// ==UserScript==
// @name SendToClient
// @namespace NotMareks Scripts
// @description Painlessly send torrents to your bittorrent client.
// @match *://*.gazellegames.net/*
// @match *://*.animebytes.tv/*
// @match *://*.orpheus.network/*
// @match *://*.passthepopcorn.me/*
// @match *://*.greatposterwall.com/*
// @match *://*.redacted.ch/*
// @match *://*.jpopsuki.eu/*
// @match *://*.tv-vault.me/*
// @match *://*.sugoimusic.me/*
// @match *://*.ianon.app/*
// @match *://*.alpharatio.cc/*
// @match *://*.uhdbits.org/*
// @match *://*.morethantv.me/*
// @match *://*.empornium.is/*
// @match *://*.deepbassnine.com/*
// @match *://*.broadcasthe.net/*
// @match *://*.secret-cinema.pw/*
// @match *://*.blutopia.cc/*
// @match *://*.aither.cc/*
// @match *://*.desitorrents.tv/*
// @match *://*.jptv.club/*
// @match *://*.telly.wtf/*
// @match *://*.torrentseeds.org/*
// @match *://*.torrentleech.org/*
// @match *://*.www.torrentleech.org/*
// @match *://*.anilist.co/*
// @match *://*.karagarga.in/*
// @match *://beyond-hd.me/torrents/*
// @match *://beyond-hd.me/library/*
// @match *://beyond-hd.me/bookmarks/
// @match *://beyond-hd.me/lists/*
// @match *://beyond-hd.me/people/*
// @match *://beyond-hd.me/ratings/
// @version
// @author notmarek
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/combine/npm/@violentmonkey/dom@2,npm/@violentmonkey/ui@0.7
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
const XFetch = {
post: async (url, data, headers = {}) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: 'POST',
onload: res => {
json: async () => JSON.parse(res.responseText),
text: async () => res.responseText,
headers: async () => Object.fromEntries(res.responseHeaders.split('\r\n').map(h => h.split(': '))),
raw: res
get: async url => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json'
onload: res => {
json: async () => JSON.parse(res.responseText),
text: async () => res.responseText,
headers: async () => Object.fromEntries(res.responseHeaders.split('\r\n').map(h => h.split(': '))),
raw: res
const addTorrent = async (torrentUrl, clientUrl, username, password, client, path, category) => {
let implementations = {
qbit: async () => {
XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/api/v2/auth/login`, `username=${username}&password=${password}`, {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
let tor_data = new FormData();
tor_data.append('urls', torrentUrl);
if (path) {
tor_data.append('savepath', path);
tor_data.append('category', category);
XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/api/v2/torrents/add`, tor_data);
trans: async (session_id = null) => {
let headers = {
Authorization: `Basic ${btoa(`${username}:${password}`)}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
if (session_id) headers['X-Transmission-Session-Id'] = session_id;
let res = await XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/transmission/rpc`, JSON.stringify({
arguments: {
filename: torrentUrl,
'download-dir': path
method: 'torrent-add'
}), headers);
if (res.raw.status === 409) {
implementations.trans((await res.headers())['X-Transmission-Session-Id']);
flood: async () => {
// login
XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/api/auth/authenticate`, JSON.stringify({
}), {
'content-type': 'application/json'
XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/api/torrents/add-urls`, JSON.stringify({
urls: [torrentUrl],
destination: path,
start: true
}), {
'content-type': 'application/json'
deluge: async () => {
XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/json`, JSON.stringify({
method: 'auth.login',
params: [password],
id: 0
}), {
'content-type': 'application/json'
let res = await XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/json`, JSON.stringify({
method: 'web.download_torrent_from_url',
params: [torrentUrl],
id: 1
}), {
'content-type': 'application/json'
XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/json`, JSON.stringify({
method: 'web.add_torrents',
params: [[{
path: (await res.json()).result,
options: {
add_paused: false,
