- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Download Original Picture
- // @name:zh-CN 下载原始图片
- // @description A tool to help you download full size images from websites
- // @description:zh-CN 一个帮你从网站下载原始尺寸图片的工具
- // @namespace https://hx.fyi/
- // @version 0.1.3
- // @license GPL-3.0
- // @icon 
- // @author huc < ht@live.se >
- // @supportURL https://github.com/hz2/user-scripts-and-styles/issues/new
- // @contributionURL https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=your.email.here@example.com&item_name=Greasy+Fork+donation
- // @contributionAmount 5
- // @include *://medium.com/*
- // @include *://x.com/*
- // @include *://*.x.com/*
- // @include *://weibo.com/*
- // @include *://*.weibo.com/*
- // @include *://*.vmgirls.com/*
- // @include *://wallpaperhub.app/*
- // @include *://*.bing.com/*
- // @include *://*.msn.cn/*
- // @include *://instagram.com/*
- // @include *://*.instagram.com/*
- // @include *://instagram.com/*
- // @include *://*.instagram.com/*
- // @include *://tiktok.com/*
- // @include *://*.tiktok.com/*
- // @include *://*.douyin.com/*
- // @include *://*.kuaishou.com/*
- // @include *://*.xiaohongshu.com/*
- // @match *://nijijourney.com/*
- // @match *://*.midjourney.com/*
- // @match *://dribbble.com/*
- // @match *://*.dribbble.com/*
- // @noframes
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_getResourceText
- // @grant GM_info
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // ==/UserScript==
- const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head');
- head[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style type="text/css">
- .hx-download-original-images-tool{
- position: absolute;
- background-image: url();
- background-size: cover;
- width: 50px;
- height: 50px;
- cursor: pointer;
- opacity: .35;
- z-index: 50000;
- transform: scale(.75);
- transition: all cubic-bezier(0.18, 0.89, 0.32, 1.28) 250ms;
- }
- .hx-download-original-images-tool.white{
- background-image: url();
- width: 24px;
- height: 24px;
- }
- .hx-download-original-images-tool:hover {
- opacity:1;
- transform: scale(.9);
- }
- .hx-download-original-images-tool:active {
- opacity:.8;
- transform: scale(.7) rotateZ(360deg);
- }
- .hx-download-original-images-tool-msg {
- position: fixed;
- left: -250px;
- bottom: 50px;
- width: 250px;
- background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #00000037, #0004 , #00000057 );
- box-shadow: 1px 0 20px 1px #64646433;
- padding: 2px 20px;
- z-index: 65536;
- border-radius: 100px;
- color: #fff;
- transform: translateX(280px) translateY(0);
- transition: all cubic-bezier(0.18, 0.89, 0.32, 1.28) 250ms;
- }
- </style>`);
- console.warn('Welcome to %c \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude49\ud83d\ude4a\u0020\u0048\u007a\u00b2\u0020\u0053\u0063\u0072\u0069\u0070\u0074\u0020\u004c\u0069\u0062\u0072\u0061\u0072\u0079 %c v0.06 ', 'background-color:teal;color: white;border:1px solid teal;border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;border-left-width:0;padding:1px;margin:2px 0;font-size:1.1em', 'background-color:#777;color: white;border:1px solid #777;border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;border-right-width:0;padding:1px;margin:5px 0;');
- try {
- customElements.define('hxdownload-message',
- class extends HTMLElement {
- constructor() {
- super();
- const divElem = document.createElement('div');
- // divElem.textContent = this.getAttribute('text');
- divElem.className = 'text-node'
- // style
