- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 天涯读帖UI重修版(原ch620天涯读帖)
- // @namespace tianya_ff2
- // @author ch620(原作者) motiam(UI重修)
- // @description 天涯帖子脱水,纯净阅读体验,支持按人名及长度过滤内容,允许自定义过滤规则
- // @version
- // @include http://*.tianya.cn/post*
- // @exclude http://bbs.tianya.cn/list*
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*jshint -W004,-W008,-W009,-W014,-W030,-W032,-W033,-W041,-W043,-W051,-W054,-W058,-W075,-W084,-W086,-W107,-W116*/
- function GM_addStyle(aCss) {
- 'use strict';
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
- if (head) {
- var style = document.createElement('style');
- style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
- style.textContent = aCss;
- head.appendChild(style);
- return style;
- }
- return null;
- }
- var GM_log = console.log;
- // This naive implementation will simply fail to do cross-domain requests,
- // just like any javascript in any page would.
- function GM_xmlhttpRequest(aOpts) {
- 'use strict';
- var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
- __setupRequestEvent(aOpts, req, 'abort');
- __setupRequestEvent(aOpts, req, 'error');
- __setupRequestEvent(aOpts, req, 'load');
- __setupRequestEvent(aOpts, req, 'progress');
- __setupRequestEvent(aOpts, req, 'readystatechange');
- req.open(aOpts.method, aOpts.url, !aOpts.synchronous,
- aOpts.user || '', aOpts.password || '');
- if (aOpts.overrideMimeType) {
- req.overrideMimeType(aOpts.overrideMimeType);
- }
- if (aOpts.headers) {
- for (var prop in aOpts.headers) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(aOpts.headers, prop)) {
- req.setRequestHeader(prop, aOpts.headers[prop]);
- }
- }
- }
- var body = aOpts.data ? aOpts.data : null;
- if (aOpts.binary) {
- return req.sendAsBinary(body);
- } else {
- return req.send(body);
- }
- }
- function __setupRequestEvent(aOpts, aReq, aEventName) {
- 'use strict';
- if (!aOpts['on' + aEventName]) return;
- aReq.addEventListener(aEventName, function(aEvent) {
- var responseState = {
- responseText: aReq.responseText,
- responseXML: aReq.responseXML,
- readyState: aReq.readyState,
- responseHeaders: null,
- status: null,
- statusText: null,
- finalUrl: null
- };
- switch (aEventName) {
- case "progress":
- responseState.lengthComputable = aEvent.lengthComputable;
- responseState.loaded = aEvent.loaded;
- responseState.total = aEvent.total;
- break;
- case "error":
- break;
- default:
- if (4 != aReq.readyState) break;
- responseState.responseHeaders = aReq.getAllResponseHeaders();
- responseState.status = aReq.status;
- responseState.statusText = aReq.statusText;
- break;
- }
- aOpts['on' + aEventName](responseState);
- });
- }
- '', GM_info.script.namespace, GM_info.script.name, ''].join('***');
- // All of the GM_*Value methods rely on DOM Storage's localStorage facility.
- // They work like always, but the values are scoped to a domain, unlike the
- // original functions. The content page's scripts can access, set, and
- // remove these values. A
- function GM_deleteValue(aKey) {
- 'use strict';
- localStorage.removeItem(__GM_STORAGE_PREFIX + aKey);
- }
- function GM_getValue(aKey, aDefault) {
- 'use strict';
- var val = localStorage.getItem(__GM_STORAGE_PREFIX + aKey);
- if (null === val && 'undefined' != typeof aDefault) return aDefault;
- return val;
- }
- function GM_listValues() {
- 'use strict';
- var prefixLen = __GM_STORAGE_PREFIX.length;
- var values = [];
- var i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
- var k = localStorage.key(i);
- if (k.substr(0, prefixLen) === __GM_STORAGE_PREFIX) {
- values.push(k.substr(prefixLen));
- }
- }
- return values;
- }
- function GM_setValue(aKey, aVal) {
- 'use strict';
- localStorage.setItem(__GM_STORAGE_PREFIX + aKey, aVal);
- }
- function GM_getResourceURL(aName) {
- 'use strict';
- return 'greasemonkey-script:' + GM_info.uuid + '/' + aName;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function matchesSelector(element,selector){
- if(element.mozMatchesSelector){
- return element.mozMatchesSelector(selector);//firefox
- } else if(element.webkitMatchesSelector){
- return element.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);//chrome
- }
- }
- var css_black;
- function _func(f) {
- return (typeof f == 'function') ? f: new Function('$_', f.replace(/^=/, 'return '))
- }
- var proto = {
- toString: function() {
- return 'Array[' + (this._map(function(x) { return x.toString() }).join(', ')) + ']';
- },
- app: function(x) {
- if (typeof x == 'object')
- for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
- this.push(x[i]);
- else
- this.push(x);
- return this;
- },
- grep: function(f, not) {
- f = _func(f);
- var r = [];
- for (var j = 0; j < this.length; j++)
- if ( f(this[j]) )
- r.push(this[j]);
- else if (not)
- not.push(this[j]);
- return r;
- },
- _map: function(f) {
- f = _func(f);
- var r = [];
- for (var j = 0; j < this.length; j++) {
- var x = f(this[j]);
- if (x === undefined || x === null)
- continue;
- r.push(x);
- }
- return r;
- },
- a: function(x) {
- if (!this[0] || !x) return this;
- if (x._map) {
- var t = this;
- x.forEach(function(c) { t.a(c) });
- } else {
- if (x) this[0].appendChild(x);
- }
- return this;
- },
- at: function(n, v) {
- if (typeof n == 'string') {
- if (n == 'style') {
- var l = v.split(';');
- for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
- var k = l[i].split(':');
- var imp = null;
- if (k[1] && k[1].match(/!\s*important/)) {
- k[1] = k[1].replace(/!\s*important/, '');
- imp = 'important';
- }
- k = k._map(function(x) {
- return x.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '');
- });
- if (!k[1])
- this._map(function(x) {
- x.style.removeProperty(k[0]);
- });
- else
- this._map(function(x) {
- x.style.setProperty(k[0], k[1], imp);
- });
- }
- return this;
- }
- if (n[0] == '!') {
- var a = n.substr(1);
- this._map(function(x) {
- var k = (x.getAttribute(a) != 1);
- if (k) x.setAttribute(a, 1);
- else x.removeAttribute(a);
- });
- return this;
- }
- switch(v) {
- case undefined:
- return this.length ? this[0].getAttribute(n) : null;
- case '':
- case null:
- this._map(function(x) { x.removeAttribute(n) });
- break;
- default:
- this._map(function(x) { x.setAttribute(n, v) });
- }
- } else for (var i in n) this.at(i, n[i]);
- return this;
- },
- e: function(evt, f, tf) {
- if (f) switch(evt[0]) {
- case '-':
- evt = evt.substr(1);
- this._map(function(x) { x.removeEventListener(evt, f, tf? true : false) });
- break;
- case '+':
- evt = evt.substr(1);
- default:
- this._map(function(x) {x.addEventListener(evt, f, tf ? true: false)});
- }
- return this;
- },
- f: function(x) {
- var s = x.substr(1);
- var ret = [];
- switch(x[0]) {
- case '>':
- this._map(function(e) {
- var x = e.childNodes;
- for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
- ret.push(x[i]);
- });
- ret = (s ? ret.f('=' + s) : ret);
- break;
- case '<':
- if (!s) {
- ret = this._map(function(e) {
- e = e.parentNode;
- if (e) return e;
- });
- } else
- ret = this._map(function(e) {
- while (e && !matchesSelector(e, s))
- e = e.parentNode;
- if (e && (e.mozMatchesSelector || e.webkitMatchesSelector))
- return e;
- });
- break;
- case '=':
- ret = this.grep(function(e) { return matchesSelector(e, s) });
- break;
- case '@':
- ret = this._map(function(e) { return e.querySelector(s) });
- break;
- case '&':
- ret = this.f(s);
- if (!ret.length) {
- ret = $('+' + s);
- this.a(ret);
- }
- break;
- default:
- this._map(function(e) {
- ret.app(e.querySelectorAll(x));
- });
- }
- return ret._map(function(x) { return x.wrappedJSObject ? x.wrappedJSObject : x });
- },
- i: function(a, f) {
- var x = this[0];
- if (f === 0)
- f = x.firstChild;
- if (!f) {
- this.a(a);
- return this;
- } else if (f[0])
- f = f[0];
- if (a.constructor == Array) {
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
- x.insertBefore(a[i], f);
- } else
- x.insertBefore(a, f);
- return this;
- },
- item: function(x) {
- if (x < 0) x += this.length;
- if (x < 0 || x >= this.length) return [];
- return [this[x]];
- },
- r: function() {
- this._map(function(c) {if (c) { var p = c.parentNode; if (p) p.removeChild(c) }});
- return this;
- },
- txt: function(t) {
- if (t === undefined)
- return this._map('=$_.textContent').join('');
- else
- this._map(function(x) {x.textContent = t});
- return this;
- },
- };
- for (var i in proto)
- Array.prototype[i] = proto[i];
- function err(p) {
- var e = new Error;
- if (typeof p == 'string') {
- e.message = 'Error: ' + p;
- return e;
- }
- for (var i in p) {
- e[i] = p[i];
- }
- return e;
- };
- function s2p(a) {
- var h, r = {};
- if (h = a.match(/^(\w[\w\d]*)/))
- r.tag = h[1];
- if (h = a.match(/#(\w[\w\d\-]+)/))
- r.id = h[1];
- if (h = a.match(/\.\w[\w\d\-]*/g))
- r.classes = h._map('=$_.substr(1)');
- if (h = a.match(/\[.*?\]/g)) {
- r.attr = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
- var t = h[i].substr(1, h[i].length - 2)
- .split('=');
- r.attr[t[0]] = t[1];
- }
- }
- return r;
- };
- function new_header(tag, text) {
- $('head').i($('+' +tag, text));
- };
- var $ = window.$ = function(x) {
- function ce(tag, txt, attr) {
- if (typeof tag == 'object') {
- tag = arguments[0];
- content = arguments[1];
- attr = arguments[2];
- }
- var r = s2p(tag);
- var s;
- if (r.tag == 'text')
- s = document.createTextNode(txt);
- else {
- s = document.createElement(r.tag);
- if (txt) s.textContent = txt;
- }
- if (r.id) s.id = r.id;
- if (r.classes) s.className = r.classes.join(' ');
- if (r.attr) [s].at(r.attr);
- if (attr) [s].at(attr);
- if (s.wrappedJSObject) s = s.wrappedJSObject;
- return s;
- }
- if (typeof x == 'string') {
- if (x[0] == '+')
- return new Array(ce(x.substr(1), arguments[1], arguments[2]));
- else
- return new Array(document).f(x);
- } else {
- var ret = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var e = arguments[i];
- if (e.wrappedJSObject) ret.push(e.wrappedJSObject);
- else ret.push(e);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- };
- function keys(obj) {
- var ret = [];
- for (var x in obj) ret.push(x);
- return ret;
- }
- var pref = window.pref = {
- _rec: {},
- _nocache: {},
- _proc: {},
- _handles: {
- load_bool: function(name) {
- pref._rec[name] = (GM_getValue(name) == 1);
- },
- load_int: function(name) {
- var v = parseInt(GM_getValue(name));
- if (v != v) v = 0;
- pref._rec[name] = v;
- },
- load_str: function(name) {
- var v = GM_getValue(name);
- if (v == null) v = '';
- pref._rec[name] = v;
- },
- load_obj: function(name) {
- var v;
- try { v = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(name)); }
- catch(e) { v = null; }
- pref._rec[name] = v;
- },
- save_str: function(name, v) {
- pref._rec[name] = v;
