Greasy Fork is available in English.

Youtube Embed Whatever Wherever

Forces Youtube embeds to play anywhere, even if UMG/SMG disagrees.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Youtube Embed Whatever Wherever
// @namespace
// @match       *://*
// @grant       none
// @run-at      document-body
// @version     1.0.2
// @author      Unmatched Bracket
// @license     The Unlicense
// @description Forces Youtube embeds to play anywhere, even if UMG/SMG disagrees.
// ==/UserScript==
function modulate () {
  let player_response = JSON.parse(ytcfg.data_.PLAYER_VARS.embedded_player_response)
  if (player_response.previewPlayabilityStatus.status == "OK") return
  player_response.previewPlayabilityStatus.status = "OK"
  player_response.previewPlayabilityStatus.playableInEmbed = true
  delete player_response.previewPlayabilityStatus.reason
  delete player_response.previewPlayabilityStatus.errorScreen
  ytcfg.data_.PLAYER_VARS.embedded_player_response = JSON.stringify(player_response)
  ytcfg.data_.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT.client.originalUrl = `\u003d${ytcfg.data_.VIDEO_ID}`
function tick () {
  if (window.ytcfg) modulate()
  else requestAnimationFrame(tick)
if (window.ytcfg) modulate()
else tick()