- const style = document.createElement('style');
- style.append(document.createTextNode(`
- .text-node{
- font-size: 14px;
- line-height: 21px;
- font-family: sans-serif;
- width: 100%;
- overflow: hidden;
- word-break: break-word;
- }
- `))
- const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({
- mode: 'open'
- });
- shadowRoot.appendChild(style);
- shadowRoot.appendChild(divElem);
- }
- }
- );
- } catch (error) {
- }
- globalThis.__hx_Msg_list = new Set();
- class __hx_MsgIns {
- constructor(text) {
- this.text = text;
- this.el = document.createElement('hxdownload-message')
- document.body.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.el)
- this.el.className = 'hx-download-original-images-tool-msg';
- this.textEl = this.el.shadowRoot.querySelector('.text-node')
- this.textEl.innerText = text;
- __hx_Msg_list.add(this);
- this.el.style.transform = `translateX(280px) translateY(-${ (__hx_Msg_list.size -1 )* 50}px)`
- }
- /**
- * @param {any} text
- */
- update(text) {
- this.textEl.innerText = text
- }
- close() {
- this.textEl.innerText = ''
- this.el.parentElement.removeChild(this.el)
- __hx_Msg_list.delete(this);
- }
- }
- function formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) {
- if (!+bytes) return '0 Bytes'
- const k = 1024
- const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals
- const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB']
- const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k))
- return `${parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm))} ${sizes[i]}`
- }
- const openDown = (url, e, name) => {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- e && e.stopPropagation()
- const downBlobUrl = (blobUrl) => {
- let el = document.createElement("a");
- el.setAttribute("href", blobUrl);
- if (name) {
- el.setAttribute("download", name)
- }
- if (document.createEvent) {
- const event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
- event.initEvent("click", true, true);
- el.dispatchEvent(event);
- } else {
- el.click();
- }
- }
- if (url.startsWith('blob')) {
- downBlobUrl(url)
- return
- }
- fetch(url, {
- mode: "cors"
- })
- .then(async resp => {
- // instead of response.json() and other methods
- const reader = resp.body.getReader();
- const contentLength = +resp.headers.get('Content-Length');
- const ct = (resp.headers && resp.headers.get('Content-Type')) || '';
- console.log('ct', ct);
- // Step 3: read the data
- let receivedLength = 0; // received that many bytes at the moment
- let chunks = []; // array of received binary chunks (comprises the body)
- const __hx_Msg = new __hx_MsgIns('Loading');
- // infinite loop while the body is downloading
- while (true) {
- // done is true for the last chunk
- // value is Uint8Array of the chunk bytes
- const {
- done,
- value
- } = await reader.read();
- if (done) {
- break;
- }
- chunks.push(value);
- receivedLength += value.length;
- const text =
- __hx_Msg.update(`Received ${ formatBytes( receivedLength )} / ${ formatBytes( contentLength ) }`)
- }
- __hx_Msg.close()
- return new Blob(chunks, {
- type: ct
- });
- // // Step 4: concatenate chunks into single Uint8Array
- // let chunksAll = new Uint8Array(receivedLength); // (4.1)
- // let position = 0;
- // for(let chunk of chunks) {
- // chunksAll.set(chunk, position); // (4.2)
- // position += chunk.length;
- // }
- // // Step 5: decode into a string
- // let result = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(chunksAll);
- // // We're done!