- GM_setValue(name, v);
- },
- save_int: function(name, v) {
- var nv = parseInt(v);
- if (nv != nv) nv = 0;
- pref._rec[name] = nv;
- GM_setValue(name, nv);
- },
- save_bool: function(name, v) {
- v = (v == 1);
- pref._rec[name] = v;
- GM_setValue(name, v ? 1 : 0);
- },
- save_obj: function(name, v) {
- pref._rec[name] = v;
- GM_setValue(name, JSON.stringify(v));
- },
- },
- decl: function(name, type, def_v, func, nocache) {
- var f = pref._handles['save_' + type];
- if (!f) {
- console.error('bad pref type: ' + type);
- return;
- }
- if (func) pref._proc[name] = func;
- if (nocache) pref._nocache[name] = 1;
- var x = GM_getValue(name);
- if (x === null || x === undefined)
- f(name, def_v);
- pref.__defineGetter__(name, function() {
- if (this._rec[name] === undefined || (this._nocache[name]))
- this._handles['load_' + type](name);
- return this._rec[name];
- });
- pref.__defineSetter__(name, function(v) {
- this._handles['save_' + type](name, v);
- if (this._proc[name])
- this._proc[name](v);
- });
- },
- }
- var ui = {
- panel_button: function(parm) {
- var btn = $('+span.panel-button' + parm.tag + '-toggle',
- parm.icon, {title: parm.title});
- parm.btn = btn[0];
- btn.e('click', function(e) {ui.panel_show(parm)});
- $('@#panel-btns').a(btn);
- return btn;
- },
- panel_create: function(parm) {
- var p = $('+div.panel' + parm.tag);
- p.a($('+div.panel-inside')
- .a($('+div.panel-head', parm.title)
- .a($('+span.panel-close', '✗', {
- title: '关闭'
- }).e('click',
- function() {
- ui.panel_hide(p[0], parm.btn);
- $(document.body).at('style', 'text-align:');
- }
- ))
- )
- .a(parm.func())
- );
- p[0].btn = parm.btn;
- if (parm.auto_del)
- p[0].auto_del = true;
- p[0]._shown = false;
- $('@body').a(p);
- return p;
- },
- panel_hide: function(p, btn) {
- if (p.auto_del) $(p).r();
- else {
- $(p).at('style', 'display:none');
- p._shown = null;
- }
- $(btn).at('active', '');
- },
- panel_show: function(parm) {
- $('.panel')._map(function(x) {
- if (x.btn != parm.btn) {
- ui.panel_hide(x, x.btn);
- }
- });
- var p = $(parm.tag);
- if (!p.length)
- p = ui.panel_create(parm);
- if (p[0]._shown) {
- p[0]._shown = false;
- ui.panel_hide(p[0], parm.btn);
- } else {
- p[0]._shown = true;
- p.at('style', 'display: block');
- ui.set_panel_pos(p);
- ui.panel_fix(p);
- $(parm.btn).at('active', 1);
- }
- },
- set_panel_pos: function(p) {
- var bar = $('#bar-wrapper');
- if (pref.bar_on_top)
- p.at('style', 'top:' + bar[0].offsetHeight + 'px;bottom:0');
- else
- p.at('style', 'top: 0; bottom:'+bar[0].offsetHeight+'px');
- },
- panel_fix: function(p) {
- var pi = p.f('@.panel-inside');
- var s = pi.f('@.flex').at('style', 'height:');
- if (!s.length) return;
- var diff = pi[0].clientHeight - p[0].clientHeight + 4;
- s.at('style', 'height:' + (s[0].clientHeight - diff) + 'px');
- if (diff > 0) {
- p.f('.td:last-child, .th:last-child').at('style', 'padding-right: 20px');
- } else {
- p.f('.td:last-child, .th:last-child').at('style', 'padding-right:');
- }
- },
- single_select: function(e) {
- var t = [e.target];
- if (!t.f('=.sel-item').length)
- t = t.f('<.sel-item');
- if (!t.length) return;
- t.f('<').f('>.sel-item[selected]').at('selected', '');
- t.at('selected', 1);
- },
- multi_select: function(e) {
- var t = [e.target];
- var s = 'selected';
- var ls = '_last_sel';
- if (!t.f('=.sel-item').length)
- t = t.f('<.sel-item');
- if (!t.length) return;
- var tb = t.f('<');
- var l = tb.f('>.sel-item');
- var last = tb[0][ls];
- function between() {
- var sel = [];
- var on = 0;
- if (last == t[0]) return [last];
- for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
- switch(on) {
- case 0:
- if (l[i] == last || l[i] == t[0]) {
- on = 1;
- sel.push(l[i]);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- sel.push(l[i]);
- if (l[i] == last || l[i] == t[0])
- on = 2;
- break;
- case 2:
- return sel;
- }
- }
- return sel;
- }
- if (!e.ctrlKey) l.at(s, '');
- if (!e.shiftKey || !last || !last.parentNode) {
- if (e.ctrlKey)
- t.at('!' + s);
- else
- t.at(s, 1);
- tb[0][ls] = t[0].getAttribute(s) ? t[0] : null;
- } else {
- between().at(s, 1);
- }
- },
- check_ctrl: function(e) {
- if (!e.ctrlKey) {
- ui.info_box('按住 Ctrl 鍵');
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- text_button: function(tag, text, func, attr) {
- var x = $('+span.text-button'+tag, text);
- if (func)
- x.e('+click', func);
- if (attr) x.at(attr);
- return x;
- },
- toggle_button: function(tag, text, func, value) {
- return $('+span.toggle-button' + tag, text)
- .at('on', value ? 1 : '')
- .e('+click', function(e) {
- $(e.target).at('!on');
- func(e.target, e.target.getAttribute('on'))
- });
- },
- goto_item: function(a) {
- if (!a) return;
- a.scrollIntoView();
- $(a).at('goto', 1);
- setTimeout(function() {
- $(a).at('goto', '');
- }, 3000);
- },
- info_box: function(txt, attr) {
- $('@#info-box').r();
- var b = $('+div#info-box', txt)
- .at(attr)
- .e('click', function() {b.r()});
- $('@body').a(b);
- setTimeout(function() { b.r() }, 5000);
- },
- menu_item: function(x) {
- var m, icon = $('+span.menu-icon'),
- label = $('+span.menu-label');
- if (x.icon) {
- icon.txt(x.icon);
- if (x.icon_attr) icon.at(x.icon_attr);
- }
- label.txt(x.label);
- if (x.label_attr)
- label.at(x.label_attr);
- if (x.href)
- m = $('+a.menu-item', '', {href: x.href});
- else
- m = $('+div.menu-item');
- if (x.func)
- m.e('+click', x.func);
- return m.a(icon).a(label);
- },
- popup_menu: function(menus, anchor, fixed) {
- ui.unpop();
- var m = $('+div.menu-popup.popup');
- for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) {
- menus[i]._map(function(x) {
- m.a(ui.menu_item(x));
- });
- if (i < menus.length - 1)
- m.f('>').item(-1).at('menuend', 1);
- }
- m.at('style', 'position: fixed');
- $('@body').a(m);
- ui.set_anchor(m, anchor, fixed);
- $(window).e('+click', ui.unpop);
- return m;
- },
- unpop: function() {
- $(window).e('-click', ui.unpop);
- $('.popup').r();
- },
- cancel_event: function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- },
- pos: function(e, fixed) {
- var xy;
- if (fixed) {
- xy = [0, 0];
- if (e.offsetParent) {
- xy = ui.pos(e.offsetParent, true);
- xy[0] -= e.offsetParent.scrollLeft;
- xy[1] -= e.offsetParent.scrollTop;
- }
- xy[0] += e.offsetLeft;
- xy[1] += e.offsetTop;
- } else {
- xy = e.offsetParent ? ui.pos(e.offsetParent) : [0, 0];
- xy[0] += e.offsetLeft;
- xy[1] += e.offsetTop;
- }
- return xy;
- },
- set_anchor: function(m, a, fixed) {
- var xy = ui.pos(a);
- m.at('style', 'position:' + (fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'));
- m.at('style', 'top:' + (xy[1] + a.clientHeight) + 'px; '
- + 'left:' + xy[0] + 'px;');
- if (fixed &&
- (xy[1] + a.clientHeight + m[0].clientHeight > window.innerHeight))
- {
- m.at('style', 'top:' + (xy[1] - m[0].clientHeight - 4) + 'px');
- }
- },
- text_box: function(a) {
- var m = $('+label'), txt;
- if (a.before) m.a($('+text', a.before));
- m.a(txt = $('+input[type=text]' + a.tag));
- if (a.after) m.a($('+text', a.after));
- if (a.value !== undefined)
- txt[0].value = a.value;
- if (a.func)
- txt.e('change', a.func);
- if (a.size)
- txt[0].size = a.size;
- return a.block ? $('+div').a(m) : m;
- },
- check_box: function(a) {
- var m = $('+label');
- var c = $('+input[type=checkbox]');
- m.a(c).a($('+text', a.label));
- if (a.value) c.at('checked', 1);
- if (a.func) c.e('click', a.func);
- return a.block ? $('+div').a(m) : m;
- },
- popup_window: function(a, anchor, fixed) {
- ui.unpop();
- var w;
- if (a.perm) {
- w = $(a.tag);
- if (w.length)
- return w.f('<.popup-window');
- }
- w = $('+div.popup-window' + (a.perm ? '' : '.popup'));
- var t = [];
- if (a.title) {
- w.a(t = $('+div.panel-head', a.title).at({
- style: 'text-align: left'
- }));
- }
- w.at(a.attr).a($('+div.popup-inside' + a.tag)
- .a(a.func())
- );
- $('@body').a(w);
- if (anchor)
- ui.set_anchor(w, anchor, fixed);
- if (a.perm)
- t.a($('+span.panel-close', '✗').e('click', function() {
- w.r()
- }));
- else
- $(window).e('+click', ui.unpop);
- return w;
- },
- prefs_group: function(title, items) {
- var g = $('+div.prefs-group');
- g.a($('+div.prefs-title', title));
- g.a($('+div.prefs-body').a(items));
- return g;
- },
- click: function(t) {
- var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
- e.target = t;
- e.initEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- false, false, false, false, 1, null);
- t.dispatchEvent(e);
- },
- }
- function wjo(a) {
- return a.wrappedJSObject ? a.wrappedJSObject : a;
- }
- var ff = window.ff = {
- n_pages: 0,
- pages: {},
- visits: 0,
- replies: 0,
- lz_list: {},
- prefs_hook: [],
- cols: [ ['show', '.n', '☼' ],
- ['hl', '.n', '♥'],
- ['lz', '.n', '♛'],
- ['author', '', '作者', '.l'],
- ['idx', '.n', '#'],
- ['len', '.n', '长度', '.r'],
- ['imgs', '.n', '图', '.r']
- ],
- url_gen: null,
- go_page: null,
- get_vars: function () { // get vars
- var metas = document.getElementsByTagName('meta');
- for (i=0; i<metas.length; i++) {
- if (metas[i].getAttribute("name") == "author") {
- ff.first_author = metas[i].getAttribute("content");
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ff.first_author)
- ff.lz_list[ff.first_author] = 1;
- ff.stupid_form = (window.jumpPage != null);
- },
- // process DOM
- get_current_page: function (div) {
- if (!div) div = [document.body];
- var pg = {id: null, ids: null, n_pages: 0, idx: 0};
- ff.get_vars('author', 'jumpPage');
- pg.n_pages = 0;
- var body = $('@body');
- var href = 'http://' + location.host + location.pathname;
- var flat = [];
- function parse_item(a) {
- var n = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- switch(n) {
- case '#text':
- var h;
- a = a.textContent.replace(/^[\s ]*/, '').replace(/。{3,}/g, '……');
- if (a.match(/^[\-—_=\+\.。\*-_=,,;;::、~~+]{8,}.*?分割.*?[\-—_=\+\.。\*-_=,,;;::、~~+]{8,}$/)) {
- flat.app($('+hr'));
- return;
- }
- if (h = a.match(/^[\-—_=\+\.。\*-_=,,;;::、~~+]{8,}/)) {
- a = a.replace(h[0], '');
- flat.app($('+hr'));
- }
- if (h = a.match(/[\-—_=\+\.。\*-_=,,;;::、~~+]{8,}$/)) {
- a = a.replace(h[0], '');
- if (a.length) flat.app($('+p', a));
- flat.app($('+hr'));
- return;
- }
- if (a.length)
- flat.app($('+p', a))
- return;
- case 'div':
- if(matchesSelector(a, 'div.read-menu')) {
- return;
- }
- if (!matchesSelector(a, 'div.atl-info') ) {
- [a].r().f('>')._map(parse_item);
- return;
- }
- break;
- case 'table':
- var h, aulink, time, post_idx;
- (a = $(a).r()).f('a[onclick]').r();
- aulink = a.f('a')._map(function(x) {
- return $('+a.author', x.textContent,
- {href:'http://my.tianya.cn/name/'+x.textContent});
- });
- if (h = a.f('.floor').txt().match(/(\d+)/)) {
- post_idx = h[1];
- }
- var t = a.txt().replace(/^\s*/, '')
- .replace(/\s*$/, '')
