WaniKani Lesson Filter JS - Filter your lessons by type, while maintaining WaniKani's lesson order.
WaniKani Show Specific SRS Level in Reviews JS - Show "Apprentice 3" instead of "Apprentice", etc.
WaniKani Review Audio Tweak 2 JS - Allow audio to be played after review meaning questions, when reading has been previously answered correctly. Also includes setting for enabling autoplay when answer is incorrect (default: off). Originally by Takuya Kobayashi.
WaniKani Lesson Hover Details JS - Show lesson breakdown by type on hover
WaniKani Lesson Examples Audio JS - Allows you to play audio for example vocab during kanji lessons.
WaniKani Dashboard SRS and Leech Breakdown JS - Show SRS and leech breakdown on dashboard
WaniKani Prioritize Overdue Reviews JS - Prioritize review items that are more overdue based on their SRS level and when the review became available.
WaniKani Review Accessibility Change Icon JS - Update icon next to input after answering a review based on whether the answer was correct or not. Designed to help colorblind users.
Kitsun Highlight Word in Sentence JS - Wrap the selected word in HTML to "highlight" it in the sentence.
Kitsun Open JPod101 Audio JS - Open JPod101 audio for the word being edited in a new tab.