download_location: path
id: 2
}), {
'content-type': 'application/json'
rutorrent: async () => {
// credit to humeur
let headers = {
Authorization: `Basic ${btoa(`${username}:${password}`)}`
const response = await fetch(torrentUrl);
const data = await response.blob();
let form = new FormData();
form.append('torrent_file[]', data, 'sendtoclient.torrent');
form.append('torrents_start_stopped', 'true');
form.append('dir_edit', path);
form.append('label', category);
XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/rutorrent/php/addtorrent.php?json=1`, form, headers);
await implementations[client]();
async function testClient(clientUrl, username, password, client) {
let clients = {
trans: async () => {
let headers = {
Authorization: `Basic ${btoa(`${username}:${password}`)}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Transmission-Session-Id': null
let res = await XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/transmission/rpc`, null, headers);
if (res.raw.status !== 401) {
return true;
return false;
qbit: async () => {
let res = await XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/api/v2/auth/login`, `username=${username}&password=${password}`, {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
cookie: 'SID='
if ((await res.text()) === 'Ok.') {
return true;
return false;
deluge: async () => {
let res = await XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/json`, JSON.stringify({
method: 'auth.login',
params: [password],
id: 0
}), {
'content-type': 'application/json'
try {
if ((await res.json()).result) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
return false;
flood: async () => {
let res = await XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/api/auth/authenticate`, JSON.stringify({
}), {
'content-type': 'application/json'
try {
if ((await res.json()).success) return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
return false;
rutorrent: async () => {
// credit to humeur
let headers = {
Authorization: `Basic ${btoa(`${username}:${password}`)}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
let res = await XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/rutorrent/php/addtorrent.php?json=1`, null, headers);
if (res.raw.status !== 401) {
return true;
return false;
// credit to humeur;
let result = await clients[client]();
return result;
// TODO: new implementation - there should be a class for each client implementating the needed methods
const getCategories = async (clientUrl, username, password) => {
XFetch.post(`${clientUrl}/api/v2/auth/login`, `username=${username}&password=${password}`, {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
let res = await XFetch.get(`${clientUrl}/api/v2/torrents/categories`);
try {
return Object.keys(await res.json());
} catch (_unused) {
return [];
async function detectClient(url) {
const res = await XFetch.get(url);
const body = await res.text();
const headers = await res.headers();
if (headers.hasOwnProperty('WWW-Authenticate')) {
const wwwAuthenticateHeader = headers['WWW-Authenticate'];
if (wwwAuthenticateHeader.includes('"Transmission"')) return 'trans';
if (body.includes('<title>Deluge ')) return 'deluge';
if (body.includes('<title>Flood</title>')) return 'flood';
if (body.includes('<title>qBittorrent ')) return 'qbit';
if (body.includes('ruTorrent ')) return 'rutorrent';
return 'unknown';
class Profile {
constructor(id, name, host, username, password, client, saveLocation, category, linkedTo = []) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.host = host;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.client = client;
this.saveLocation = saveLocation;
this.category = category;
this.linkedTo = linkedTo;
async linkTo(site, replace = false) {
let alreadyLinkedTo = profileManager.profiles.find(p => p.linkedTo.includes(site));
if (alreadyLinkedTo && !replace) {
return alreadyLinkedTo.name;
} else if (alreadyLinkedTo && replace) {
if (this.linkedTo.includes(site)) return true;
return true;
async unlinkFrom(site) {
this.linkedTo = this.linkedTo.filter(s => s !== site);
async getCategories() {