- .replace(/ +/g, ' ');
- if (!t) {
- console.log('got table, but no author link');
- return;
- }
- if (!(h = t.match(/日期:(\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+)/)))
- return;
- time = h[1];
- if (h = t.match(/访问:(\d+).*?回复:(\d+)/)) {
- pg.visits = h[1];
- pg.replies = h[2];
- }
- flat.app(h = $('+div.post-head')
- .a($('+span.post-idx'))
- .a(aulink)
- .a($('+span.timestamp', time)));
- h.post_idx = post_idx;
- return;
- case 'img':
- a.setAttribute("src", a.getAttribute('original'));
- $(a).r().at({height:'', width:'', onclick:'', onerror:'', onload:'', id:'',
- alt:'', style:'cursor:',loaded:'1'});
- case 'embed':
- case 'label':
- break;
- case 'br':
- var x = flat[flat.length - 1];
- if (x && (x.nodeName) && x.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br')
- x.multi = 1;
- else
- flat.push(a);
- return;
- case 'a':
- a = $(a).r();
- if (!a[0].href) {
- a.f('>')._map(parse_item);
- return;
- }
- if (a[0].href.match(/wap\.tianya/)) return;
- if (!a.f('img').length)
- {
- a = $('+a', a[0].textContent, {href: a[0].href});
- }
- if (a instanceof Array && a[0].href.indexOf('void') > -1)
- {
- return;
- }
- a = $('+p').a(a)[0];
- break;
- default:
- [a].f('>')._map(parse_item);
- return;
- }
- flat.push(a);
- }
- function get_posts() {
- var h;
- if (h = div.f('div.atl-info').txt()
- .match(/点击:(\d+)/))
- {
- pg.visits = h[1];
- }
- if (h = div.f('div.atl-info').txt()
- .match(/回复:(\d+)/))
- {
- pg.replies = h[1];
- }
- var l = cleanup();
- l._map(parse_item);
- }
- function unflatten() {
- var unflat = [];
- var idx = 0;
- var p = [], pb = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < flat.length; i++) {
- var t = flat[i];
- var n = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (n == 'p') {
- if (p[0]) pb.a(t);
- } else if (n == 'div') {
- p = $('+div.post').a(t = $(t));
- p.a(pb = $('+div.post-body'));
- p[0].info = p.info = {
- author: t.f('@a').txt(),
- show: 0,
- len: 0,
- imgs: 0,
- hl: 0,
- page: pg.idx,
- };
- if (!p[0].info.author)
- continue;
- p[0].info.idx = t.post_idx ? t.post_idx : idx ++,
- unflat.app(p);
- t.f('.post-idx').txt(pg.idx + '-' + p.info.idx);
- } else if (n == 'br') {
- if (t.multi && pb[0]) {
- var lastp = pb[0].lastChild;
- if (lastp && matchesSelector(lastp, 'p')) {
- lastp.className += ' gap';
- }
- }
- } else
- pb.a(t);
- }
- return unflat;
- }
- function cleanup() {
- var t = div.f('title');
- div.f('@head').f('>').r();
- div.f('@head').a(t);
- div.f('p#my_tomy_p, p.fromwap').r();
- div.f('div').grep('=$_.id && $_.id.match(/^(adsp_|tianyaBrand)/)').r();
- $('@body').at({style: 'background-color:', id: ''});
- var l = [];
- //if (!l.length)
- // l = div.f('#firstAuthor, #pContentDiv.allpost');
- //if (l.length <= 1)
- // l = div.f('div#pContentDiv.mcon');
- //if (!l.length)
- // l = div.f('div.vcard, div.post');
- //if (!l.length)
- // l = div.f('#firstAuthor, #pContentDiv');
- if (!l.length && 1 == pg.idx)
- l = div.f('.atl-menu, .atl-item');
- else if (!l.length)
- l = div.f('.atl-item');
- return l;
- }
- function guess_pages() {
- var h, c = div.f('@div.pages, td#pageDivTop');
- if (!c.length) return;
- if (h = c.txt().match(/共(\d+)页/))
- pg.n_pages = h[1];
- if (h = href.match(/(\.s?html)$/))
- h = h[1];
- else {
- console.log('not html file? ' + h[1]);
- return;
- }
- var parts = href.replace(/\.s?html$/, '').split('/');
- if (!pg.n_pages) pg.n_pages = 1;
- c.f('a')._map(function(a) {
- var is_last = a.textContent.match(/末页/);
- var r = a.href.replace(/\.s?html$/, '').split('/');
- for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
- if (parts[i].match(/^\d+$/) && (r[i] != parts[i])) {
- var d = r[i];
- parts[i] = '%';
- if (is_last || d > pg.n_pages)
- pg.n_pages = d;
- }
- });
- pg.url_gen = function(x) {
- if (x < 1 || x > ff.n_pages) return null;
- var r = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
- r.push((parts[i] == '%') ? x : parts[i]);
- return r.join('/') + h;
- };
- if (pg.n_pages > 10000) {
- pg.n_pages = 1;
- return;
- }
- if (!pg.idx)
- for (var i = 1; i <= pg.n_pages; i++)
- if (pg.url_gen(i) == href) {
- pg.idx = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- function get_reply_form() {
- var r = div.f('#bbsPost');
- if (r.length) {
- ff.reply = $('+div#reply').a(r);
- ff.add_reply_button();
- }
- console.log('reply: ' + r);
- }
- function get_pages() {
- var pageinfo = [];
- pageinfo = div.f('.atl-pages');
- if (!pageinfo.length){
- pg.idx = 1;
- }
- else{
- var stronginfo = pageinfo.f('strong');
- if(stronginfo.length)
- pg.idx = stronginfo[0].textContent;
- else
- pg.idx = 1;
- }
- if (!ff.id) {
- ff.id = pg.idx;//unsafeWindow.bbsGlobal['page'];
- }
- do {
- if (ff.stupid_form) {
- var apn = div.f('@input[name="apn"]');
- if (!apn.length || !div.f('form[id="pageForm"]').length) {
- console.log('Cannot find pageForm, assuming no replies');
- break;
- }
- pg.ids = apn[0].value.split(',');
- pg.n_pages = pg.ids.length;
- ff.pageform = $('+form#pageform', '', {method: 'post'})
- .a(div.f('form[id="pageForm"]').f('input[type="hidden"]'));
- if (!pg.go_page) pg.go_page = function(x) {
- if (x < 1 || x > ff.n_pages) return;
- ff.pageform[0].pID.value = x;
- $('@body').a(ff.pageform);
- ff.pageform[0].submit();
- }
- if (!pg.url_gen) pg.url_gen = function(x) {
- return 'javascript:ff.go_page(' + x + ');';
- }
- console.log(pg.n_pages);
- } else {
- a = div.f('.atl-pages').f('a');
- b = 0;
- if(a.length > 1){
- if(a[a.length-1].textContent == '下页')
- b = a[a.length-2].textContent;
- else
- b = div.f('.atl-pages').f('strong')[0].textContent
- }
- else{
- b = 1;
- }
- if (b) {
- //pg.ids = a[0].value.replace(/,$/, '').split(',');
- if(!pg.ids){
- pg.ids = new Array();
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < b; i ++){
- pg.ids[i] = i+1;
- }
- pg.n_pages = pg.ids.length;
- if (!pg.idx && ff.id) {
- for (var i = 0; i < pg.ids.length; i++)
- if (pg.ids[i] == ff.id) {
- pg.idx = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!pg.ids) break;
- pg.url_gen = function(x) {
- var ids = ff.ids;
- if (!ids) {
- console.log('expecting to gen page link, but ids is null');
- return null;
- }
- return href.replace('-'+ff.id+'.', '-'+ids[x - 1]+'.');
- }
- }
- } while(0);
- if (pg.n_pages > 10000) { // guessed wrong
- console.log('too many pages: ' + pg.n_pages);
- pg.n_pages = 1;
- }
- if (!pg.n_pages || !pg.idx) {
- console.log('will guess pages');
- guess_pages();
- }
- if (!pg.idx) pg.idx = 1;
- if (!pg.n_pages) pg.n_pages = 1;
- if (!ff.url_gen) ff.url_gen = pg.url_gen;
- if (!pg.go_page) {
- pg.go_page = function(x) { location.href = ff.url_gen(x) };
- }
- }
- get_reply_form();
- div.f('style, script, link, meta').r();
- ff.board_links =
- div.f('@div.guide, div.myplace').f('a')
- ._map(function(a) {
- return $('+a.board', a.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ''),
- {href: a.href})[0]
- });
- ff.title = $('@#adsp_content_title_banner, h1').txt()
- .replace(/\s/g, '')
- .replace(/『.*』/, '');
- get_pages();
- get_posts();
- pg.page = $('+div.page').at('page_idx', pg.idx)
- .a($('+div.page-no', '第' + pg.idx + '页'))
- .a(unflatten());
- pg.page.f('.post')._map(function(p) {
- p.info.len = p.lastChild.textContent.length;
- p.info.imgs = $(p).f('img').length;
- });
- return pg;
- },
- add_reply_button: function() {
- $('@#reply-panel-toggle').r();
- var pbtns = $('@span#panel-btns');
- if (pbtns.length) {
- pbtns.a(ui.panel_button({
- tag: '#reply-panel',
- icon: '❞',
- title: '回复',
- func: ff.reply_panel
- }))
- }
- },
- // UI items
- main_toolbar: function() {
- var bar = $('@#bar-wrapper');
- var tbtns, pbtns;
- if (!bar.length) {
- $('body')
- .a($('+div#bar-wrapper').a(
- bar = $('+div#main-tools')
- .a(ff.board_links)
- .a($('+span#page-links'))
- .a(tbtns = $('+span#toggle-btns'))
- .a(pbtns = $('+span#panel-btns'))
- .a(ui.text_box({
- tag: '#leng-limit',
- before: '限长>',
- value: pref.length_limit,
- size: 4,
- func: function(e) {
- var x = e.target;
- if (! x.value.match(/^\d+$/)) {
- x.value = pref.length_limit;
- return;
- }
- pref.length_limit = x.value;
- ff.all_posts()._map(function(p){
- ff.post_set_state(p);
- });
- }
- })))
- );
- tbtns.a(ui.toggle_button(
- '#hl-lz-button',
- '♛',
- function(b, on) {
- b.title = (on ? '':'不') + '高亮楼主';
- pref.hl_lz = on;
- ff.post_update_all();
- },
- pref.hl_lz));
- tbtns.a(ui.toggle_button(
- '#show-all-button',
- '☀',
- function(b, on) {
- b.title = on ? '全显示':'全隐藏';
- pref.show_all = on;
- ff.post_update_all();
- },
- pref.show_all));
- if (ff.reply)
- ff.add_reply_button()
- pbtns.a(ui.panel_button({
- tag: '#prefs-panel',
- icon: '⚙',
- title: '选项',
- func: ff.prefs_panel
- }))
- .a(ui.panel_button({
- tag: '#post-panel',
- icon: '▤',
- title: '帖子',
- func: ff.post_panel
- }))
- }
- return bar;
- },
- reply_panel: function() {
- return ff.reply;
- },
- page_nav: function() {
- var pl = $('#page-links');
- if (!pl.length){
- return;
- }
- pl.f('>').r();
- var first = 100000, last = -1, loaded = 0;
- for (var i in ff.pages) {
- if (i < first) first = i;
- if (i > last) last = i;
- loaded ++;
- }
- var ret = [];
- if (first > 1)
- ret.app($('+a#prev-page', '«', {href: ff.url_gen(first - 1)})
- .e('click', function(e) { ui.cancel_event(e); ff.go_page(first - 1) }, true)
- );
- ret.app($('+span#all-pages', (loaded > 1
- ? '共' + ff.n_pages + '页 看' + loaded + '页'
- : '第' + last + '/' + ff.n_pages + '页')
- ).e('click', ff.page_link_window, true)
- );
- if (last < ff.n_pages)
- ret.app($('+a#next-page', '»', {href: ff.url_gen(last * 1+ 1)})
- .e('click', function(e) { ui.cancel_event(e); ff.go_page(last * 1 + 1) }, true)
- );
- pl.a(ret);
- },
- more_ui: [],
- make_ui: function () {
- var b = ff.main_toolbar();
- ff.page_nav();
- ['post_width', 'bar_on_top', 'bar_fixed', 'use_black'].forEach(function(x) {
- pref[x] = pref[x];
- });
- ff.more_ui._map(function(f) { f() });
- },
- set_post_width: function(v) {
- if (!v.toString().match(/^\d+$/) ) return null;
- if (v - 10 < 0 ) v = 10;
- ff.add_opt_css('post-width', '#content { max-width:' + v + 'em}');
- return v;
- },
- get_content: function() {
- var content = $('@#content');
- if (!content.length) {
- document.documentElement.lang = 'zh-CN';
- content = $('+div#content')
- .a($('+h1', ff.title))
- .a($('+div#stats'));
- $('body').a(content);
- }
- return content;
- },
- pre_insert: [function(page) {
- page.page.f('div.post')._map (function(p){
- p.innerHTML = p.innerHTML.replace(/&/g, '&');
- })
- }],
- post_insert: [],
- add_page: function(page) {
- function max(a, b) {
- if (b && !a) return b;
- if (a && !b) return a;
- return Math.max(a, b);
- }
- var pg = page.page;
- //hack. sometimes we don't get the first post right...
