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AO3: Glossary Definition Previews

click a glossary term in the AO3 FAQ to get its definition in a dialog without leaving the FAQ page

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28. 08. 2022
04. 02. 2024
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Glossary Definition Previews

In the AO3 FAQs, a lot of terms link to their glossary definitions. If you're tired of always going back-and-forth between the pages, this script is for you.

Glossary links are marked with little 🛈 info icons. Click on them to get a dialog with the description that's found in the glossary.
Now supports dark mode, multiple languages (where such translated glossaries are available), and lets you interact with the text in that dialog.

The script loads the glossary definitions once, and refreshes every 6 months.
The Glossary content changes very rarely. But if you want to force a reload, you can switch the FAQ language (e.g. French to Spanish), view one of its FAQs, then go back to your regular language. Or you can go to your Development console, view local storage, and delete the "glossary" key.

Known Issues

The dialog only opens from the FAQ page itself. If you click a link to a glossary definition from within the dialog (i.e. when a glossary definition crosslinks to another term defined in the glossary), then the whole browser page opens the Glossary.
The dialog doesn't show the title of the Glossary Term.
The dialog also doesn't close when you click outside of it. That's unfortunately not native jQuery UI Dialog behavior, and a feature for another day :) In the meantime, you can click the X button in the dialog title bar, or press the ESC key.