Youtube Logo - Link to subscriptions feed

Change YouTube logo link to user's subscription feed instead of homepage, when logged in, for 2017 and later YouTube layout.

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Rezension: OK - Skript funktioniert, hat aber Fehler

Veröffentlicht: 10.12.2017
Bearbeitet: 15.12.2017

Script wasn't working, not even loading, changed the include line.

I was looking for a script like this a while back but could never get it to work, I tried a few different ones and got nothing. I was noticing Tampermonkey wasn't even loading this one at all so went to check the script and see if I could figure it out (I don't know anything about scripting):

This line right here was my problem:

// @include /http|https://.*\.youtube\..*/

Don't know why it would work for everyone else but not me. I looked at some other scripts and changed that line to:

// @include *://*.youtube.*/*

And now it works.

Deleted user 84694
Veröffentlicht: 23.01.2018

The script owner needs to see this soon.

William SavageVerfasser
Veröffentlicht: 28.01.2018

I've changed to .tld, is this working for you? Volientmonkey didn't support tld until September last year

Veröffentlicht: 28.01.2018

No, still doing the same thing. I use TamperMonkey on Chrome so I tried installing ViolentMonkey but same issue, doesn't work without me changing that line.

William SavageVerfasser
Veröffentlicht: 28.01.2018
Bearbeitet: 28.01.2018
No, still doing the same thing. I use TamperMonkey on Chrome so I tried installing ViolentMonkey but same issue, doesn't work without me changing that line.

The problem I had was *.youtube.*/* was executing on many pages not just youtube websites.

Any luck with *://*.youtube.tld/*

Veröffentlicht: 28.01.2018
No, still doing the same thing. I use TamperMonkey on Chrome so I tried installing ViolentMonkey but same issue, doesn't work without me changing that line.
The problem I had was *.youtube.*/* was executing on many pages not just youtube websites.

Any luck with *://*.youtube.tld/*

That works

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