// ==UserScript==
// @name 跳过抖音广告
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/1034730-%E9%9A%8F%E7%BC%98%E7%8E%A9%E5%AE%B6?locale_override=1
// @version 0.31
// @description 关闭抖音弹窗登录,跳过抖音广告和直播,观看直播默认原画
// @author 随缘玩家
// @license 随缘玩家
// @match https://www.douyin.com/
// @match https://live.douyin.com/*
// @run-at document-start
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/455943/1270016/ajaxHooker.js
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
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function skip(item, index) {
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zhibonode.style.display = "none"
setTimeout(() => { zhibonode.pause() }, 150)
if (configxgIcon[5].option) {
Tips(item = "已为您跳过了" + item)
time = setInterval(function () {
}, 1);
ajaxHooker.hook(request => {
if (request.url.includes("/aweme/v1/web/tab/feed")) {
request.response = res => {
let stringRes = JSON.parse(res.responseText)
let list = stringRes.aweme_list
if (list && configxgIcon[7].option) {
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if (findArrays("时间").time < 999) list = list.filter(i => !i.create_time || (i.create_time && searchTime(i.create_time) < findArrays("时间").time))
list = list.filter(i => !KeywordFiltering.find(i => i.name == "名字")?.data.filter(item => i.author?.nickname?.includes(item)).length)
list = list.filter(i => !KeywordFiltering.find(i => i.name == "文案")?.data.filter(item => i.desc?.includes(item)).length)
list = list.filter(i => !KeywordFiltering.find(i => i.name == "全选")?.data.filter(item => i.author?.nickname?.includes(item) || i.desc?.includes(item)).length);
} catch (e) {
stringRes.aweme_list = list
res.responseText = JSON.stringify(stringRes)
function searchTime(oldTime) {
oldTime = Number(oldTime)
let time = Math.round(new Date() / 1000)
let timeInterval = (time - oldTime) / 60 / 60 / 24
return timeInterval
function findArrays(name) {
return KeywordFiltering.find(item => item.name == name)
function findSkip(item, sum = 0) {
let username = item.querySelector(".Nu66P_ba")?.innerText
let Copywriting = item.querySelector(".UCT89JiM")?.innerText
let tagAll = item.querySelector(".tSXOCvQc")?.innerText
let selectallData = [username, Copywriting]
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let selectall = KeywordFiltering.find(item => item.class == "selectall")?.data.find(item => selectallData.find(subkey => subkey?.includes(item)))
tagAll = KeywordFiltering.find(item => item.class == "Tag")?.data.filter(item => tagAll?.includes(item))
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if (!username && !findContent && sum < 400) {
setTimeout(() => { findSkip(item, sum) }, 1)
if (findContent) {
skip(`"${findContent}"`, item.dataset.e2eVid)
bodyTime = setInterval(() => {
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