- // let commits = JSON.parse(result);
- // alert(commits[0].author.login);
- // return resp.blob()
- })
- .then(r => {
- const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(r)
- downBlobUrl(blobUrl)
- })
- .catch(err => {
- console.log("Request failed", err);
- });
- }
- const hostname = window.location.hostname
- const lastItem = (arr, index = 0) => arr.length ? arr[arr.length - 1 - index] : ''
- const createDomAll = (item, fn) => {
- let domDL = document.createElement('a');
- domDL.className = 'hx-download-original-images-tool'
- domDL.title = '下载原始图片'
- // item.addEventListener('load', _ => {
- let link = fn(item.src)
- domDL.href = link || item.src
- domDL.addEventListener('click', e => {
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- openDown(link, e, lastItem(link.split('/')))
- })
- // })
- item.insertAdjacentElement('afterEnd', domDL)
- }
- const createDom = (cfg) => {
- const {
- parent,
- link,
- name,
- className = '',
- style = '',
- target,
- postion = 'afterEnd',
- linkArr
- } = cfg
- const genDomDL = (dom) => {
- let domDL = dom || document.createElement('a');
- Object.assign(domDL, {
- title: '下载原始图片',
- className: 'hx-download-original-images-tool ' + className,
- style: style,
- href: link,
- })
- domDL.onclick = e => {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- e && e.stopPropagation()
- const newName = name || lastItem(link.split('/'))
- if (linkArr) {
- linkArr.forEach(({
- link,
- name
- }) => openDown(link, e, name))
- } else {
- openDown(link, e, newName);
- }
- }
- return domDL
- }
- let parent2 = parent
- if (!parent && target) {
- parent2 = target.parentElement
- }
- // if (['afterEnd', 'beforeBegin'].includes(postion)) {
- // parent2 = target.parentElement.parentElement
- // }
- const exist = parent2.querySelector('.hx-download-original-images-tool')
- if (exist) {
- genDomDL(exist)
- } else {
- parent2.insertAdjacentElement(postion, genDomDL())
- }
- }
- const updateLink = (dom, link) => {
- dom.href = link
- const newName = lastItem(link.split('/'))
- dom.onclick = e => openDown(link, e, newName)
- }
- const init = () => {
- if ([
- 'x.com',
- 'mobile.x.com',
- 'tweetdeck.x.com',
- ].includes(hostname)) {
- //x
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- const src = target && target.src
- const parent = target.parentElement
- const next = parent && parent.nextElementSibling
- if (target.tagName == 'IMG' &&
- !(next && next.className.includes('hx-download-original-images-tool')) &&
- !/profile_images|emoji|video_thumb/g.test(src)) {
- const link = src.replace(/\&name=\w+/g, '&name=orig')
- const name = lastItem(link.split('/')).replace(/\?format=(\w+)\&name=orig/g, (_, b) => `.${b}`)
- const style = 'margin-left: 10px;margin-top: 10px;'
- const cfg = {
- parent,
- link,
- name,
- style
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname.includes('weibo')) {
- const isWeiboNode = dom => {
- const getNodeValue = el => el.attributes['node-type'] && el.attributes['node-type'].nodeValue
- if (getNodeValue(dom.parentElement) === 'artwork_box' || getNodeValue(dom) === 'img_box' || dom.className.includes('woo-picture-main') || dom.className.includes('woo-picture-slot') || dom.className.includes('imgInstance')) {
- return true
- } else {
- return false
- }
- }
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- const parent = target.parentElement
- const next = parent && parent.nextElementSibling
- if (target.tagName == 'IMG' && isWeiboNode(parent)) {
- const link = target.src.replace(/orj\d+|mw\d+/g, 'large')
- if (next && next.className.includes('hx-download-original-images-tool')) {
- updateLink(next, link)
- } else {
- const style = 'top: 40px;right: 10px;'
- const cfg = {
- parent,
- link,
- style
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "www.vmgirls.com") {
- // vmgirls
- let domDL = document.createElement('a');
- domDL.className = 'hx-download-original-images-tool '
- domDL.style = 'position: relative;margin-right: 10px;display: inline-block;vertical-align: -20px;'
- domDL.title = '下载原始图片'
- domDL.onclick = e => {
- const list1 = [...document.querySelector('.post').querySelectorAll('a')].filter(x => x.src && x.src.indexOf('static.vmgirls.com/image') !== -1)
