Wanikani Level-Up Time Assistant

Shows the earliest date and time you can level up if your reviews are correct. Adds an indication if you have items available for lesson/review that are needed to advance your current level.

Dette er versioner af dette script, hvor koden er blevet opdateret. Vis alle versioner.

  • v1.4.0 30.08.2024

    Moved the wkof.ItemData item property additions to a custom object to avoid possible future collisions.
    Added current_earliest_study_date property to help with sorting; now properly sorts all items available "Now" evenly.
    Made various optimizations with the array generations.
    Updated the logging to include the entire object, in case that's desired; also updated the logging format to appear more as a table with headers (not using console.table() because it stringifies the hyperlinks).
    Been trying to post this for days but greasyfork's been having issues and I couldn't figure out why.

  • v1.3.7 25.08.2024

    Updated the hover message to match the changes to default logging preferences.

  • v1.3.6 25.08.2024

    Disable logging for the default run.

    Updated functionality to account for Turbo Events, using the Turbo Events library.

  • v1.3.5 22.07.2024

    Changed the element type of the icon to a span so it no longer is automatically italicized by the new dashboard layout.

  • v1.3.4 22.07.2024

    Updated the selector for the element based on the new WaniKani dashboard classnames.

  • v1.3.3 20.03.2024
    • Modified the cursor to be a regular cursor when hovering over the icon and a pointer hand when it's a link—to make it more obvious and user friendly
  • v1.3.2 20.03.2024
    • Fixed the icon coloring in Firefox
    • Re-implemented the pulse animation by using CSS
    • Moved all styling to the <style> section and added classes for managing states
      • As a bonus side-effect of this, the entire section will remain hidden until calculations are complete, which gives an overall cleaner impression
  • v1.3.1 19.03.2024
    • Swapped color and background-color to make the icon similar to the previous versions
  • v1.3.0 19.03.2024
    • Updated the icon to just use CSS and an emoji since Font Awesome is no longer included in WaniKani (however, did not re-implement the pulsing animation).
    • Adjusted the spacing of some of the ternary operator lines.
  • v1.2.10 10.11.2023
    • Removed unneeded text styling
    • Changed the section comments to have a space after them to satisfy linter settings
  • v1.2.9 07.11.2023
    • Fixed a typo (was missing a space in one of the tooltip outputs)
  • v1.2.8 06.11.2023
    • Fix an issue where get_not_passed_items_with_available_assignments could include a false-positive
  • v1.2.7 06.11.2023
    • Fix for when I moved where the callback id was set (will prevent any possible duplicate timeouts from being created)
  • v1.2.6 06.11.2023
    • Swapped the two jquery methods for pure JavaScript equivalents
    • Added error checking if no results come back for some reason
    • Added a few more descriptions
  • v1.2.5 05.11.2023
    • Shortened some long lines
    • Refactored some redundant code
  • v1.2.4 05.11.2023
    • Changed the arrow-up icon to look better in green on a white background
    • Updated the images to match
  • v1.2.3 05.11.2023
    • Changed the name to be more descriptive
    • Made the description more descriptive and accurate
  • v1.2.2 05.11.2023
    • Added Greasy Fork link to original idea source
    • Removed a piece of unused logic from the original version
  • v1.2.1 05.11.2023
    • Added a few descriptive comments and removed unused commented out code.
    • Added a few missing semicolons
    • Reformatted multi-line appended strings to have the + at the end of the lines
    • Used dot-notation for array values by key
    • Fixed an error that would occur if no radicals are left to guru.
  • v1.2.0 05.11.2023