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Posted: 11.11.2016

Sound Alert

"Ikariam - Sound alert (Φασουλάδα)"

Hi, i found this at userscripts-mirror..

I can't request anything in that site cause it's a temporary site without login possibility.
I'm referencing that script in case it can be used for tweaking..

Here's the kind of script i'd like:

Each time i click on a link "a countdown of user defined seconds starts"
& i get a bip like the bip of this site at the end, after my click:

if possible:
Put a popup setting for the countdown number in the browser's tools menu/greasemonkey menu,
where i could also disable the countdown.

An addon would be great for that having an icon in the statusbar but, it requires more work i guess ((

Posted: 11.11.2016

@delicacy, I belive you're the only person who can solve theese problems. Forward!

Posted: 11.11.2016

good guess, but i have zero computer knowledge, so yes i could resolve those problems through your free assumption, if i had learned how to write scripts.

another candidate ?

Posted: 11.11.2016
Edited: 11.11.2016
zero computer knowledge

No others. The first and only challenge. If you solve it - plus 100,500 to your computer skills

Posted: 12.11.2016

No others ? ok, God. by the way, i'm here to seek help, if i had time to learn computer languages in my life, i wouldn't be here & this vain conversation with "trepassers" ends here.

Posted: 12.11.2016

Here's the kind of script i'd like:

Each time i click on a link "a countdown of user defined seconds starts"
& i get a bip like the bip of this site at the end, after my click:

There's probably a global way to intercept clicks on links to run a script before passing control back to the page. It's hard to see how you could delay the click without locking up the tab during the delay. You could try to cancel it and re-apply it later; I've had mixed results with trying to do that.

Posted: 12.11.2016

Why would it lock (hangup) the tab when the countdown & audio file played occurs after the click, the click isn't effective after the countdown.. i'd find it strange if the effectiveness of the click would be affected by the fact a countdown up to the playing of a sound later was induced. or are you trying to tell me the countdown & playing of that sound cannot occur if i close the tab ? i'd find that strange too, it's a script action & not related to the html code. if you have a script, i'll gladly test it.

Posted: 13.11.2016

Firefox discards script commands when navigation away from the page starts. So if you attach something that takes time to run to a link but let Firefox follow the link immediately, that other action will be skipped or stopped. That's why I would think you need to stop Firefox from doing anything until the countdown completes. But I probably have a very incomplete understanding of your desired application. What is the countdown for if not a waiting period before following the link??

Posted: 13.11.2016

1) Firefox discards script commands when navigation away from the page starts. I would think you need to stop Firefox from doing anything until the countdown completes.

-Dang lol, so i guess only an addon can do that ?

2) What is the countdown for if not a waiting period before following the link??

-Imagine several tabs with different ids.
-Text is already filled with an addon.
-even if i use an independent win32 app or
-and the site allows pming only after 1 minute passed..
-& when i hear the bip at the end of the messaged site's countdown..
-a delay of losing my focus on the tv or anything else indoors, & clicking again.
The looping of the countdown is humanly dependent. humans can't follow actions
at a frame of second without modifying the regularity of that countdown.
Because at each human delayed click, a new countdown is started
by the messaged site, that invalidates any independent win32 countdown

The script or an addon that tells me by the bip that i'm ready to reclick..
through its bip X seconds after my click.. tells me i'm ready for another click.

This avoids the wasted time of seeing stupid messages like:
"you have to wait 60 minutes", going back to the previous page,
waiting that the page reappears & retrying stupidly.


if i forgot to close the previous tab before click on another tab for a new click,
or if i click on close & then move my arrow down to the submit-button, it's also
time wasted.. when after the previous or first click was initiated, no time i wasted
on my end & i can close that page & position my arrow on the new submit-button.

Posted: 13.11.2016

Are the messages in the page a readable part of the HTML (not content displayed in a plugin), or does a link or button change state from disabled to enabled, or hidden to visible? In that case, a script could watch for the specific change to occur and then alert you. I think years ago I might have seen scripts like that for download sites that have countdowns for non-account users, or which do not display a button until after the countdown completes.

Posted: 13.11.2016
Edited: 13.11.2016

"Are the messages in the page a readable part of the HTML (not content displayed in a plugin), or does a link or button change state from disabled to enabled, or hidden to visible? In that case, a script could watch for the specific change to occur and then alert you."

-1) that type of script is too specific to a website & not useful for what i described
-2) i need a bip & countdown for the "click" & not a warning before a message appears
-3) the message cannot appear until i clicked on the send form button....
& it only appears in a new page where the sending failed, its not a plugin,
it's the site's response

Posted: 13.11.2016

When you click, does Firefox stay on the page or does a new page load? If Firefox stays on the page, Greasemonkey probably could attach a script to the link to start a timer in the page. If a new page loads, Greasemonkey probably could launch a popup window with a timer before Firefox leaves the page.

Posted: 13.11.2016

a new page loads & i have a firefox setting that prevents popups to open in new windows but on the foreground & i can't change that

Posted: 30.11.2016
Edited: 30.11.2016

If you want to be able to click a link that changes the page you're currently on, the script would have to run on the website that opens when you click the link. As long as that's the only thing you use that website for, you can have a script that alerts you after a certain amount of time after that page is opened.

Or, you can open the link in a new tab (by right-clicking and selecting open in new tab), then the page that you clicked the link on can start the timer, wait till it finishes, play the alert, then close itself. Which do you want?

Oh, and can you provide the URL you want this script to work on?