if (this.client != 'qbit') return [];
let res = await getCategories(this.host, this.username, this.password);
return res;
async testConnection() {
return await testClient(this.host, this.username, this.password, this.client);
async addTorrent(torrent_uri) {
return await addTorrent(torrent_uri, this.host, this.username, this.password, this.client, this.saveLocation, this.category);
const profileManager = {
profiles: [],
selectedProfile: null,
addProfile: function (profile) {
removeProfile: function (id) {
this.profiles = this.profiles.find(p => p.id === id);
getProfile: function (id) {
var _this$profiles$find;
return (_this$profiles$find = this.profiles.find(p => Number(p.id) === Number(id))) != null ? _this$profiles$find : new Profile(id, 'New Profile', '', '', '', 'none', '', '');
getProfiles: function () {
if (this.profiles.length === 0) this.load();
return this.profiles;
setSelectedProfile: function (id) {
this.selectedProfile = this.getProfile(id);
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('profileChanged', {
detail: this.selectedProfile
setProfile: function (profile) {
if (!this.profiles.includes(this.getProfile(profile.id))) {
} else {
this.profiles = this.profiles.map(p => {
if (p.id === profile.id) {
p = profile;
return p;
getNextId: function () {
if (this.profiles.length === 0) return 0;
return Number(this.profiles.sort((a, b) => Number(b.id) > Number(a.id))[0].id) + 1;
save: function () {
GM.setValue('profiles', JSON.stringify(this.profiles));
GM.setValue('selectedProfile', this.selectedProfile.id);
load: async function () {
var _this$getProfile, _Number;
const profiles = await GM.getValue('profiles');
if (profiles) {
this.profiles = JSON.parse(profiles).map(p => {
var _p$category, _p$linkedTo;
return new Profile(p.id, p.name, p.host, p.username, p.password, p.client, p.saveLocation, (_p$category = p.category) != null ? _p$category : '', (_p$linkedTo = p.linkedTo) != null ? _p$linkedTo : []);
for (const profile of this.profiles) {
for (const site of profile.linkedTo) {
if (location.href.includes(site)) {
this.selectedProfile = profile;
this.selectedProfile = (_this$getProfile = this.getProfile((_Number = Number(await GM.getValue('selectedProfile'))) != null ? _Number : 0)) != null ? _this$getProfile : new Profile(0, 'New Profile', '', '', '', 'none', '', '');
var styles = {"title":"style-module_title__Hei5S","desc":"style-module_desc__LACEI","settings":"style-module_settings__N-vGX","wrapper":"style-module_wrapper__qBEFA","select_input":"style-module_select_input__b12Je"};
var stylesheet=".style-module_title__Hei5S{font-size:20px;font-weight:700;line-height:24px;margin-bottom:10px;text-align:center}.style-module_desc__LACEI{--tw-text-opacity:1;color:rgb(22 163 74/var(--tw-text-opacity))}.style-module_settings__N-vGX{grid-row-gap:1rem;grid-column-gap:1rem;display:grid;grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr}:host{align-items:center;backdrop-filter:blur(5px);display:flex;height:100%;justify-content:center;left:0;position:fixed;top:0;width:100%;z-index:99999999999}.style-module_wrapper__qBEFA{border-radius:10px;padding:20px}.style-module_select_input__b12Je{background-color:#fff;border:1px solid grey;height:20px;position:relative}.style-module_select_input__b12Je>select{border:none;bottom:0;left:0;margin:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%}.style-module_select_input__b12Je>input{border:none;left:0;padding:1px;position:absolute;top:0;width:calc(100% - 20px)}";
const ButtonTypes = {
simple: 0,
extended: 1
const globalSettingsManager = {
settings: {
button_type: ButtonTypes.simple
get button_type() {
return this.settings.button_type;
set button_type(val) {
this.settings.button_type = val;
async load() {
let settings = await GM.getValue('settings');
if (settings) {
this.settings = JSON.parse(settings);
async save() {
await GM.setValue('settings', JSON.stringify(this.settings));
const clientSelectorOnChange = (e, shadow) => {