- ff.visits = max(page.visits, ff.visits);
- ff.replies = max(page.replies, ff.replies);
- if (!ff.n_pages || (ff.n_pages < page.n_pages)) {
- ff.n_pages = page.n_pages;
- ff.ids = page.ids;
- if (!ff.url_gen)
- ff.url_gen = page.url_gen;
- if (!ff.go_page) {
- ff.go_page = page.go_page;
- }
- }
- pg.f('>.post')._map(ff.post_set_lz_info);
- if (ff.pages[page.idx])
- ff.remove_page(page.idx);
- try {
- ff.pre_insert._map(function(x) { x(page) });
- } catch(e) { // insert no matter what
- }
- var ps = pg.f('>.post');
- pg[0]._posts = ps.length;
- ps._map(function(p) {
- ff.post_row(p);
- ff.post_set_state(p);
- });
- pg.e('click', ff.page_click, true);
- var ins = null, have = [];
- for (var i in ff.pages){
- have.push(i);
- }
- have.sort(function(a,b) { return a - b });
- for (var i = 0; i < have.length; i ++) {
- if (have[i] - page.idx > 0) {
- ins = ff.pages[have[i]].page[0];
- break;
- }
- }
- ff.get_content().i(page.page, ins);
- ff.pages[page.idx] = page;
- try {
- ff.post_insert._map(function(x) { x(page) });
- } catch(e) { // insert no matter what
- }
- var tbl = $('@#post-table').f('>.tbody');
- if (tbl.length)
- tbl.a(ps._map('=$_._link'));
- if (ff.visits && ff.replies)
- $('@#stats').txt('访问:'+ff.visits + ' 回复:'+ff.replies);
- ff.page_nav();
- },
- remove_page: function(idx) {
- var p = ff.pages[idx];
- if (p) {
- p.page.r();
- p.page.f('>.post')._map(function(x) {
- $(x, x._link).r();
- });
- }
- delete ff.pages[idx];
- ff.page_nav();
- },
- post_row: function(p) {
- var tr = $('+div.tr.post-row.sel-item')[0];
- tr.cell = {};
- ff.cols._map(function(x) {
- var cell;
- $(tr).a(cell = $('+span.td.cell-' + x[0] + (x[3] ? x[3] :'')));
- tr.cell[x[0]] = cell[0];
- });
- var i = p.info;
- var ticks = ' ✓✗';
- tr.cell.show.textContent = ticks[i.show];
- //tr.cell.hl.textContent = ticks[i.hl];
- tr.cell.lz.textContent = i.lz ? '♛':' ';
- tr.cell.idx.textContent = $(p.firstChild).f('@.post-idx').txt();
- ['author', 'len', 'imgs']._map(function(x) {
- tr.cell[x].textContent = i[x];
- });
- p._link = tr;
- tr._link = p;
- tr.info = p.info;
- return tr;
- },
- post_table: function() {
- var thead, tbody;
- var tbl = $('+div.table#post-table')
- .a(thead = $('+div.thead#post-table-head'))
- .a(tbody = $('+div.tbody.flex#post-table-body')
- .e('click', ui.multi_select)
- .e('dblclick', ff.table_dblclk)
- ).e('click', ff.table_click);
- ff.cols.forEach(function(x) {
- var th = $('+span.th.cell-'+ x[0] + x[1], x[2]);
- thead.a(th);
- thead[0][x[0]] = th[0];
- });
- thead.f('.cell-show')[0].sort_v = function(r) {
- return (r.getAttribute('show') ? 1 : 0) * 10000000 +
- r.info.page * 10000 +
- r.info.idx * 1;
- };
- thead.f('.cell-idx')[0].sort_v = function(r) {
- return r.info.page * 10000 +
- r.info.idx *1;
- };
- thead.f('.cell-hl')[0].sort_v = function(r) {
- return r.info.hl * 1000000 +
- r.info.page * 10000 +
- r.info.idx * 1;
- };
- thead.f('.cell-lz')[0].sort_v = function(r) {
- return (r.info.lz ? r.info.lz : 3) * 1000000
- - r.info.page * 10000
- - r.info.idx * 1;
- };
- thead.f('.cell-imgs')[0].sort_v = function(r) {
- return r.info.imgs * 1000 + (r.info.lz? 1 : 0) * 1;
- };
- thead.f('.cell-author')[0].sort_v = function(r) {
- return r.info.author
- + (100000000 - r.info.page * 10000 - r.info.idx * 1);
- };
- tbody.a(ff.all_posts()._map(function(p) { return p._link }));
- return tbl;
- },
- all_posts: function() {
- var posts = [];
- for (var pi in ff.pages)
- posts.app(ff.pages[pi].page.f('>.post'));
- return posts;
- },
- post_panel: function() {
- function all_rows() {
- var ret = [];
- var t = $('@#post-table');
- if (!t.length) return ret;
- return t.f('.tr');
- }
- function sel_rows() {
- var ret = [];
- var t = $('@#post-table');
- if (!t.length) return ret;
- return t.f('.tr[selected]');
- }
- return [ ff.post_table(),
- $('+div', '').a([
- ui.text_button('#hl-button', '反选', function() {
- all_rows().at('!selected');
- }),
- ui.text_button('#on-off-button', '开关', function() {
- var s = sel_rows()._map('=$_._link');
- if (!s.length) return;
- var sh = 0, sum = 0;
- s._map(function(p) { sum += p.info.show });
- if (sum < s.length)
- sh = 1;
- else if (sum < s.length *2)
- sh = 2;
- s._map(function(p) {
- p.info.show = sh;
- ff.post_show(p);
- });
- }),
- ui.text_button('#hl-button', '高亮', function() {
- var s = sel_rows(), sum = 0;
- s._map(function(r) { sum += r.info.hl });
- var hl = sum < s.length ? 1 : 0;
- s._map(function(r) { r.info.hl = hl; ff.post_hl(r._link) });
- }),
- ui.text_button('#delete-button', '删除', function(e) {
- if (!ui.check_ctrl(e)) return;
- var s = sel_rows();
- if (!s.length) return;
- var n = s.item(-1)[0].nextSibling;
- s._map(function(r) {
- ff.post_delete(r._link);
- });
- if (!n) n = $('#post-table').f('.sel-item').item(-1)[0];
- if (n) ui.click(n);
- }),
- ])
- ];
- },
- prefs_panel: function() {
- var ret = [];
- var x = ui.prefs_group('显示', [
- ui.text_box({
- tag: '#post-width',
- before: '帖子宽度',
- after: '字',
- value: pref.post_width,
- size: 3,
- func: function(e) {
- var x = e.target;
- if (!x.value.match(/^\d+$/) || x.value < 10) {
- x.value = pref.post_width;
- return;
- }
- ff.set_post_width(pref.post_width = x.value);
- },
- block: 1
- }),
- ui.check_box({
- value: pref.bar_on_top,
- label: '工具条置顶',
- func: function(e) {
- pref.bar_on_top = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- },
- block: 1
- }),
- ui.check_box({
- value: pref.bar_fixed,
- label: '固定工具条',
- func: function(e) {
- pref.bar_fixed = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- },
- block: 1
- }),
- /*ui.check_box({
- value: pref.use_black,
- label: '黑色界面',
- func: function(e) {
- pref.use_black = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- },
- block: 1
- }),*/
- ui.check_box({
- value: pref.manual_start,
- label: '手工启动脚本',
- func: function(e) {
- pref.manual_start = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- },
- block: 1
- }),
- ]);
- ret.push(x);
- ff.prefs_hook.forEach(function(f) {
- ret.push(f());
- });
- return $('+div.flex').a(ret);
- },
- page_click: function(e) {
- var t = $(e.target);
- if (t.f('=.post-idx').length) {
- var post = t.f('<.post')[0];
- ui.goto_item(post._link);
- return;
- } else if (t.f('<a[uname]').length) {
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- var m = ui.popup_menu([ff.post_menus, ff.author_menus],
- e.target);
- m[0]._post = t.f('<.post')[0];
- m[0]._post.info = t.f('<.post')[0].info;
- m[0]._post._link = t.f('<.post')[0]._link
- return;
- }
- },
- table_click: function(e) {
- function cell_idx(x) {
- var p = x.f('<');
- var ch = p.f('>');
- for (var i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) {
- if (ch[i] == x[0]) return i;
- }
- }
- function sort_by_header(th, rows) {
- var func, idx, cmp;
- function n(a, b) { return a._sort_by - b._sort_by }
- function s(a, b) { return a._sort_by.localeCompare(b._sort_by) }
- if (func = th[0].sort_v) {
- rows._map(function(x) {
- x._sort_by = func(x);
- });
- } else {
- idx = cell_idx(th);
- if (th.f('=.n').length) {
- rows._map(function(x) {
- x._sort_by = parseInt(x.children[idx].textContent);
- });
- } else {
- rows._map(function(x) {
- x._sort_by = '__' + x.children[idx].textContent;
- });
- }
- }
- rows.sort(th.f('=.n').length ? n : s);
- var dir = !th[0].sor_dir;
- th.f('<').f('>.th')._map(function(x) {delete x.sor_dir});
- if (dir)
- rows.reverse();
- th[0].sor_dir = dir;
- return rows;
- }
- var t = $(e.target).f('=.th');
- if (t.length) {
- var rows = sort_by_header(t, t.f('<.table').f('.tr'));
- t.f('<.table').f('.tbody').a(rows);
- return;
- }
- t = $(e.target).f('=.td');
- if (t.length) {
- var row = t.f('<.tr')[0];
- var s = t.f('=.cell-idx');
- if (s.length) {
- ui.goto_item(row._link);
- return;
- }
- s = t.f('=.cell-show');
- if (s.length) {
- p = row._link;
- p.info.show ++;
- if (p.info.show > 2) p.info.show = 0;
- ff.post_show(p);
- return;
- }
- s = t.f('=.cell-hl');
- if (s.length) {
- row.info.hl = row.info.hl ? 0 : 1;
- ff.post_hl(row._link);
- return;
- }
- s = t.f('=.cell-lz');
- if (s.length) {
- ff.author_toggle_lz(row.info.author);
- return;
- }
- }
- },
- posts_by_author: function(a) {
- return ff.all_posts().grep(function(p) {
- return p.info.author == a
- });
- },
- table_dblclk: function(e) {
- var t = $(e.target).f('<.tr');
- var tb = t.f('<.tbody');
- var l = tb.f('>');
- if (!e.ctrlKey)
- l.at('selected', '');
- l.grep(function(x) {
- return x.info.author == t[0].info.author
- }).at('selected', 1);
- },
- // functions for processing posts
- post_filter: function(p) {
- },
- post_set_lz_info: function(p) {
- p.info.lz = ff.lz_list[p.info.author];
- },
- post_set_state: function(p) {
- ff.post_set_lz_info(p);
- if (p.info.del) {
- ff.post_delete(p);
- return;
- }
- var lnk = wjo(p._link);
- lnk.cell.lz.textContent = ' ♛'[p.info.lz ? 1 : 0];
- switch (ff.lz_list[p.info.author]) {
- case 1:
- $(lnk.cell.lz).at('lz', 1);
- ff.post_add_icon(p, '♛', '.lz-icon.fr', { title: '楼主' });
- break;
- case 2:
- $(lnk.cell.lz).at('lz', 2);
- ff.post_add_icon(p, '♛', '.lz-equiv.fr', { title: '准楼主' });
- break;
- default:
- $(lnk.cell.lz).at('lz', '');
- ff.post_remove_icon(p, '.lz-equiv');
- }
- ff.post_filter(p);
- ff.post_show(p);
- ff.post_hl(p);
- },
- post_show: function(p) {
- var show = ((p.info.show == 1) || (
- (p.info.len - pref.length_limit >= 0) &&
- (p.info.show != 2) &&
- ((pref.show_all == 1) || p.info.lz)
- )) ? 1 : '';
- var lnk = wjo(p._link);
- lnk.cell.show.textContent = ' ✓✗'[p.info.show];
- $(p, lnk).at('show', show);
- },
- post_hl: function(p) {
- var hl = ((p.info.hl == 1) || (p.info.lz && (pref.hl_lz == 1))) ? 1 : '';
- var lnk = wjo(p._link);
- $(p, lnk).at('hl', hl);
- lnk.cell.hl.textContent = (hl ? '♥':' ');
- },
- post_update_all: function() {
- ff.all_posts()._map(function(p) { ff.post_set_state(p) });
- },
- post_delete: function(p) {
- var pg = $(p).f('<');
- var lnk = wjo(p._link);
- $(p, lnk).r();
- delete lnk._link;
- delete p._link;
- if (pg[0] &&! -- pg[0]._posts)
- ff.remove_page(pg.at('page_idx'));
- },
- author_toggle_lz: function(a) {
- try {
- console.log('toggle lz of ' + a + ': ' + ff.lz_list[a]);
- switch (ff.lz_list[a]) {
- case 1:
- return;
- case 2:
- delete ff.lz_list[a];
- break;
- default: ff.lz_list[a] = 2;
- }
- ff.posts_by_author(a)._map(function(p) {
- ff.post_set_state(p);
- });
- } catch(e) { console.log(e) }
- },
- post_add_icon: function(p, icon, tag, attr) {
- var h = $(p).f('>.post-head');
- if (h.f(tag).length) return;
- h.a($('+span.post-icon' + tag, icon, attr));
- },
- post_remove_icon: function(p, icon_tag) {
- var h = $(p).f('>.post-head');
- h.f('>' + icon_tag).r();
- },
- get_menu_post: function(e) {
- return $(e.target).f('<.menu-popup')[0]._post;
- },
- post_menus: [{
- icon: '✗',
- icon_attr: {style: 'color: #faa' },
- label: '隐藏帖子',
- func: function(e) {
- var p = ff.get_menu_post(e);
- p.info.show = 2;
- ff.post_show(p);
- }
- },
- {
- icon: '♥',
- icon_attr: { style: 'color: purple' },
- label: '高亮帖子',
- func: function(e) {
- var p = ff.get_menu_post(e);
- p.info.hl = p.info.hl ? 0 : 1;
- ff.post_hl(p);
- }
- },
- {
- icon: '✂',
- label: '删除帖子',
- label_attr: { style: 'color: #faa' },