Posted: 30.11.2016
Edited: 30.11.2016

It should be applied to any site were any form has been "submitted"..
all i have to do is activating it on firefox/palemoon's tools menu & greasemonkey,
whenever i need it. otherwise, i can't use it whenever i need a timer for other sites that use timers....
& there should be a discreet part where i could enter the right amount of time.

the actual webite:
i put them on tabs & then click on "send anyuser a message" & once
i submit a proposal. the timer starts.

Posted: 01.12.2016

The main problem is, if you are just clicking the submit button, it'll change the page, and stop any scripts they were running on that page. And therefore stopping the timer.

I made a script that will work just fine I believe, if you right click on the submit button and select "open in new tab".

Posted: 01.12.2016
Edited: 01.12.2016

I can add a UI that shows the number of seconds left, as soon as you confirm that this script is what you want. If it isn't, please clarify more and we'll work it out.

Posted: 01.12.2016
Edited: 01.12.2016

Um, I just realized I made a mistake.. You can't "open in new tab" a submit button, because it isn't a link..

I'm thinking of a different solution.

Posted: 01.12.2016

when i have profiles on different tabs, i have no interest in opening a new tab per profile, it's more useless time & risks to hang the browser when data reached a limit in the virtual memory. i don't want new tabs.. try to intercept the submition by clicking on form buttons..

Posted: 01.12.2016
Edited: 01.12.2016

Also, go to that page:
then select "digital alaram"
& get link
& click on link,
when you start a one second timer, you'll heear the alram that i need
"the sound"

Posted: 02.12.2016
Edited: 02.12.2016

Delicacy, I need to know whether the page refreshes when you click the submit button you're talking about.

Posted: 02.12.2016

It leads me to a new foreground page, warning me the message's been sent, or in case i didn't respect the time, another message on that new page. but the problem is that you're trying to write the script for a limited type of forms.. updates might be required in the future since it's not a complete solution. submitting a form doesn't always generate a new page in 50% of the times..

Posted: 02.12.2016

Yes, which is why I updated my script and now it works even if the page is refreshed, check it out:

Posted: 02.12.2016

nothing, no sound

Posted: 02.12.2016

After installing the script, make sure it's enabled, and refresh all other tabs.

(You don't have to do that every time, just after installing.)

It uses other tabs to play the sound, so if you just have one tab open it won't work.

The other tab open can't be a tab the script won't run on, such as: new tabs, tampermonkey, chrome://extensions, chrome://downloads, etc.

Posted: 02.12.2016

too many problems..

1) I needed a way to change the number of seconds in "tools"/greasemonkey/the addon's folder.

2) like i told you, i don't want to open new tabs to play a sound.. it should be played on the page of submition, in the background, i don't allow tabs to be opened by websites or scripts, to fight ad spam. i can't change that setting & i told you new tabs would complicate things & slow down the browser for a countdown, i'd also have to close those tabs one by one after.

3) addons are activated by defaulot when they're installed on greasemonkey.

Posted: 02.12.2016

& i can't have one tab open, i always have at minimum the search page & tabs of profiles. test it, it doesn't work, maybe you can create an account to realize no sound occurs. or maybe it's the way you play the file in the browser. ps: i don't use windows media foundation.. i have flash player, html5, vlc plugin.. a wav can be played easily

Posted: 02.12.2016

It uses a .wav file, the script doesn't open any new tabs, they just need to be open. I suspect it's not working for you because you said the button is a submit button, and it probably isn't.

Posted: 02.12.2016

Are you using google chrome? If not, then do.

Posted: 02.12.2016
Edited: 02.12.2016

lol, it's as simple as a charm to propose to move to another browser ))
i'll give you one example among millions..

if i had a rolls royce, & someone says, why don't you change it for a ferrarri,
shall i go for it ? ))

i've spent 15 years looking for fixes, scripts, addons, mod. addons, customizing columns, customizing the about config, etc etc, trust me, i'll never move to chrome.

for 2 simple reasons:

chrome is a new born baby browser
palemoon aka firefox, aka mozilla, is a 2 decades of development engine..

second reason: which is 100% "normal": ive tested it with amusement since so many devs love to brag about new technologies ignoring past works because the past is behind, but they forget that a lot of work to adapt solutions for previous browsers with years & years of dev. cannot be reproduced by snapping our fingers.

chrome crashes, chrome is limited in addons, chrome has similar addons found in the addons directory of the firefox server that have been recoded & adapted for chrome with 9/10 or half of the functionalities found in their firefox version..

chrome is very slow, but seek infos about it online, you'll find dumb people who'll manage to explain you that it's fast.. chrome is full of code bugs. the more tabs you open the slower http requests & actions become..

shall i now move to chrome ? LOL.

not for me, thanks.

I'm using palemoon v27.

& since you don't want to spoil time in subscribing which takes no time,
in order to test your script on the site, i'll send you an mhtml version,
so you can easily see it's a form with a button for submission of text..

Posted: 02.12.2016
Edited: 02.12.2016

It seems the sound file is being blocked from loading for some reason, I'll figure it out.

(Doesn't happen on chrome!)

Posted: 02.12.2016

ok i'll be waiting ))

Posted: 02.12.2016

MMMMMMMMM NOPE! Firefox is a nightmare, no thank you. Sorry.

Posted: 02.12.2016

you can't help me with this script. anyone else is welcome.

Posted: 02.12.2016

just one comment about this:

palemoon aka firefox, aka mozilla, is a 2 decades of development engine.. disagree, you should say «palemoon based on firefox, based on mozilla, based on netscape»

Posted: 02.12.2016

true ))

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