YouTube YCS Load all Items

This script is for the YCS Chrome add on. It will spamclick the loadmore button to always load all entries. This makes it work well with my other script

// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube YCS Load all Items
// @namespace    juliSharowYouTubeYCSLoadAllItems
// @description  This script is for the YCS Chrome add on. It will spamclick the loadmore button to always load all entries. This makes it work well with my other script
// @version      1.0.0
// @match*
// @run-at       document-idle
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const debug = false;
const buttonId = "ycs__show-more-button";

(async function (_undefined) {
  if (debug) console.debug("YouTube YCS Load all Items");
  async function loadAllItems() {
    let button = document.querySelector(`#${buttonId}`);
    if (!button) {
      if (debug) console.debug("button doesnt exist");
    if (button.isUsed) {
      if (debug) console.debug("button is Used");
    button.isUsed = true;
    while (document.querySelector(`#${buttonId}`)) {;
      await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100));
      if (debug) console.debug("click", button);
    if (debug) console.debug("finished Clicking");
    button.isUsed = false;
  window.addEventListener("click", loadAllItems);