Manga Loader (unmaintained)

Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v1.7.1 09. 07. 2015 new feature! You can now define custom CSS in the new settings panel; The CSS will be saved and reapplied each time the script loads. You can change the background color of the page, the width of the images and pretty much anything else.
  • v1.6.24 07. 07. 2015 fixed readmanga today loading on first page (previous button was not present to it interfered with the css selector); added
  • v1.6.23 30. 06. 2015 added foolslide implementation and matched 3 sites that use it (redhawkscans, s2smanga, casanovascans)
  • v1.6.22 27. 06. 2015 fixed chapter detection for mangakaka and mangajoy
  • v1.6.21 18. 06. 2015
  • v1.6.21 18. 06. 2015 fixed nav button detection and mangacow chapter detection
  • v1.6.20 15. 06. 2015 show exit button when autoload is enabled, set flag to stop autoload if exit button is pressed
  • v1.6.19 15. 06. 2015 simplified implementations for mangadoom, mangacow, mangaindo (now combined); simplified and standardized chapter detection for various imps
  • v1.6.18 15. 06. 2015 messed up imp on last update-- fixed
  • v1.6.17 15. 06. 2015 fixed chapter switching on mangakaka
  • v1.6.16 12. 06. 2015 fixed senmanga
  • v1.6.15 12. 06. 2015
  • v1.6.15 12. 06. 2015 added
  • v1.6.14 10. 06. 2015 removed onemanga / onemanga 2, added mangakaka (the new version)
  • v1.6.13 09. 06. 2015 added ero sub-domain of senmanga
  • v1.6.12 31. 05. 2015 fixed hentai rules to support all number galleries
  • v1.6.11 31. 05. 2015 added
  • v1.6.10 17. 05. 2015 batoto handle long strip manhwa; pass context to selector functions
  • v1.6.9 17. 05. 2015 added
  • v1.6.8 04. 05. 2015 fixed event order for keybindings (trigger first); fixed chapter detection for manga here and added wait condition
  • v1.6.7 04. 05. 2015 show pointer cursor for reload image button
  • v1.6.6 22. 04. 2015 fixed BM_MODE initial state
  • v1.6.5 22. 04. 2015 manga-town: fixed match regex; senmanga: now getting first image from more reliable source; anime-a: fixed match regex; the-spectrum-scans: adjusted match regex and fixed page parsing; kiss-manga: fixed manga loading when reading type is set to all pages; mangago: fixed chapter url detection; mangaindo: updated to new domain name; central-de-mangas: updated domain to org and handled more subdomain matches; ; added some sanity checks for chapter links
  • v1.6.4 19. 04. 2015 removed stats, not useful or appripriate in current state, will rework
  • v1.6.3 19. 04. 2015 fixed senmanga; fixed nowshelf; renamed mangadeer to mangapark; implemented primitive stat saving, will probably post these in the description to rank sites as they build up
  • v1.6.2 14. 04. 2015 made the log messages green for fanciness sake
  • v1.6.1 14. 04. 2015 implemented
  • v1.6.0 14. 04. 2015 implemented and; added hotkeys for switching chaters and exiting (z -prev chap, x - exit, c - next chap); allowed newlines in floating message; added help button that shows some information
  • v1.5.13 19. 03. 2015 implemented and
  • v1.5.12 19. 03. 2015 added and improved logic for lazy image loading (now takes into account image height instead of using a hard-coded value)
  • v1.5.11 19. 03. 2015 fixed senmanga, dm5 and mangajoy; implemented
  • v1.5.10 15. 02. 2015 fixed bug in pecintakomik chapter detection
  • v1.5.9 10. 02. 2015 another fix for non greasemonkey environments, removed invalid return statement
  • v1.5.8 10. 02. 2015 fix script when running in non-greasemonkey environment like bookmarklet
  • v1.5.7 03. 02. 2015 fixed chapter detection
  • v1.5.6 03. 02. 2015 added
  • v1.5.5 03. 02. 2015 added support for; added chapter support for
  • v1.5.4 01. 02. 2015 improved chapter detection for mangahere; the 'wait' part of a site implementation can now be a function, the script will wait for that function to return true before trying to load the manga on that page, this applies when autoloading and is useful to make sure required variables are defined before launch
  • v1.5.3 01. 02. 2015 fixed issue with hqbr implementation that prevented first and last chapters from loading (because of errors involving next and previous chapter detection)
  • v1.5.2 30. 01. 2015 added pagecount and curpage to implementation
  • v1.5.1 30. 01. 2015 fixed bug where stats went out of sync after manually refreshing image
  • v1.5.0 30. 01. 2015 added new feature that allows user to manually reload an image that is misbehaving, refresh icon in the the bottom right toolbar; added system for displaying messages to user
  • v1.4.20 27. 01. 2015 added support for
  • v1.4.19 26. 01. 2015 fixed issue where reloading image that failed to load pushed it to the bottom of the page
  • v1.4.18 25. 01. 2015 added, handled edge case that loaded nonexistent images
  • v1.4.17 24. 01. 2015 updated domain to handle onemanga2; implemented
  • v1.4.16 21. 01. 2015 added kissmanga and spectrum scans
  • v1.4.15 18. 01. 2015 added mangawall and manag.animeA
  • v1.4.14 31. 12. 2014 fixed unhandled url pattern on senmanga
  • v1.4.13 25. 12. 2014 handled alternate URL for mangastream ( as well as

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