- func: function(e) {
- if (ui.check_ctrl(e))
- ff.post_delete(ff.get_menu_post(e));
- }
- },
- ],
- author_menus: [{
- icon: '☠',
- icon_attr: {style: 'color: #faa' },
- label: '不看此人',
- func: function(e) {
- var p = ff.get_menu_post(e);
- ff.posts_by_author(p.info.author)._map(function(x) {
- x.info.show = 2;
- ff.post_show(x);
- });
- }
- },
- {
- icon: '❤',
- icon_attr: { style: 'color: red; text-shadow: 0 0 1px black' },
- label: '高亮作者',
- func: function(e) {
- var p = ff.get_menu_post(e), sum = 0, hl;
- var ps = ff.posts_by_author(p.info.author);
- ps._map(function(x) { sum += x.info.hl ? 1 : 0 });
- hl = (sum < ps.length ? 1 : '');
- ps._map(function(x) {
- x.info.hl = hl;
- ff.post_hl(x);
- });
- }
- },
- {
- icon: '♛',
- icon_attr: {style: 'color: #cfd'},
- label: '楼主待遇',
- func: function(e) {
- var au = ff.get_menu_post(e).info.author;
- ff.author_toggle_lz(au);
- }
- },
- {
- icon: '✄',
- icon_attr: {style: 'color: red'},
- label: '删除此人',
- label_attr: { style: 'color: #faa' },
- func: function(e) {
- if (ui.check_ctrl(e)) {
- var au = ff.get_menu_post(e).info.author;
- ff.posts_by_author(au)._map(function(x) {
- ff.post_delete(x);
- });
- }
- }
- },
- ],
- page_link_window: function(e) {
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- return ui.popup_window({
- title: '分页',
- tag: '#page-list',
- attr: {
- },
- func: function() {
- var l = [];
- for (var i = 1; i <= ff.n_pages; i++) {
- if (ff.pages[i])
- l.push($('+span.subpage', i));
- else
- l.push($('+a.subpage', i, {
- href: ff.url_gen(i)
- }));
- }
- return l;
- },
- }, e.target, true).e('click', function(e) {
- var t = $(e.target);
- if (t.f('=a.subpage').length) {
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- ff.go_page(t.txt());
- } else if (t.f('=span.subpage').length) {
- ui.goto_item(ff.pages[t.txt()].page.f('@.page-no')[0]);
- }
- ui.unpop();
- }, true);
- },
- option_css: {},
- add_opt_css: function(name, content) {
- ff.option_css[name] = content;
- var t = [];
- for (var i in ff.option_css) {
- t.push(ff.option_css[i]);
- }
- $('@head').f('&style#opt-css').txt(t.join(''));
- },
- }
- function ff_startup() {
- ff.add_opt_css('img-css', 'img {max-width: 100% }');
- pref.decl('post_width', 'int', 45, ff.set_post_width);
- pref.decl('show_all', 'bool', true);
- pref.decl('hl_lz', 'bool', false);
- pref.decl('length_limit', 'int', 0);
- pref.decl('bar_on_top', 'bool', false, function(v) {
- $('#bar-wrapper').at('on_top', v ? 1 : '');
- ui.set_panel_pos($('.panel'));
- });
- pref.decl('bar_fixed', 'bool', true, function(v) {
- $('#main-tools').at('auto_hide', v ? '' : 1)
- });
- pref.decl('use_black', 'bool', false, function(v) {
- ff.add_opt_css('#black-css', v ? css_black : '');
- });
- pref.post_width;
- pref.show_all;
- pref.hl_lz;
- pref.length_limit;
- pref.bar_on_top;
- pref.bar_fixed;
- pref.use_black;
- }
- // only go to bookmark ever once
- var been_to_bookmark = false;
- function checkstate(e) {
- try {
- var r = $(e.target)[0];
- switch(r.readyState) {
- case 0:
- case 1: break;
- case 2: r.content_len = r.getResponseHeader('Content-Length');
- r.reset_timer();
- break;
- case 3: r.reset_timer();
- r.set_progress(r.responseText.length);
- break;
- case 4: r.reset_timer(true);
- r.finish_up();
- }
- } catch(ee) { console.trace(ee) }
- }
- // the class inheritance is very wrong
- var bg_proto = {
- finish_up: function() {
- var r = $(this)[0];
- if (r.progress_bar) {
- r.progress_bar.r();
- delete r.progress_bar;
- }
- if (! r._canceled) {
- var s = r.responseText
- .replace(/\n/g, ' ')
- .replace(/^.*?<body[^>]*>/i, '')
- .replace(/<\/body.*$/, '')
- .replace(/<!--.*?-->/g, '');
- var div = $('+div', '', {page_idx: r.page_idx});
- div[0].innerHTML = s;
- div.f('head, style, link, script').r();
- var pg = ff.get_current_page(div);
- pg.idx = r.page_idx;
- delete ff.bg_loaders[r.page_idx];
- if (pg.page.f('.post').length) {
- ui.info_box('载入第'+r.page_idx +'页');
- check_post_limit(pg);
- } else {
- console.log('载入第'+r.page_idx +'页不成功');
- }
- }
- delete r;
- },
- start_loading: function() {
- var r = $(this)[0];
- var sendstr = null;
- if (ff.stupid_form) {
- var x = ff.pageform.f('#pID');
- if (!x.length) {
- ui.info_box("Don't know how to load page " + r.page_idx);
- return;
- }
- x[0].value = r.page_idx;
- sendstr = ff.pageform.f('input')._map(function(x) {
- return x.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(x.value)
- }).join('&');
- r.open('POST', location.href, true);
- r.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- r.setRequestHeader("Content-length", sendstr.length);
- r.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
- r.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "public");
- } else {
- r.open('GET', ff.url_gen(r.page_idx), true);
- }
- r.onreadystatechange = checkstate;
- if (document.inputEncoding != 'UTF-8')
- //They can't even do 18030, it's really GBK. Shame.
- r.overrideMimeType("text/html; charset=GB18030");
- r.set_progress(0);
- r.reset_timer();
- r.send(sendstr);
- },
- set_progress: function(p) {
- var r = $(this)[0];
- if (!r.progress_bar) {
- var x = $('+div.loader');
- $(document.body).f('&div#all-loaders').a(x);
- var r = r;
- x.a($('+div.progress-bar').a($('+div.progress-progress')))
- .a($('+div.progress-ctrl')
- .a($('+span.fr', '✗', {style: 'color: #faa', title: '取消'})
- .e('click', function(e) { r.cancel() })
- )
- .a($('+span.fr', '♼', {style: 'color: #cfd', title: '重新载入'})
- .e('click', function(e) { r.restart() })
- )
- .a($('+span', '第'+ r.page_idx + '页'))
- );
- r.progress_bar = x;
- }
- var bar = r.progress_bar.f('div.progress-progress');
- if (p != 0) {
- if (!r.content_len) p = 50;
- else {
- p /= (r.content_len / 100);
- if (p > 100) p = 95;
- }
- }
- bar.at('style', 'width: ' + p + 'px');
- },
- cancel: function() {
- var r = $(this)[0];
- r._canceled = 1;
- r.reset_timer(true);
- if (r.progress_bar)
- r.progress_bar.r();
- delete ff.bg_loaders[r.page_idx];
- r.abort();
- },
- restart: function() {
- var r = $(this)[0];
- ui.info_box('重试页'+r.page_idx);
- r.cancel();
- load_page(r.page_idx);
- },
- reset_timer: function(norestart) {
- var r = $(this)[0];
- if (r._timer) {
- clearTimeout(r._timer);
- delete r._timer;
- }
- if (norestart || r._canceled) return;
- r._timer = setTimeout(function() { r.restart() }, 3000);
- },
- }
- XMLHttpRequest.prototype = {};
- function bgLoader(idx) {
- var r = (new XMLHttpRequest());
- for (var f in bg_proto)
- r[f] = bg_proto[f];
- r.page_idx = idx;
- r.start_loading();
- }
- function load_page(idx) {
- console.log('load_page: ' + idx);
- if (!ff.bg_loaders[idx])
- ff.bg_loaders[idx] = new bgLoader(idx);
- else
- console.log('already loading');
- }
- function check_post_limit(new_pg) {
- var l = $('@#content').f('>.page');
- var sum = 0;
- l._map(function(p) { sum += p._posts });
- sum += new_pg.page.f('>.post').length;
- var del = null;
- if (sum > pref.max_posts) {
- if (del = first_visible_post()) {
- for (var i = 0; i < del.can.length && sum > pref.max_posts; i ++, sum --)
- ff.post_delete(del.can[i]);
- }
- }
- ff.add_page(new_pg);
- if (del) {
- var pos = document.documentElement.scrollTop - del.first.offsetTop;
- document.documentElement.scrollTop += del.pos - pos;
- }
- check_load_bm();
- }
- function first_visible_post() {
- var l = $('@#content').f('>.page').f('>.post');
- var scroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- var can_del = [], pos = null, first;
- for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
- if (l[i].offsetTop + l[i].offsetHeight - scroll > 0) {
- first = l[i];
- pos = scroll - first.offsetTop;
- break;
- }
- can_del.push(l[i]);
- }
- if (!first) return null;
- var vis = [], invis = [];
- vis = can_del.grep(function(p) { return p.getAttribute('show') }, invis);
- invis.app(vis);
- return {can:invis, first:first, pos: pos};
- }
- function add_page_control(pg) {
- var h = pg.page.f('@.page-no');
- h.a($('+span.page-disp', '☀', {title: '开关'}).e('click', function(e) {
- $(e.target).f('<.page').at('!hide');
- })
- ).a($('+span.page-reload', '♻', {title: '重新加载'}).e('click', function(e){
- load_page(pg.idx);
- })
- ).a($('+span.page-kill', '✘', {title: '删除分页'}).e('click', function(e) {
- if (!ui.check_ctrl(e)) return;
- ff.remove_page(pg.idx);
- })
- )
- }
- ff.bg_loaders = {};
- var old_go_page = null;
- pref.decl('use_one_page', 'bool', true, function(v) {
- if (v) {
- if (old_go_page) return;
- old_go_page = ff.go_page;
- ff.go_page = load_page;
- } else {
- if (ff.go_page != load_page) return;
- ff.go_page = old_go_page;
- old_go_page = null;
- }
- });
- pref.use_one_page;
- pref.decl('max_posts', 'int', 2000);
- pref.max_posts;
- function scroll_watch(e) {
- var c = $('#content')[0];
- if (!c) return;
- var page = c.lastChild;
- if (!page || !$(page).f('=.page')) return;
- var scroll_top;
- if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
- scroll_top = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- else if (document.body)
- scroll_top = document.body.scrollTop;
- var y = scroll_top;
- if (y == 0) return;
- if (page.offsetTop < y + 2 * window.innerHeight) {
- var idx = $(page).at('page_idx') * 1+ 1;
- if (idx > 0 && idx <= ff.n_pages)
- load_page(idx);
- }
- }
- pref.decl('auto_load_page', 'bool', true, function(v) {
- $(window).e((v ? '+' : '-') + 'scroll', scroll_watch, false);
- });
- pref.auto_load_page;
- ff.prefs_hook.push(function() {
- var x = ui.prefs_group('一页看帖', [
- ui.check_box({
- label: '启用一页看帖',
- value: pref.use_one_page,
- func: function(e) {
- pref.use_one_page = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- },
- block: 1
- }),
- ui.check_box({
- label: '自动调入下页',
- value: pref.auto_load_page,
- func: function(e) {
- pref.auto_load_page = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- },
- block: 1
- }),
- ui.check_box({
- label: '自动调入书签',
- value: pref.auto_load_bookmark,
- func: function(e) {
- pref.auto_load_bookmark = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- },
- block: 1
- }),
- ui.text_box({
- tag: '#max-posts',
- before: '最多保留',
- after: '帖',
- value: pref.max_posts,
- size: 4,
- func: function(e) {
- var x = e.target;
- if (! x.value.match(/^\d+$/)) {
- x.value = pref.max_posts;
- return;
- }
- pref.max_posts = x.value;
- }
- }),
- ]);
- return x;
- });
- // bookmark stuff
- pref.decl('auto_load_bookmark', 'bool', true);
- pref.auto_load_bookmark;
- pref.decl('all_bookmarks', 'obj', {}, null, true);
- pref.all_bookmarks;
- ff.post_menus.push({
- icon: '★',
- icon_attr: { style: 'color: yellow; text-shadow: 0 0 1px black' },
- label: '书签',
- func: function(e) {
- var p = ff.get_menu_post(e);
- set_bookmark(p);
- },
- });
- function get_bookmark_post() {
- return $('.bookmark-icon').f('<.post');
- }
- function bm_title() {
- return '[' + ff.board_links.item(-1).txt() + ']' + ff.title;
- }
- function set_bookmark(p) {
- $('@#bookmarked').at('id', '')._map(function(x) {
- ff.post_remove_icon(x, '.bookmark-icon');
- });
- p.id = 'bookmarked';
- ff.post_add_icon(p, '★', '.bookmark-icon', {
- style: 'color: yellow; text-shadow: 0 0 2px black',
- title: '书签'
- });
- var bm = pref.all_bookmarks;
- var title = bm_title();
