPageNo) {
            Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onAfterPagination, [this])

     * @param {number} threshold
     * @param {number} limit
     * @private
    _loadAndParseNextPage (threshold, limit)
        let lastPageHasNotBeenReached = this._paginatedPageNo < this._lastPageNo
        let paginationLimitHasNotBeenMet = limit > 0 && (this._paginatedPageNo - this._currentPageNo) < limit
        let compliantItemsAreLessThanTheThreshold =
            this._targetElement.find(this._config.itemSelectors + ':not(.noncompliant-item)').length < threshold

        if (lastPageHasNotBeenReached && paginationLimitHasNotBeenMet && compliantItemsAreLessThanTheThreshold) {

            this._sandbox.load(this.getPageUrlFromPageNo(++this._paginatedPageNo) + ' ' + this._config.itemListSelector, '', () => {
                this._pageConcatenated = true
                this._sandbox.find(this._config.itemSelectors).insertAfter(this._targetElement.find(this._config.itemSelectors + ':last'))
        } else {

    getCurrentPageNo ()
        return this._currentPageNo

    getItemListSelector ()
        return this._config.itemListSelector

    getLastPageNo ()
        return this._lastPageNo

     * @param {string} pageUrl
     * @return {number}
    getPageNoFromUrl (pageUrl)
        return this._config.onGetPageNoFromUrl(pageUrl , this)

     * @param {number} pageNo
     * @return {string}
    getPageUrlFromPageNo (pageNo)
        return this._config.onGetPageUrlFromPageNo(pageNo, this)

    getPaginatedPageNo ()
        return this._paginatedPageNo

     * @param {number} pageNo
     * @return {JQuery}
    getPaginationElementForPageNo (pageNo)
        return this._config.onGetPaginationElementForPageNo(pageNo, this)

    getPaginationWrapper ()
        return this._config.paginationWrapper

    initialize ()
        this._currentPageNo = this.getPageNoFromUrl(window.location.href)
        this._lastPageNo = this.getPageNoFromUrl(this._config.lastPageUrl)
        this._paginatedPageNo = this._currentPageNo
        this._sandbox = $('<div id="brazen-paginator-sandbox" hidden/>').appendTo('body')
        this._targetElement = $(this._config.itemListSelector + ':first')
        return this

     * @param {PaginatorAfterPaginationEventHandler} handler
     * @return {this}
    onAfterPagination (handler)
        this._onAfterPagination = handler
        return this

    run (threshold, limit)
        if (this._config.paginationWrapper.length && threshold) {
            this._loadAndParseNextPage(threshold, limit)
        return this