- const list2 = [...document.querySelector('.post-content').querySelectorAll('img')].filter(x => x.src && x.src.indexOf('t.cdn.ink/image') !== -1)
- const imgList = [...list1, ...list2].map((x, i) => ({
- link: x.src && x.src.replace('-scaled', ''),
- name: `${x.alt || x.title}_${i}.jpg`
- }))
- domDL.title += ' ' + imgList.length
- imgList.forEach(x => openDown(x.link, e, x.name))
- const link1 = imgList.map(x => x.link).join('\n')
- const link2 = imgList.map(x => `aria2c -o ${x.name} ${x.link}`).join('\n')
- const content = `<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>获取链接</title></head><body><textarea style="width: 850px; height: 250px; margin: 30px;">${link1}</textarea>
- <textarea style="width: 850px; height: 250px; margin: 30px;">${link2}</textarea>
- </body></html>`
- window.open(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([content], {
- type: 'text/html'
- })))
- }
- document.querySelector('.main-submenu').insertAdjacentElement('afterBegin', domDL)
- } else if (hostname === "medium.com") {
- // medium
- document.querySelector('article').querySelectorAll('img').forEach(x => {
- if (x.width < 80) {
- return
- } else if (x.src.includes('max')) {
- createDomAll(x, src => src.replace(/max\/\d+\//g, 'max/30000/'))
- } else if (x.src.includes('resize')) {
- // https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*OG99lac_uxo6nUOcJtUrNw.jpeg
- createDomAll(x, src => src.replace(/resize:fit:\d+\//g, ''))
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "wallpaperhub.app") {
- // wallpaperhub
- const odomList = [...document.querySelectorAll('.downloadButton')]
- odomList.forEach(odom => {
- if (odom) {
- let link0 = odom.href.split('downloadUrl=')[1]
- const link = link0
- const style = 'position: relative;margin-right: 10px;display: inline-block;vertical-align: -20px;'
- const cfg = {
- parent: odom.parentElement.parentElement,
- link,
- style,
- postion: 'beforeBegin'
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "ntp.msn.cn") {
- // edge 首页
- const link = document.querySelector('background-image')._imageSource;
- const style = 'position: fixed;right: 80px;top: 40px;'
- const cfg = {
- parent: document.body,
- link,
- className: 'white',
- style,
- postion: 'beforeBegin'
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- } else if (hostname === "www.bing.com") {
- // bing 首页
- const orig = document.querySelector('[style*="th?id="]').style.backgroundImage
- const link = orig.match(/th\?id\=[\w\d\.\-\_]+/g)[0].replace('1920x1080', 'UHD').replace('webp', 'jpg')
- const name = link && link.split('=')[1]
- const style = 'position: relative;width: 42px;height: 42px;margin: 0;opacity: .9;'
- const cfg = {
- parent: document.querySelector('#id_h'),
- link,
- name,
- className: 'white',
- style,
- postion: 'afterBegin'
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- } else if (hostname === "cn.bing.com") {
- // bing 首页
- const link = document.querySelector('#bgImgProgLoad').dataset.ultraDefinitionSrc.split('&')[0];
- const name = link && link.split('=')[1]
- const style = 'position: fixed;right: 225px;bottom: 53px;margin: 0px;width: 64px;height: 64px;z-index: 550;opacity: .9;'
- const cfg = {
- parent: document.body,
- link,
- name,
- className: 'white',
- style,
- postion: 'beforeBegin'
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- } else if (hostname === "www.instagram.com") {
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- const el = target.previousElementSibling
- const el2 = target.parentElement
- const img = (el && el.querySelector('img:not([data-testid])') || el2 && el2.querySelector('video:not([data-testid])'))
- if (img) {
- const src = img.src
- const parent = img.parentElement
- const link = src
- const style = 'left: 10px;top: 10px;'
- const cfg = {
- parent,
- link,
- style,
- target: img,
- name: img.alt ? (img.alt + '.jpg') : src.split(/[\?\/]/g).filter(x => x.endsWith('.jpg'))[0],
- postion: 'beforeEnd'
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "www.tiktok.com") {
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- if (target.tagName == 'VIDEO') {
- const src = target.src
- const parent = target.parentElement
- const link = src
- const style = 'left: 10px;top: 10px;'
- const cfg = {
- parent,
- link,
- style,
- target,