- if (! bm[title]) bm[title] = {};
- bm[title].url = (ff.stupid_form ? location.href : ff.url_gen(p.info.page));
- bm[title].page = p.info.page;
- bm[title].post = p.info.idx;
- bm[title].lz = ff.lz_list;
- pref.all_bookmarks = bm;
- update_bm_panel();
- been_to_bookmark = true;
- }
- function remove_bookmark(title) {
- var bm = pref.all_bookmarks;
- delete bm[title];
- pref.all_bookmarks = bm;
- }
- function bm_panel() {
- var p = $('+div.flex#bm-list').e('click', ui.single_select);
- update_bm_panel(p);
- return p;
- }
- function update_bm_panel(p) {
- if (!p) p = $('@#bm-list');
- if (!p.length) return;
- p.f('>').r();
- var bm = pref.all_bookmarks;
- var topics = [];
- for (var title in bm) topics.push(title);
- topics.sort();
- var cur = bm_title();
- topics._map(function(title) {
- p.a($('+div.sel-item.bm-item' + (title == cur ? '#cur-bm' : ''),
- title).a(bm_link(bm[title], title)));
- })
- }
- function bm_link(x, title) {
- return [$('+a', x.page + '-' + x.post, {href: x.url})
- .e('click', function(e) { if (goto_bm(title, x.page, x.post)) ui.cancel_event(e) }, true),
- $('+a', '删除').e('click', function(e) {
- if (!ui.check_ctrl(e)) return;
- var bm = pref.all_bookmarks;
- delete bm[title];
- pref.all_bookmarks = bm;
- update_bm_panel();
- })
- ];
- }
- function goto_bm(title, page, post) {
- console.log('goto bm(' + [title, page, post].join(', ') + ')');
- if (title == bm_title()) { // same topic, just load sub page
- if (!ff.pages[page]) {
- ff.go_page(page);
- return true;
- }
- var p = ff.pages[page].page.f('.post');
- for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
- if (p[i].info.idx == post) {
- set_bookmark(p[i]);
- ui.goto_item(p[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- been_to_bookmark = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function check_load_bm() {
- if (pref.auto_load_bookmark && !been_to_bookmark) {
- var t = bm_title();
- var bm = pref.all_bookmarks[t];
- if (bm) {
- var need_update = false;
- if (bm.lz)
- for (var a in bm.lz) {
- if (! ff.lz_list[a]) {
- need_update = true;
- ff.lz_list[a] = bm.lz[a];
- }
- }
- if (need_update)
- ff.post_update_all();
- goto_bm(t, bm.page, bm.post);
- }
- }
- }
- function bm_button() {
- $('@#panel-btns').a(ui.panel_button({
- tag: '#bm-panel',
- icon: '★',
- title: '书签',
- func: bm_panel,
- auto_del: 1
- }));
- }
- // end bookmark stuff
- // activate pref procs (and walk around stupidity of greasemonkey)
- if (pref.use_one_page) {
- (['use_one_page', 'auto_load_page', 'all_bookmarks']).forEach(function(x) { pref[x] = pref[x]; });
- ff.add_opt_css('loader-progress', '#all-loaders { font-size: small; position: fixed; right: 1ex; top: 2em } .loader { text-align: left; padding: 4px; border: 1px solid transparent } .loader:hover{ background: white; border-color: gray } .progress-bar { border: 1px solid gray; height: 20px; width: 100px;background: rgba(128,128,128,.3) } .loader:not(:hover) .progress-ctrl { display: none; padding: .5ex 0 } .progress-ctrl > span.fr { padding-left: 1ex; cursor: pointer } .progress-progress { background: #cdf; border-right: 1px solid gray; height: 100%; display: inline-block; } .page-reload { color: #cfd } .page-kill { color: #faa } .page-disp { color: #ffa } .page-no > span { text-shadow: 0 0 1px black; padding-left: 1em; cursor: pointer } .page[hide] {/* for webkit */} .page[hide] > div.post, .page[hide] > div.post[show] { display: none } .page[hide] .page-disp { color: gray } #bm-panel {width: 20em; word-wrap: break-word} .bm-item { padding: 1ex; text-align: justify; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa} #bm-panel-toggle {color: white; background-color: transparent; border:none;} #bm-panel-toggle:hover, #bm-panel-toggle[active] {color:#ffa; cursor:pointer;} .bm-item > a { padding: 0 1ex; text-decoration: underline; cursor:pointer} #cur-bm { background: #cfc }');
- ff.pre_insert.push(add_page_control);
- ff.post_insert.push(check_load_bm);
- ff.more_ui.push(bm_button);
- }
- pref.decl('use_img_view', 'bool', false);
- pref.use_img_view;
- pref.decl('img_thumb_size', 'int', 160);
- pref.img_thumb_size;
- var nocontent = 0;
- var img_seen = {};
- function set_grid_btn(l) {
- if (l) {
- $('#img-grid-button').at({active: 1, title: '图片:' + l});
- } else {
- $('#img-grid-button').at({active: '', title: '图片:无'});
- }
- }
- function thumb_load(e) {
- var t = $(e.target);
- var w = t[0].width, h = t[0].height;
- t[0]._orig_w = w;
- t[0]._orig_h = h;
- var ts = pref.img_thumb_size;
- t.at({style: 'max-width:' + ts + 'px; max-height:'+ts + 'px', 'class':'thumb',
- title: w + ' × ' + h});
- if ((w > ts || h > ts) && !img_seen[t[0].src]) {
- img_seen[t[0].src] = 1;
- t[0]._good = 1;
- var a = t.f('<a');
- a.at({href: t[0].src}).e('click', img_click, true);
- set_grid_btn(good_imgs().length);
- }
- }
- function schedule_thumbnail(x) {
- var b;
- var a = $('+div.img-frame').a(b = $('+a.img-thumb', '', { href: null }));
- $(x).f('<').i(a, x);
- var p = a[0].previousSibling;
- var l;
- if (p && $(p).f('=p:not(.sep)').length && ((l = p.textContent.length) < 240)) {
- p.className = 'caption';
- x._caption = p;
- if (l > 64) {
- [p, b[0]].at('style', 'display: inline-block; vertical-align: top');
- [p].at('style', 'width:' + (l / 8) + 'em; margin-left: 1ex');
- } else {
- [p].at('style', 'margin-top: 1ex');
- }
- a.a(p);
- }
- b.a(x);
- $(x).e('load', thumb_load);
- x.src = x.src;
- }
- function replace_imgs(pg) {
- pg.page.f('img')._map(schedule_thumbnail);
- }
- // img viewing stuff
- function make_canvas(img) {
- if (img._canvas) return img._canvas;
- var c = $('+canvas');
- var f = $('+a.img-frame', '', {href:img.src}).a(c);
- img._canvas = f[0];
- if (img._caption)
- c.at('title', img._caption.textContent);
- c[0]._img = img;
- var s = pref.img_thumb_size;
- var scale = s / img._orig_w;
- if (scale * img._orig_h > s)
- scale = s / img._orig_h;
- var w = img._orig_w * scale, h = img._orig_h * scale;
- c.at({height: h, width: w});
- setTimeout(function() {c[0].getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0, w, h)}, 0);
- return img._canvas;
- }
- function img_grid_click(e) {
- var x = $(e.target);
- if (x.f('=canvas').length) {
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- view_start([x[0]._img]);
- }
- else
- img_grid_off();
- }
- function img_grid_on() {
- if ($('#img-grid').length) return;
- var l = good_imgs();
- set_grid_btn(l.length);
- if (!l.length) return;
- hide_content(true);
- var grid = $('+div#img-grid', '', {style: 'position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; overflow-y: auto; background: #f8f8f8; text-align:center'})
- .e('click', img_grid_click, true);
- $('@body').a(grid);
- grid.a(l._map(make_canvas));
- }
- function img_grid_off() {
- $('@#img-grid').r();
- hide_content(false);
- }
- function img_click(e) {
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- var t = [e.target].f('=a');
- if (!t.length)
- t = [e.target].f('<a');
- view_start(t.f('>img'));
- }
- var content_scroll;
- function hide_content(hide) {
- if (hide)
- nocontent ++;
- else
- nocontent --;
- if (hide && (1 == nocontent)) {
- content_scroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- $('@#content').at({style: 'display:none'});
- } else if (!nocontent) {
- $('@#content').at({style: 'display:'});
- document.documentElement.scrollTop = content_scroll;
- }
- }
- function view_start(im) {
- if (!im.length) return;
- var v = $('@#img-viewer');
- if (!v.length) {
- v = $('+div#img-viewer', '', {
- style: 'position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; background:#eee'
- })
- .e('click', view_click);
- hide_content(true);
- v.a($('+img#viewed', '',
- {style: 'display: inline-block; max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; position:fixed; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;margin: auto'}
- ))
- .a($('+div.img-desc'));
- $('@body').a(v);
- $(window)
- .e('DOMMouseScroll', on_wheel, true)
- .e('keydown', on_key, true);
- }
- v.f('.img-desc').txt(im[0]._caption ? im[0]._caption.textContent : '');
- v.f('#viewed').at({src: im.at('src')});
- }
- function good_imgs() {
- return $('@#content').f('img').grep(function(x) { return x._good });
- }
- function find_current_img(list) {
- var im = $('@#viewed');
- if (im.length)
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
- if (list[i].src == im[0].src)
- return i;
- return null;
- }
- function next_img() {
- var l = good_imgs();
- var i = find_current_img(l);
- if (i === null) return;
- if (i < l.length)
- view_start([l[i + 1]]);
- }
- function prev_img() {
- var l = good_imgs();
- var i = find_current_img(l);
- if (i === null) return;
- if (i > 0) view_start([l[i - 1]]);
- }
- function view_click(e) {
- if (e.clientX < window.innerWidth * .2)
- prev_img();
- else if (e.clientX > window.innerWidth * .8)
- next_img();
- else
- view_stop();
- }
- function on_wheel(e) {
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- if (e.detail < 0)
- prev_img();
- else
- next_img();
- }
- function on_key(e) {
- switch(e.which) {
- case 37:
- case 38:
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- prev_img();
- break;
- case 32:
- case 39:
- case 40:
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- next_img();
- break;
- case 27:
- ui.cancel_event(e);
- view_stop();
- break;
- }
- }
- function view_stop() {
- $('@#img-viewer').r();
- hide_content(false);
- $(window)
- .e('-DOMMouseScroll', on_wheel, true)
- .e('-keydown', on_key, true);
- }
- function img_grid_button() {
- ff.add_opt_css('img-css', '.img-thumb, .img-frame { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top} .img-thumb { vertical-align:middle; display: table-cell; text-align: center; overflow: hidden } .img-frame { font-size: small; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: -29px; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 13px; border: none; /*box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px #aaa;*/ background: transparent; border-radius:18px; } p.caption {line-height: normal; text-indent: 0; } .img-thumb { width:'+pref.img_thumb_size +'px; max-height:'+pref.img_thumb_size+'px} p.caption { width:'+pref.img_thumb_size+'px} #viewed {-moz-box-shadow: 4px 4px 8px black} #img-grid-button[active] { color: #ffa;} canvas { -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px black } #img-grid, #img-viewer { z-index: 200; padding: 1em } .img-desc { padding: 1ex; opacity: 0; background: black; color: white; position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; text-align: center} .img-desc:hover { opacity: .9}');
- return $('@#toggle-btns').a(ui.toggle_button(
- '#img-grid-button', '▦',
- function(b, on) {
- img_grid_on();
- }, 0)
- );
- }
- ff.prefs_hook.push(function() {
- return ui.prefs_group('图片浏览', [
- ui.check_box({
- label: '启用图片浏览',
- value: pref.use_img_view,
- func: function(e) {
- pref.use_img_view = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- },
- block: 1
- }),
- ui.text_box({
- tag: '#thumb-size',
- before: '图标尺寸',
- after: '像素',
- value: pref.img_thumb_size,
- size: 4,
- func: function(e) {
- var x = e.target;
- if (! x.value.match(/^\d+$/)) {