if (shadow.querySelector('#host').value === '' && e.target.value !== 'unknown') shadow.querySelector('#host').value = e.target.value === 'flood' ? document.location.href.replace(/\/overview|login\/$/, '') : document.location.href.replace(/\/$/, '');
shadow.querySelector('#category').hidden = e.target.value !== 'qbit';
shadow.querySelector("label[for='category']").hidden = e.target.value !== 'qbit';
if (e.target.value === 'qbit') {
shadow.querySelector("label[for='username']").hidden = e.target.value === 'deluge';
shadow.querySelector('#username').hidden = e.target.value === 'deluge';
function ClientSelector({
}) {
return VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, VM.h("label", {
for: "client"
}, "Client:"), VM.h("select", {
id: "client",
name: "client",
onchange: e => clientSelectorOnChange(e, shadow)
}, VM.h("option", {
value: "none",
default: true
}, "None"), VM.h("option", {
value: "deluge"
}, "Deluge"), VM.h("option", {
value: "flood"
}, "Flood"), VM.h("option", {
value: "qbit"
}, "qBittorrent"), VM.h("option", {
value: "trans"
}, "Transmission"), VM.h("option", {
value: "rutorrent"
}, "ruTorrent"), VM.h("option", {
value: "unknown",
hidden: true
}, "Not supported by auto detect")));
const profileOnSave = (e, shadow) => {
let profile = profileManager.getProfile(shadow.querySelector('#profile').value);
profile.host = shadow.querySelector('#host').value;
profile.username = shadow.querySelector('#username').value;
profile.password = shadow.querySelector('#password').value;
profile.client = shadow.querySelector('#client').value;
profile.saveLocation = shadow.querySelector('#saveLocation').value;
profile.name = shadow.querySelector('#profilename').value;
profile.category = shadow.querySelector('#category>input').value;
shadow.querySelector('#profile').innerHTML = null;
shadow.querySelector('#profile').appendChild(VM.m(VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, profileManager.getProfiles().map(p => {
return VM.h("option", {
selected: p.id === profileManager.selectedProfile.id,
value: p.id
}, p.name);
}), VM.h("option", {
value: profileManager.getNextId()
}, "New profile"))));
const addSiteToProfile = async (hostname, shadow) => {
let result = await profileManager.selectedProfile.linkTo(hostname);
if (result !== true && confirm(`This site is already linked to "${result}". Do you want to replace it?`)) profileManager.selectedProfile.linkTo(hostname, true);
target: shadow.querySelector('#profile')
}, shadow);
function profileSelectHandler(e, shadow) {
const profile = profileManager.getProfile(e.target.value);
shadow.querySelector('#host').value = profile.host;
shadow.querySelector('#username').value = profile.username;
shadow.querySelector('#password').value = profile.password;
shadow.querySelector('#client').value = profile.client;
shadow.querySelector('#saveLocation').value = profile.saveLocation;
shadow.querySelector('#profilename').value = profile.name;
shadow.querySelector('#linkToSite').innerHTML = null;
shadow.querySelector('#linkToSite').appendChild(VM.m(VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, profileManager.selectedProfile.linkedTo.map(site => VM.h("option", {
value: site
}, site)), profileManager.selectedProfile.linkedTo.includes(location.hostname) ? null : VM.h("option", {
value: location.hostname
}, "Link to this site."))));
target: shadow.querySelector('select#client')
function ProfileSelector({
}) {
return VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, VM.h("label", {
for: "profile"
}, "Profile:"), VM.h("select", {
id: "profile",
name: "profile",
onchange: e => profileSelectHandler(e, shadow)
}, profileManager.getProfiles().map(p => {
return VM.h("option", {
selected: p.id === profileManager.selectedProfile.id,
value: p.id
}, p.name);
}), VM.h("option", {
value: profileManager.getNextId()
}, "New profile")));
async function loadCategories(shadow) {
let options = await profileManager.selectedProfile.getCategories().then(e => e.map(cat => VM.h("option", {
value: cat,
selected: profileManager.selectedProfile.category === cat
}, cat)));
options.push(VM.h("option", {
value: "",
default: true,
selected: profileManager.selectedProfile.category === ''
