The-West Sweets

Cool features!

< Rückmeldungen aufThe-West Sweets

Rezension: Gut - Skript funktioniert

Veröffentlicht: 28.08.2018

Update needed to work on BR server

Hi. I've read about your script and i liked a lot, so that's why i'm here :blush: So, the URLs of the brazilians servers need this line of code:

// @include https://.the-west../game.php

(because our links are like

I've added it to mine, of course, but if any other player try to use it, he would need to add it too, so my advice is to add it to the source code. If you need any help with portuguese translation, i can be useful as well. Thanks for the great work.

Veröffentlicht: 28.08.2018

Tom RobertVerfasser
Veröffentlicht: 29.08.2018

I just tried on a BR world an it was working fine. Are you using Tampermonkey, too=

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