// ==UserScript==
// @name GGn vndb uploady new
// @namespace none
// @version 4
// @description input game title or vndb id (anything with v(digits)) and click vndb to fill
// @author ingts
// @match https://gazellegames.net/upload.php*
// @connect api.vndb.org
// @icon none
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
const autoSearchTrailer = false
const autoPTPimg = false
const tagsDictionary = {
'romance': ["Love", "Polyamory", "Polygamy", "Swinging", "Romance"],
'horror': ["Horror", "Graphic Violence"],
'science.fiction': ["Science Fiction", "AI"],
'drama': ["Drama", "Suicide", "Suicidal", "Desperation"],
'crime': ["Crime", "Slave"],
'mystery': ["Mystery", "Amnesia", "Disappearance", "Secret Identity"],
'comedy': ["Comedy", "Slapstick", "Comedic"],
'fantasy': ["Fantasy", "Magic", "Mahou", "Superpowers"]
function removeLastBracket(str) {
if (!str) return ''
if (!str.endsWith(']')) return str
let i = str.length - 1
let bracketCounter = 0
for (; i >= 0; i--) {
if (str[i] === ']') {
} else if (str[i] === '[') {
if (bracketCounter === 0) {
return str.substring(0, i).trim()
const gameTitleInput = document.getElementById('title')
gameTitleInput.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", '<a href="javascript:" id="fill_vndb">vndb</a>')
const fill_vndb = document.getElementById('fill_vndb')
function fill(results) {
const pcPlatforms = ['win', 'lin', 'mac']
const consoleOnly = results.platforms.every(platform => !pcPlatforms.includes(platform))
if (!consoleOnly) {
document.getElementById('platform').value = 'Windows'
const englishTitle = results.titles.find(a => a.lang === 'en')
gameTitleInput.value = englishTitle ? englishTitle.title : results.title
if (autoSearchTrailer) window.open(`https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=${gameTitleInput.value} trailer`, '_blank').focus()
document.getElementById('aliases').value = [results.alttitle, results.aliases.join(", "), englishTitle ? results.title : null].filter(Boolean).join(', ')
const tagsInput = document.getElementById('tags')
let foundTags = new Set()
const noRomance = results.tags.some(tag => tag.name === "No Romance Plot")
for (const ggnTag of Object.keys(tagsDictionary)) {
if (ggnTag === 'romance' && noRomance) {
for (const vndbTag of results.tags) {
if (tagsDictionary[ggnTag].some(word => vndbTag.name.includes(word))) {
tagsInput.value = foundTags.size === 0 ? 'visual.novel' : `visual.novel, ${Array.from(foundTags).join(', ')}`
document.getElementById('year').value = results.released === 'TBA' ? new Date().getFullYear() : results.released.split('-')[0]
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://api.vndb.org/kana/release',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
data: JSON.stringify({
"filters": ["vn", "=", ["id", "=", results.id]],
"fields": "minage, has_ero",
"results": 100
responseType: "json",
onload: function (response) {
let ratingSelectValue
const highestMinAge = Math.max(...response.response.results.map(result => result.minage))
if (highestMinAge === 12 || highestMinAge === 13) ratingSelectValue = 5
else if (highestMinAge === 16 || highestMinAge === 17) ratingSelectValue = 7
else if (highestMinAge >= 18) ratingSelectValue = 9
else ratingSelectValue = 13
document.getElementById('Rating').value = ratingSelectValue
if (response.response.results.some(r => r.has_ero))
tagsInput.value += ', adult'
document.getElementById('image').value = results.image.url
if (autoPTPimg) document.getElementById('image').nextElementSibling.click()
const systemRequirements = `
[quote][align=center][b][u]System Requirements[/u][/b][/align]
[*][b]Storage[/b]: [/quote]`
const descInput = document.getElementById('album_desc')
descInput.value =
`[align=center][b][u]About the game[/u][/b][/align]
${consoleOnly ? '' : systemRequirements}
// if its on pc and console
if (!consoleOnly && results.platforms.some(platform => !pcPlatforms.includes(platform))) {
fill_vndb.removeEventListener('click', start)
fill_vndb.textContent = 'console version found. click to remove system requirements'
fill_vndb.addEventListener('click', () => {
descInput.value = descInput.value.replace(systemRequirements, '')
fill_vndb.outerHTML = '<span>removed</span>'
const screens = document.getElementsByName("screens[]")
const add_screen = document.querySelector("#image_block a[href='#']")
results.screenshots.forEach((screen, index) => {
if (index >= 20) return
if (index >= 4) add_screen.click()
screens[index].value = screen.url
if (autoPTPimg) screens[index].nextElementSibling.click()
function start() {
if (!gameTitleInput.value) {
const linkmatch = gameTitleInput.value.match(/v(\d+)/)
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://api.vndb.org/kana/vn',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
data: JSON.stringify({
"filters": linkmatch ? ["id", "=", `${linkmatch[1]}`] : ["search", "=", `${gameTitleInput.value}`],
"fields": "alttitle, titles.title, title, aliases, description, image.url, screenshots.url, released, titles.lang, tags.name, platforms",
"results": 1
responseType: "json",
onload: function (response) {
fill_vndb.addEventListener('click', start)