}, "Default"));
shadow.querySelector('#category>input').value = profileManager.selectedProfile.category;
shadow.querySelector('select[name="category"]').innerHTML = null;
shadow.querySelector('select[name="category"]').appendChild(VM.m(VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, options)));
function CategorySelector({
}) {
return VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, VM.h("label", {
for: "category",
hidden: hidden
}, "Category:"), VM.h("div", {
id: "category",
hidden: hidden,
className: styles.select_input
}, VM.h("select", {
name: "category",
onload: () => loadCategories(shadow),
onchange: e => shadow.querySelector('#category>input').value = e.target.value
}), VM.h("input", {
type: "text",
name: "category"
function LinkToSite({
}) {
return VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, VM.h("label", {
for: "linkToSite"
}, "Linked to:"), VM.h("select", {
onchange: async e => {
if (profileManager.selectedProfile.linkedTo.includes(e.target.value)) confirm('Do you want to unlink this site?') && profileManager.selectedProfile.unlinkFrom(e.target.value);else await addSiteToProfile(e.target.value, shadow);
id: "linkToSite",
name: "linkToSite"
}, profileManager.selectedProfile.linkedTo.map(site => VM.h("option", {
value: site
}, site)), profileManager.selectedProfile.linkedTo.includes(location.hostname) ? null : VM.h("option", {
value: location.hostname
}, "Link to this site.")));
function SettingsElement({
}) {
const shadow = panel.root;
return VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, VM.h("div", {
className: styles.title
}, "SendToClient"), VM.h("div", null, VM.h("div", {
className: styles.settings
}, VM.h("label", {
for: "btn-type",
title: "Toggles whatever you want to choose a profile while sending a torrent"
}, "Advanced button:"), VM.h("input", {
name: "btn-type",
type: "checkbox",
title: "Change will be applied after a page reload",
onchange: e => globalSettingsManager.button_type = Number(e.target.checked),
checked: globalSettingsManager.button_type ? true : false
})), VM.h("form", {
className: styles.settings,
onsubmit: async e => {
profileOnSave(e, shadow);
return false;
}, VM.h(ProfileSelector, {
shadow: shadow
}), VM.h(LinkToSite, {
shadow: shadow
}), VM.h(ClientSelector, {
shadow: shadow
}), VM.h("label", {
for: "profilename"
}, "Profile name:"), VM.h("input", {
type: "text",
id: "profilename",
name: "profilename"
}), VM.h("label", {
for: "host"
}, "Host:"), VM.h("input", {
type: "text",
id: "host",
name: "host"
}), VM.h("label", {
for: "username"
}, "Username:"), VM.h("input", {
type: "text",
id: "username",
name: "username"
}), VM.h("label", {
for: "password"
}, "Password:"), VM.h("input", {
type: "password",
id: "password",
name: "password"
}), VM.h(CategorySelector, {
hidden: profileManager.selectedProfile.client !== 'qbit',
shadow: shadow
}), VM.h("label", {
for: "saveLocation"
}, "Save location:"), VM.h("input", {
type: "text",
id: "saveLocation",
name: "saveLocation"
}), VM.h("button", {
onclick: async e => {
shadow.querySelector('select#client').value = await detectClient(shadow.querySelector('#host').value);
target: shadow.querySelector('select#client')
return false;
}, "Detect client"), VM.h("button", {
onclick: async e => {
shadow.querySelector('#res').innerText = (await testClient(shadow.querySelector('#host').value, shadow.querySelector('#username').value, shadow.querySelector('#password').value, shadow.querySelector('select#client').value)) ? 'Client seems to be working' : "Client doesn't seem to be working";
return false;
}, "Test client"), VM.h("input", {
type: "submit",
value: "Save"
}), VM.h("button", {
onclick: e => panel.hide()
}, "Close")), VM.h("p", {
id: "res",
style: "text-align: center;"
const Settings = () => {
const panel = VM.getPanel({
theme: 'dark',
shadow: true,
style: stylesheet
// give the panel access to itself :)
panel.setContent(VM.h(SettingsElement, {
panel: panel
let original_show = panel.show;
panel.show = () => {
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
let original_hide = panel.hide;
