Google Image Search Direct Links Old Style

Replace links and click actions of the Google Image Search results with direct links to the picture, and the page link. Now opens in the same tab by default

< Rückmeldungen auf Google Image Search Direct Links Old Style


Veröffentlicht: 31.01.2020

It stopped working again... FML.

Please fix! I know you can, I believe in you, hehe. I hope you see this.

Veröffentlicht: 31.01.2020
Bearbeitet: 31.01.2020
Benjamin PhilippVerfasser
Veröffentlicht: 27.03.2020

@"613 The Evil" said: Please fix! I know you can, I believe in you, hehe. I hope you see this.

Hey old pal! Sorry I've been absent for so long. Google really messed things up for us >_< They only load the real URL when you click on an image. I haven't been able to make it work nicely so the details panel doesn't show up (I'd rather not disable the whole thing altogether), but here is an ugly fix version that opens the link in a new tab as soon as the URL was loaded:

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