- name: lastItem(src.split('?')[0].split('/').filter(x => x)),
- postion: 'beforeEnd'
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "www.douyin.com") {
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- // if (target && target.tagName === 'VIDEO') {
- // const src = (target.querySelector('source') || target).src
- // const link = src
- // const style = 'left: 10px;top: 10px;'
- // const cfg = {
- // link,
- // style,
- // target,
- // postion: 'afterEnd',
- // name: lastItem(src.split('?')[0].split('/').filter(x => x)),
- // }
- // createDom(cfg)
- // return
- // } else
- if (target && target.parentElement) {
- const container = target.parentElement.parentElement || {
- className: ''
- }
- if (container && container.className.includes('videoContainer') && container.querySelector('video')) {
- const src = (container.querySelector('source') || container.querySelector('video')).src
- const link = src
- const style = 'left: 10px;top: 10px;'
- const cfg = {
- link,
- style,
- target: container,
- postion: 'beforeEnd',
- name: lastItem(src.split('?')[0].split('/').filter(x => x)),
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "www.kuaishou.com") {
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- if (target && target.parentElement) {
- const container = target.parentElement.parentElement || {
- className: ''
- }
- if (container && container.className.includes('kwai-player') && container.querySelector('video')) {
- const src = (container.querySelector('source') || container.querySelector('video')).src
- const link = src
- const style = 'left: 10px;top: 10px;'
- const cfg = {
- link,
- style,
- target: container,
- postion: 'beforeEnd',
- name: lastItem(src.split('?')[0].split('/').filter(x => x)),
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "www.xiaohongshu.com") {
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- const container = target && target.parentElement
- if (container && container.className && container.className.includes('carousel')) {
- const inner = container.querySelector('li:not([style*=none]) .inner')
- const src = inner && inner.style['background-image'].replace(/^url\(\"|\"\)$/g, '')
- const link = src
- const style = 'left: 10px;top: 10px;'
- const cfg = {
- link,
- style,
- parent: container,
- postion: 'beforeEnd',
- name: lastItem(src.split('?')[0].split('/').filter(x => x)) + '.jpg',
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "dribbble.com") {
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- const container = target && target.parentElement && target.parentElement.parentElement
- if (container && container.className && (container.className.includes('block-media') || container.className.includes('video-container'))) {
- const inner = container.querySelector('img') || container.querySelector('video');
- let src = '';
- if (inner.tagName === 'IMG') {
- src = (inner && (inner.src || inner.srcset)).split('?')[0]
- } else if (inner.tagName === 'VIDEO') {
- src = inner && inner.src
- }
- const link = src
- const style = 'left: 10px;top: 10px;'
- const cfg = {
- link,
- style,
- parent: container,
- postion: 'beforeEnd',
- name: lastItem(src.split('?')[0].split('/').filter(x => x)),
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- })
- } else if (hostname === "nijijourney.com" || hostname === 'www.midjourney.com') {
- window.addEventListener('mouseover', ({
- target
- }) => {
- const container = target && target.parentElement && target.parentElement.parentElement
- if (container) {
- const inner = container.querySelector('link')
- const src = inner && inner.href.replace('_32_N.webp', '.webp')
- const link = src || ''
- const style = 'left: 10px;top: 10px;'
- const baseName = lastItem(link.split(/[\/\?]/), 1);
- let linkArr = []
- //linkArr.forEach(({ link, name}
- const linkCount = lastItem(link.split(/[\.\_\/]/), 1)
- const cfg = {
- link,
- style,
- parent: container,
- postion: 'beforeEnd',
- name: baseName,
- }
- if (Number(linkCount) > 0) {
- cfg.linkArr = Array.from({
- length: Number(linkCount) + 1
- }).map((x, i) => ({
- link: link.replace(/(\d).webp$/, i + '.webp'),
- name: baseName + '_' + i
- }))
- }
- createDom(cfg)
- }
- })
- }
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- init()
- }, 1200);