Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
Very good! :star:
This will go into the next version (>v1.96).
Thank you for your feedback and suggestion. This is now working in v2. :)
Script doesn't load when there is "time_continue=digits&" parameter in URL. Potential fix?
When we click "YouTube" logo on embedded player (outside of YouTube) which was already playing some video, we are redirected to URL containing "time_continue=XXX&" parameter in URL which seems to prevent script from showing downloading options.
It looks like it may be caused by code starting from 1411th line which looks like
return false;
If we change regex to accept optional non-capturing group (more info: which will handle "time_continue=digits&" like
return false;
video identifier will still be placed in group 1, so farther code like
var videoId = RegExp.$1;
will still be valid.