- x.value = pref.img_thumb_size;
- return;
- }
- pref.img_thumb_size = x.value;
- }
- }),
- ]);
- });
- if (pref.use_img_view) {
- ff.more_ui.push(img_grid_button);
- ff.pre_insert.push(replace_imgs);
- }
- var in_editing = false;
- var filter_func = null;
- var re_matcher = /["'\[\]\{\}\\.*+?\-^$():\/]/;
- var author_tags, tagged, re_names = {};
- pref.decl('post_filter_rules', 'obj', []);
- pref.post_filter_rules;
- pref.decl('author_tags', 'obj', {});
- pref.author_tags;
- ff.add_opt_css('filter-css', '#filter-panel { min-width: 12em } #r-editor { display: inline-block; position: fixed; bottom: 2em; right: 2em; z-index: 199; margin: auto; padding: 1ex; background: #607d8b; text-align: left; color:white; border-radius:18px; -webkit-shadow-box:1px 1px 1px #aaa; font-size:13px;} .r-item { min-width: 30em; } .r-section { padding-bottom: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa} .r-del { color: #faa;margin-right: 1em } [bad_input] { outline: 2px solid #faa } #tags-editor {display: table-row } .tag-half { display: table-cell; width: 15em; padding: 2px } .tag-list { width: 100%; height: 20em; border: 1px solid gray} #tag-new { width: 14em } .filter-rule[na] { color: gray } #tag-names, #tag-tags { overflow: auto }');
- function load_tags() {
- var tags = pref.author_tags;
- author_tags = {};
- tagged = {};
- for (var x in tags) {
- for (var n in tags[x]) {
- if (n.match(re_matcher)) {
- if (!re_names[n])
- re_names[n] = {'_pat': new RegExp(n) }
- re_names[n][x] = 1;
- } else {
- if (!author_tags[n]) author_tags[n] = {};
- author_tags[n][x] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- load_tags();
- function author_tag_match(a, t) {
- if (tagged[a]) {
- return author_tags[a][t];
- }
- if (!author_tags[a]) author_tags[a] = {};
- for (var r in re_names) {
- if (!a.match(re_names[r]._pat))
- continue;
- for (var x in re_names[r]) {
- if (x == '_pat') continue;
- author_tags[a][x] = 1;
- }
- }
- tagged[a] = 1;
- return author_tags[a][t] ? true : false;
- }
- function rules_filter(pg) {
- compile_all_rules();
- if (!filter_func) return;
- pg.page.f('>.post')._map(function(x) {
- filter_func(x, author_tag_match);
- });
- }
- function empty_rule() {
- return {
- name:'新...',
- board:[],
- post:[],
- use:1,
- stop: 0,
- hl: 0,
- disp: 0,
- use: 1,
- };
- }
- function rules_panel() {
- var r = pref.post_filter_rules;
- return [
- $('+div.flex#rules-list')
- .a(r._map(rule_list_item))
- .e('click', ui.single_select),
- $('+div').a([
- ui.text_button('', '新规则', function(e) {
- if (in_editing) return;
- in_editing = true;
- var nitem = rule_list_item(empty_rule());
- nitem[0]._new = 1;
- $('#rules-list').a(nitem);
- rules_editor(nitem);
- }),
- ui.text_button('', '编辑', function(e) {
- if (in_editing) return;
- var x = $('#rules-list').f('[selected]');
- if (!x.length) return;
- rules_editor(x);
- in_editing = true;
- }),
- ui.text_button('', '删除', function(e) {
- if (!ui.check_ctrl(e)) return;
- $('#rules-list').f('[selected]').r();
- save_ui_rules();
- }, {style:'color: #faa'}),
- ui.text_button('', '▲', move_up),
- ui.text_button('', '▼', move_down),
- ui.text_button('', '♻', refilter,
- {title: '从新过滤', style:'color: #cfd'}),
- ui.text_button('', '标签', function() {tags_editor() }),
- ]),
- ];
- }
- function save_ui_rules() {
- pref.post_filter_rules = $('#rules-list').f('>.filter-rule')._map('=$_._rule');
- compile_all_rules();
- }
- function refilter() {
- if (!filter_func) return;
- $('.post')._map(function(x) {
- x.info.hl = x.info.show = 0;
- filter_func(x, author_tag_match);
- ff.post_set_state(x);
- })
- }
- function move_up() {
- if (in_editing) return;
- var sel = $('#rules-list').f('[selected]');
- if (!sel.length) return;
- var up = sel[0].previousSibling;
- if (!up) return;
- sel.f('<').i(sel, up);
- save_ui_rules();
- }
- function move_down() {
- if (in_editing) return;
- var sel = $('#rules-list').f('[selected]');
- if (!sel.length) return;
- var down = sel[0].nextSibling;
- if (!down) return;
- sel.f('<').i(down, sel);
- save_ui_rules();
- }
- function rule_list_item(r) {
- var item = $('+div.sel-item.filter-rule')
- .a($('+input[type=checkbox]')
- .at('checked', r.use == 1? 1 : '')
- .e('click', toggle_use)
- ).a($('+text', r.name));
- item[0]._rule = r;
- if (!rule_applicable(r))
- item.at('na', 1);
- return item;
- }
- function toggle_use(e) {
- var t = $(e.target);
- var r = t.f('<.filter-rule');
- r[0]._rule.use = e.target.checked ? 1 : 0;
- save_ui_rules();
- }
- function filter_ui() {
- $('@#panel-btns').a(ui.panel_button({
- tag: '#filter-panel',
- icon: '♙',
- title: '选帖规则',
- func: rules_panel,
- auto_del: 1,
- }));
- ff.author_menus.push({
- icon: '★',
- icon_attr: {style: 'color: orange; text-shadow: 0 0 1px black'},
- label: '标签...',
- func: function(e) {
- var p = ff.get_menu_post(e);
- tags_editor(p.info.author);
- }
- });
- }
- function make_match_statement(a, op, b) {
- var x = a + '.match(' + (new RegExp(b)) + ')';
- if (op == '=~')
- return x;
- return '!' + x;
- }
- function compile_all_rules() {
- var rs = pref.post_filter_rules.grep(rule_applicable).grep('=$_.use');
- var code = [], txt = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) {
- var r = compile_rule(rs[i]);
- if (r[1])
- txt = true;
- code.push(r[0]);
- }
- if (txt)
- code.unshift('var t = p.lastChild.textContent;');
- filter_func = new Function('p, tag_match', code.join('\n'));
- }
- function compile_rule(r) {
- var conds = ['if (true'];
- var req_txt = false;
- var s;
- for (var i = 0; i < r.post.length; i++) {
- var x = r.post[i];
- switch(x.arg) {
- case 'author':
- switch (x.op) {
- case 'lz': s = 'p.info.lz == 1'; break;
- case 'notlz': s = 'p.info.lz != 1'; break;
- case '=~':
- case '!~': s = make_match_statement('p.info.author', x.op, x.regex);
- break;
- case '==': s = 'p.info.author == ' + JSON.stringify(x.str);
- break;
- default: s = '';
- continue;
- }
- break;
- case 'author_tag':
- s = 'tag_match(p.info.author, ' + JSON.stringify(x.tag) + ')';
- if (x.op == '!~')
- s = '!' + s;
- break;
- case 'post_length':
- s = 'p.info.len ' + x.op + x.num;
- break;
- case 'images':
- s = 'p.info.imgs ';
- switch(x.op) {
- case 'zero': s += '== 0'; break;
- case 'notzero': s += '!= 0'; break;
- default:
- s = '';
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'post_content':
- req_txt = true;
- s = make_match_statement('t', x.op, x.regex);
- break;
- }
- if (s) conds.push('(' + s + ')');
- }
- var oper = [];
- var done = false;
- makeops: do {
- switch(r.disp - 0) {
- case 1:
- case 2: oper.push('p.info.show = ' + r.disp + ';'); break;
- case 3:
- oper.push('p.info.del = 1; return;');
- break makeops;
- }
- switch (r.hl - 0) {
- case 1:
- case 2: oper.push('p.info.hl = ' + r.hl + ';'); break;
- }
- if (r.stop == 1) {
- oper.push('return;');
- }
- } while (0);
- return [conds.join('&&') + ') {' + oper.join('') + '}', req_txt];
- }
- function tags_editor(name) {
- if (in_editing) return;
- in_editing = true;
- var tags = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pref.author_tags));
- var authors = {};
- for (var x in tags) {
- for (var i in tags[x])
- authors[i] = 1;
- }
- var new_item = false;
- var pname, ptag;
- function tags_editor_content() {
- return [
- $('+div.tag-half').a([
- $('+div', '人名').a([
- $('+button', '+').e('click', new_name),
- $('+button', '✗', {style:'color:#faa'}).e('click', del_name)
- ]),
- pname = $('+div#tag-names.tag-list').a(
- keys(authors)._map(tag_list_item)
- ).e('click', name_click, true)
- ]),
- $('+div.tag-half').a([
- $('+div', '标签').a([
- $('+button', '+').e('click', new_tag),
- $('+button', '✗', {style: 'color:#faa'}).e('click', del_tag)
- ]),
- ptag = $('+div#tag-tags.tag-list').a(
- keys(tags)._map(tag_list_item)
- ).e('click', tag_click, true)
- ]),
- ];
- }
- function sel_name(a) {
- var n = pname.f('.tag-item');
- var s = null;
- for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
- if (n[i].textContent == a) {
- s = $(n[i]);
- break;
- }
- if (!s) {
- s = tag_list_item(a);
- pname.a(s);
- }
- ui.single_select({target:s[0]});
- pname.f('input[type="checkbox"]').at('style', 'visibility:hidden');
- ptag.f('input[type="checkbox"]').at('style', 'visibility:');
- ptag.f('>.sel-item')._map(function(x) {
- $(x).at('selected', '')
- $(x).f('input[type="checkbox"]')[0].checked
- = tags[x.textContent][a] ? true: false;
- })
- }
- function sel_tag(a) {
- var n = ptag.f('.tag-item');
- var s = null;
- for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
- if (n[i].textContent == a) {
- s = $(n[i]);
- break;
- }
- if (!s) {
- s = tag_list_item(a);
- tags[a] = {};
- ptag.a(s);
- }
- ui.single_select({target:s[0]});
- ptag.f('input[type="checkbox"]').at('style', 'visibility:hidden');
- pname.f('input[type="checkbox"]').at('style', 'visibility:');
- pname.f('>.sel-item')._map(function(x) {
- $(x).at('selected', '');
- $(x).f('input[type="checkbox"]')[0].checked = tags[a][x.textContent] ? true: false;
- })
- }
- function del_name(e) {
- if (!ui.check_ctrl(e)) return;
- var a = pname.f('.sel-item[selected]');
- if (!a.length) return;
- var t = a[0].textContent;
- for (var x in tags)
- delete tags[x][t];
- a.r();
- }
- function del_tag(e){
- if (!ui.check_ctrl(e)) return;
- var a = ptag.f('.sel-item[selected]');
- if (!a.length) return;
- var t = a[0].textContent;
- delete tags[t];
- a.r();
- }
- function name_click(e) {
- var t = $(e.target);
- var ch = t.f('=input')[0];
- if (ch) {
- t = t.f('<.sel-item')[0].textContent;
- var l = ptag.f('[selected]');
- if (!l.length) return;
- l = l[0].textContent;
- if (!ch.checked)
- delete tags[l][t];
- else
- tags[l][t] = 1;
- } else {
- t = t.f('=.sel-item')[0];
- if (t) sel_name(t.textContent);
- }
- }
- function tag_click(e) {
- var t = $(e.target);
- var ch = t.f('=input')[0];
- if (ch) {
- t = t.f('<.sel-item')[0].textContent;
- var l = pname.f('[selected]');
- if (!l.length) return;
- l = l[0].textContent;
- if (!ch.checked)
- delete tags[t][l];
- else
- tags[t][l] = 1;
- } else {
- t = t.f('=.sel-item')[0];
- if (t) sel_tag(t.textContent);
- }
- }
- function new_name() {
- if (new_item) return;
- new_item = true;
- pname.a($('+input[type=text]#tag-new').e('change', function(e) {
- var v = e.target.value;
- if (v.match(re_matcher)) {
- try { new RegExp(v) } catch (ee) {
- ui.goto_item(e.target);
- throw new Error('bad regexp');
- }
- }
- $(e.target).r();
- sel_name(e.target.value);
- new_item = false;
- }));
- $('#tag-new')[0].focus();
- }
- function new_tag() {
- if (new_item) return;
- new_item = true;
- ptag.a($('+input[type=text]#tag-new').e('change', function(e) {
- $(e.target).r();
- sel_tag(e.target.value);
- new_item = false;
- }));
- $('#tag-new')[0].focus();
- }
- function tag_list_item(a) {
- return $('+div.tag-item.sel-item').a([
- $('+input[type=checkbox]'),
- $('+text', a)
- ]);
- }
- function save_tags() {
- pref.author_tags = tags;
- load_tags();
- }
- for (var t in tags) {
- for (var i in tags[t]) {
- if (! authors[i]) authors[i] = {};
- authors[i][t] = 1;
- }
- }
- ui.popup_window({
- title: '标签',
- tag: '#tags-editor',
- attr: {style: 'position: fixed; right: 2em; bottom: 2em; z-index: 200; text-align: left; font-size: small'},