panel.hide = () => {
document.body.style.overflow = 'auto';
target: {
value: profileManager.selectedProfile.id
}, panel.root);
function ExtendeSTCProfile({
}) {
return VM.h("button", {
style: "display: block; padding: 5px; margin: 5px; cursor: pointer;",
onclick: e => {
return panel.hide();
}, profile.name);
function ExtendedSTCElement({
}) {
let profiles = [];
for (let profile of profileManager.profiles) {
profiles.push(VM.h(ExtendeSTCProfile, {
panel: panel,
profile: profile,
torrentUrl: torrentUrl
return VM.h("div", {
style: "display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content:center;"
}, "Choose which profile to send to", profiles, VM.h("button", {
style: "display: block; padding: 5px; margin: 5px; background-color: #fe0000; cursor: pointer;",
onclick: () => panel.hide()
}, "Cancel"));
const ExtendedSTC = torrentUrl => {
const panel = VM.getPanel({
theme: 'dark',
shadow: true,
style: stylesheet
// give the panel access to itself :)
panel.setContent(VM.h(ExtendedSTCElement, {
panel: panel,
torrentUrl: torrentUrl
let original_show = panel.show;
panel.show = () => {
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
let original_hide = panel.hide;
panel.hide = () => {
document.body.style.overflow = 'auto';
const XSTBTN = ({
}) => {
return VM.h("a", {
title: "Add to client - extended!",
href: "#",
className: "sendtoclient",
onclick: async e => {
if (freeleech) if (!confirm('After sending to client a feeleech token will be consumed!')) return;
}, "X", freeleech ? "F" : "", "ST");
const STBTN = ({
}) => {
return globalSettingsManager.button_type ? VM.h(XSTBTN, {
freeleech: false,
torrentUrl: torrentUrl
}) : VM.h("a", {
title: `Add to ${profileManager.selectedProfile.name}.`,
href: "#",
className: "sendtoclient",
onclick: async e => {
await profileManager.selectedProfile.addTorrent(torrentUrl);
e.target.innerText = 'Added!';
e.target.onclick = null;
}, "ST");
const FSTBTN = ({
}) => {
return globalSettingsManager.button_type ? VM.h(XSTBTN, {
freeleech: true,
torrentUrl: torrentUrl
}) : VM.h("a", {
href: "#",
title: `Freeleechize and add to ${profileManager.selectedProfile.name}.`,
className: "sendtoclient",
onclick: async e => {
if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to use a freeleech token here?')) return;
await profileManager.selectedProfile.addTorrent(torrentUrl);
e.target.innerText = 'Added!';
e.target.onclick = null;
}, "FST");
const handlers = [{
name: 'Gazelle',
matches: ["gazellegames.net","animebytes.tv","orpheus.network","passthepopcorn.me","greatposterwall.com","redacted.ch","jpopsuki.eu","tv-vault.me","sugoimusic.me","ianon.app","alpharatio.cc","uhdbits.org","morethantv.me","empornium.is","deepbassnine.com","broadcasthe.net","secret-cinema.pw"],
run: async () => {
for (const a of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a')).filter(a => a.innerText === 'DL' || a.title == 'Download Torrent')) {
let parent = a.parentElement;
let torrentUrl = a.href;
let buttons = Array.from(parent.childNodes).filter(e => e.nodeName !== '#text');
let fl = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll('a')).find(a => a.innerText === 'FL');
let fst = fl ? VM.h(VM.Fragment, null, "\xA0|\xA0", VM.h(FSTBTN, {
torrentUrl: fl.href
})) : null;
parent.innerHTML = null;
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name: 'F3NIX',
matches: ["beyond-hd.me"],
run: async (rid = null) => {
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torrentUrl: torrent_uri
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name: 'TorrentLeech',
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name: 'AnilistBytes',
matches: ["anilist.co"],
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console.log(`%c[SendToClient] Using engine {${handler.name}}`, 'color: #42adf5; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em;');
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const profileQuickSwitcher = () => {
let id = GM.registerMenuCommand(`Selected Profile: ${profileManager.selectedProfile.name}`, () => {});
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