RARBG Advanced Filters

Additional quality of life filters: - Show or hide category icons; - Show or hide torrent thumbnails; - Show or hide movie and tv filters (Removes torrents with KORSUB and 720p); - Show or hide porn; - search for movies and tv shows by genre - Filter based on minimum IMDB rating;

< Feedback on RARBG Advanced Filters


Posted: 28.05.2019

Minimum IMDb rating filter not working?

Currently (2019.05.28), setting a threshold of 8.0 will show the movie "Hatton Garden: the Inside Story" (https://rarbgaccess.org/torrent/obq1nlj) on page 1 and 2, which has no rating on IMDb. Page 3 is the movie "Fatal Getaway", with no rating either.

Posted: 28.05.2019
Edited: 28.05.2019

$.each($("span"), function(index, value) { var ratings = $(this).text(); var imdb = ratings.indexOf("IMDB: ") + 6; if (ratings !== undefined && imdb !== -1) { minRating = parseFloat(minRating); var rateValue = parseFloat(ratings.substring(imdb,ratings.length-3)); if (!isNaN(rateValue)) { if (showMoviesTVFilters) { $(this).attr("style", "display: block;"); } if (rateValue <= minRating) { $(this).parents(".lista2").remove(); } } } });

Oh OK, you don't allow a movie with rating = minRating to stay, and keep the movie with no rating (=NaN). Not an expected behavior for me.

Posted: 29.05.2019

Hi, Ziyuan,

A few of things worth noting.

  1. The subject matter you're searching for is a television series and you can find this under TV Shows, not Movies.

  2. The listed IMDB rating for Hatton Garden is 7.3. So setting the minimum rating to 8.0 would filter out Hatton Garden from the TV Shows category.

  3. The logic goes something like this: if the IMDB ratings value is less than or equal to your minimum rating, then remove. If you DO want to keep a TV show with a IMDB rating of 8.0, you'll need to change the value to 8.1.

In reflecting upon this, perhaps I should change the logic to say remove if less than minimum rating's value. Let me know if you'd prefer that.

Posted: 24.09.2019

If I set the filter to Min Rating 7, it still shows all movies with a min rating of 7 and movies without a rating. Is this intentional?

Posted: 05.12.2019
Edited: 05.12.2019

Yes. You tell the script the minimum rating you want to see is 7 (or 7.0) and above. So the script shows you only movies that have a minimum rating of 7.

Movies without ratings are skipped because the filter only looks for a rating value. If the filter doesn't see this, it skips the movie.

Hope that clarifies.

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