- func: tags_editor_content,
- perm: true,
- }, null).f('.panel-close').e('click', function() {
- save_tags();
- in_editing = false;
- });
- if (name) sel_name(name);
- }
- function rule_applicable(r) {
- if (!r.board.length) return true;
- var t = ff.title;
- var b = ff.board_links.item(-1)[0].textContent;
- for (var i = 0; i < r.board.length; i++) {
- var x = r.board[i];
- switch(x.arg) {
- case 'name':
- switch(x.op) {
- case '==':
- if (b == x.str || t == x.str) return true;
- break;
- case '=~':
- var re = new RegExp(x.regex);
- if (b.match(re) || t.match(re)) return true;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'url':
- switch (x.op) {
- case 'idx':
- if (location.href.indexOf(x.str) == 0)
- return true;
- break;
- case '=~':
- var re = new RegExp(x.regex);
- if (location.href.match(re)) return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function save_all_rules() {
- pref.post_filter_rules = $('.filter-rule')._map("=$_._rule");
- compile_all_rules();
- }
- function rules_editor(ritem) {
- var rs = ritem[0]._rule;
- var tmpl_board =
- { type: 'select', name: 'arg', kids: [
- { text: '版面名称', value: 'name', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'op', kids:
- [
- { text: '==', onsel:
- { type: 'text', value: '%n', name: 'str' },
- },
- { text: '=~', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'regex' }
- }
- ],
- },
- },
- { text: '地址', value: 'url', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'op', kids:
- [
- { text: '==', value: 'idx', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'str', value: '%u', },
- },
- { text: '=~', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'regex', },
- }
- ]
- },
- },
- ]};
- var tmpl_post =
- { type: 'select', name: 'arg', kids: [
- { text: '作者', value: 'author', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'op', kids: [
- { text: '是楼主', value: 'lz' },
- { text: '非楼主', value: 'notlz' },
- { text: '=', value: '==', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'str' }
- },
- { text: '≠', value: '!=', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'str' }
- },
- { text: '=~', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'regex' }
- },
- { text: '!~', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'regex' }
- },
- ]},
- },
- { text: '作者标签', value: 'author_tag', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'op', kids: [
- { text: '=', value: '==', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'tag', choices: '%tag' }
- },
- { text: '≠', value:'!=', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'tag', choices: '%tag' }
- },
- ]}
- },
- { text: '帖子长度', value: 'post_length', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'op', kids: [
- { text: '≥', value:'>=', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'num' }
- },
- { text: '<', value: '<', onsel:
- { type: 'text', name: 'num' }
- },
- ]}
- },
- { text: '帖子文字', value: 'post_content', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'op', kids: [
- { text: '=~', onsel: { type: 'text', name: 'regex' }},
- { text: '!~', onsel: { type: 'text', name: 'regex' }},
- ]}
- },
- { text: '图片', value: 'images', onsel:
- { type: 'select', name: 'op', kids: [
- { text: '有', value: 'notzero'},
- { text: '无', value: 'zero'},
- ]}
- },
- ]
- };
- var disp_op =
- { type: 'select', name: 'disp', kids: [
- { text: '不变', value: 0 },
- { text: '显示', value: 1 },
- { text: '隐藏', value: 2 },
- { text: '删除', value: 3 },
- ]};
- var hl_op =
- { type: 'select', name: 'hl', kids: [
- { text: '不变', value: 0 },
- { text: '高亮', value: 1 },
- { text: '正常', value: 2 },
- ]};
- function cancel_rule() {
- $('#r-editor').r();
- if (ritem[0]._new)
- ritem.r();
- in_editing = false;
- }
- function save_rule() {
- $('#r-ops').at('bad_input', '');
- $('#r-editor').f('input, select').at('bad_input', '');
- try {
- var ret = ui_to_rule($('#r-ops')[0]);
- ret.name = $('#r-rule-name')[0].value;
- if (!ret.name) ret.name = '新...';
- // no-no-op check
- if ((0 == ret.hl) && (0 == ret.disp) && (0 == ret.stop)) {
- $('#r-ops').at('bad_input', 1);
- throw new Error('至少选择一项');
- }
- ret.board = $('#r-board').f('.rule')._map(ui_to_rule);
- ret.post = $('#r-post').f('.rule')._map(ui_to_rule);
- ret.use = (rs.use == 1 ? rs.use : 0);
- ritem.f('<').i(rule_list_item(ret), ritem);
- ritem.r();
- cancel_rule();
- save_all_rules();
- } catch(e) {
- ui.info_box(e.message, {style:'background:#faa; color: white; border:none; border-radius:15px; -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #aaa;'});
- throw e;
- }}
- function ui_from_tmpl(t) {
- var ele;
- switch(t.type) {
- case 'select':
- ele = $('+select');
- ele.e('change', function() {select_select(ele)});
- if (t.name) ele[0]._name = t.name;
- if (t.kids)
- ele.a(t.kids._map(ui_from_tmpl));
- else if (t.choices == '%tag') {
- var tags = pref.author_tags;
- for (var x in tags) {
- ele.a($('+option', x));
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'text':
- ele = $('+input[type=text][size=30]');
- if (t.name) ele[0]._name = t.name;
- switch (t.value) {
- case '%n':
- ele[0].value = ff.board_links.item(-1).txt();
- break;
- case '%u':
- ele[0].value = location.href;
- break;
- default:
- ele[0].value = t.value ? t.value : '';
- }
- break;
- default:
- ele = $('+option', t.text);
- if (t.value != undefined) ele[0].value = t.value;
- if (t.onsel)
- ele[0]._onsel = $('+span').a(ui_from_tmpl(t.onsel));
- }
- return ele;
- }
- function validate_text(x) {
- var bad = false;
- switch(x._name) {
- case 'num':
- if (!x.value.match(/^[1-9]\d*$/))
- bad = true;
- break;
- case 'str':
- if (! x.value.length) bad = true;
- break;
- case 'regex':
- if (! x.value.length) bad = true;
- else {
- try {
- var a = new RegExp(x.value);
- } catch(e) {
- bad = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bad){
- [x].at('bad_input', 1);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function ui_to_rule(r) {
- var ret = {};
- [r].f('input[type="text"], select, input[type="checkbox"]')._map(function(x) {
- if (x.type == 'text' && !validate_text(x))
- throw new Error('输入错误');
- if (x._value !== undefined)
- ret[x._name] = x._value;
- else
- ret[x._name] = x.value;
- });
- return ret;
- }
- function del_button() {
- return $('+button.r-del', '−', {title: '删除'}).e('click', function(e) { $(e.target).f('<.r-item').r()});
- }
- function rule_to_ui(tmpl, r) {
- if (!r) r = {};
- var x = $('+div.r-item.rule').a([del_button(), ui_from_tmpl(tmpl, r)]);
- var sel = x.f('select');
- if (sel.length)
- select_select(sel, r);
- return x;
- }
- function select_select(s, r) {
- if (!s.length) return;
- var i = 0, v = r ? r[s[0]._name] : null;
- var opts = s.f('>option');
- if (!v)
- i = s[0].selectedIndex;
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
- if (opts[i].value == v || opts[i].textContent == v)
- break;
- }
- if (i == opts.length) i = 0;
- }
- [s[0].nextSibling].r();
- s[0].selectedIndex = i;
- if (opts[i] && opts[i]._onsel) {
- s.f('<').a(opts[i]._onsel);
- opts[i]._onsel.f('input[type="text"]')._map(function(x) {
- if (r && (x._name in r))
- x.value = r[x._name];
- });
- select_select(opts[i]._onsel.f('select'), r);
- }
- }
- var n;
- var ed = $('+div#r-editor').a(
- $('+div', '规则名称:').a([
- n = $('+input[type=text][size=12]#r-rule-name'),
- $('+button', '取消', {style: 'float:right'})
- .e('click', cancel_rule),
- $('+button', '完成编辑', {style: 'float:right'})
- .e('click', save_rule)
- ])
- );
- n[0].value = rs.name;
- var board_rules = $('+fieldset#r-board', '在符合以下任一条件的版面:').a([
- ((rs && rs.board) ? rs.board : [])._map(function(x) {
- return rule_to_ui(tmpl_board, x)}),
- $('+div.r-item').a($('+button', '+').e('click', function(e) {
- var x = rule_to_ui(tmpl_board);
- var b = $(e.target).f('<');
- b.f('<').a(x).a(b);
- }))
- ]);
- var post_rules = $('+fieldset#r-post', '对满足以下所有条件的帖子:').a([
- ((rs && rs.post) ? rs.post : [])._map(function(x) {
- return rule_to_ui(tmpl_post, x)}),
- $('+div.r-item').a($('+button', '+').e('click', function(e) {
- var x = rule_to_ui(tmpl_post);
- var b = $(e.target).f('<');
- b.f('<').a(x).a(b);
- }))
- ]);
- var ops = $('+fieldset#r-ops.r-section.rule', '釆取操作:').a([
- $('+label', '显示'),
- $('+span').a(rule_to_ui(disp_op, rs).f('select')),
- $('+label', ' 高亮'),
- $('+span').a(rule_to_ui(hl_op, rs).f('select')),
- ui.check_box({
- label: '终止过滤',
- value: rs.stop,
- func: function(e) {
- $(e.target)[0]._value = (e.target.checked ? 1 : 0);
- },
- }).at({title: '满足以上条件的帖子不再用后继规则筛选'}),
- ]);
- var c = ops.f('input[type="checkbox"]')[0];
- c._name = 'stop';
- c._value = rs.stop;
- $('@body').a(ed.a([board_rules, post_rules, ops]));
- }
- ff.more_ui.push(filter_ui);
- ff.pre_insert.push(rules_filter);
- function start_all() {
- ff_startup();
- var pg = ff.get_current_page();
- $('@body')[0].innerHTML = '';
- ff.add_page(pg);
- $('@head')[0].innerHTML = '<title>'+ff.title+'</title>';
- css_black = ("<r>body { background-color: #222}\
- #stats, .page-no { color: #eee }\
- h1 { color: #bdb }\
- .post-body { color: #eee; background-color: #333}\
- .post-head { background: #444; color: #ccc}\
- .post-body, .post-head { border-color: #555}\
- .post[hl] .post-head {\
- background: #543\
- -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255,.15), transparent);\
- color: white\
- }\
- .post[hl] .post-body { background-color: #234; color: white }\
- .post[hl] .post-head, .post[hl] .post-body { border-color: #456; }\
- .post a { color: #aff }\
- .post a:visited { color: #faf }\
- .post a:hover { color: #ffa }\
- p.sep {\
- border-bottom: 1px solid gray;\
- }\
- .lz-icon { color: pink }\
- .lz-equiv { color: cyan }\
- </r>");
- $('@head').a($('#black-css'));
- new_header('style.forum-filter#base-css', '');
- new_header('style.forum-filter#opt-css', '');
- $('#base-css').txt("<r>body {\
- background: #d8d8d8;\
- }\
- .page {\
- text-align: justify;\
- margin-top: 1em;\
- font-family:微软雅黑;\
- line-height:4ex;\
- font-style:normal;\
- }\
- #content {\
- width: 100%;\
- margin: 3em auto;\
- }\
- h1 {\
- border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;\
- color:#5f5f5f;\
- font-size: 150%;\
- margin: 1em auto;\
- padding: 1em;\
- font-family:微软雅黑;\
- font-style:normal;\
- }\
- \
- h1, #stats {\
- text-align: center;\
- font-family:微软雅黑;\
- font-style:normal;\
- }\
- \
- p {\
- word-wrap: break-word;\
- text-align: justify;\
- text-indent: 2em;\
- line-height:4ex;\
- font-family:微软雅黑;\
- padding:3px;\
- }\
- hr { margin: 1em 2em; border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid gray }\
- p.sep > span { display: none }\
- p.gap:not(:last-child) {\
- margin-bottom: 1em;\
- }\
- .post-head, #main-tools, .panel-head, .text-button {\
- background-color: #607D8B;\
- color: white;\
- border:none;\
- font-family:微软雅黑;\
- }\
- .panel-head {\
- background-color: #607d8b;\
- padding: 7px 1ex;\
- border:none;\
- border-radius:18px;\
- -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #aaa;\
- margin-bottom:3px;\
- font-family:微软雅黑;\
- }\
- .post-head {\
- -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px;\
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