Subscene Cleaner JS - Cleans up Subscene
Subscene JS - Filter with english language!
[DP] PlanetDP Diğer Sitelere PlanetDP Bağlantısı Ekleme Aracı JS - Sık kullanılan birkaç film, dizi ve anime sitesine PlanetDP'ye kolay erişim sağlayacak bağlantı ekler.
SubScene URL Search JS - If you enter required parameter in URL, it trigger a search on Subscene (URL example: https://subscene.com/subtitles/title?q=Avatar).
Subscene Auto Indo JS - Subscene Auto Indo.
Subscene Language Filter JS - Filter Your Language in Subscene
SubsceneSubtitlesListYearFilter JS - Subscene Show only specified production year in the Latest subtitles list, e.g. 2023!
[PSA] Quick Search JS - It adds PSA quick search buttons for IMDB and Subscene
subscene preview Image JS - Show image preview next to the titles by hovering the mouse.