The Reddit Archives JS - Addon that changes color and skew of upvote and downvote buttons on old and new reddit when a post is archived to make it obvious when it is archived.
Wide New Reddit (Dynamic) JS - Make new reddit layout fill screen width. Obtain class names dynamically to avoid breaks. 28/02/2023, 4:05:40 pm
old-reddit-fenced-codeblocks-fix JS - Fixes triple backquote style code blocks in the old reddit layout and can apply syntax highlighting.
Reddit dedupe JS - Dedupe reddit
r2monkey - Download Reddit videos JS - Pressing "SHIFT+D" opens the current Reddit video in RapidSave, allowing you to download.
Reddit Shitheads JS - "Redditors are shitheads"
Imgur Gifvs to MP4 in Reddit JS - Replaces Imgur links to video on Reddit
Old Reddit Is Back JS - Redirects reddit links to old.reddit
Reddit Embedded Video Expnader JS - Expands the frame size of videos embedded on old Reddit to 720p
Reddit Slideshow - Upvote and Unmute JS - Go to next slide, upvote and unmute by pressing a or /. This script is for this extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reddit-slideshow/jnjpgagcbhkomjfkfimifpddphbiilkh.
Reddit Redirector JS - A simple script that automatically redirects Reddit links to a more privacy-focused alternative. libreddit.freedit.eu
Reddit Links Open in Same Tab JS - Enforce `target="_self"` on links within Reddit posts and messages on desktop, delevoped for next chapter links on r/HFY.
LibReddit Redirector JS - Automatically redirects all links from Reddit to Libreddit or Redlib
Add Reddit Top Menuitems (My Subreddits ) JS - adds quickaccess menuitems: My Subreddits
Redirect to compact reddit JS - Redirects from regular reddit to the compact version
Reddit Mobile App Nag Remover JS - Stops Reddit from pushing you to use the mobile app.
Orange Modmail JS - Change the Reddit Modmail icon/outline orange when you have mail so it's easier to notice.
Reddit r/all Button JS - Adds a button to go to r/all
Redirect to compact reddit JS - Redirects from regular reddit to the compact version
Obtener Trending Posts de Reddit JS - Obtiene los trending posts de Reddit y los muestra en una página
rBCI - Reddit Background Click Inhibitor JS - Prevents clicks on background that opens postings (accidentally)
Reddit Strike Redirect JS - Redirect away from Reddit if it's during the strike
New Reddit Redirector JS - Redirects old.reddit.com to www.reddit.com
So long reddit thanks for all the fish JS - This is a modified version of the Reddit Overwrite Script located here: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/38208-reddit-overwrite-not-spammy
Reddit Random Subreddit JS - buttons for random subreddit
Hide AutoModerator Comments on Reddit JS - Hide AutoModerator posts on Reddit.com
Redirect privated Reddit pages to cache JS - Redirect reddit posts from recently privated communities to google's cache (works for most front page search results on google, 9s timeout).
Redirect to old Reddit JS - Always redirects to old-Reddit, preserving the path of the original URL.
Redirect to old Reddit JS - Always redirects to old-Reddit, preserving the path of the original URL.
Redirect to compact reddit JS - Redirects from regular reddit to the compact version
Reddit Protest JS - The purpose of this userscript is to protest Reddit's
Reddit to Libreddit Redirect JS - Redirects Reddit links to randomly chosen Libreddit instances automatically and provides an option to reload in a different instance, if the user wishes to do so.
Reddit to Teddit Redirect JS - Redirects Reddit links to random teddit.net instances automatically and provides an option to reload in a different instance.
Reddit Comment Warning JS - Displays a warning message before making a comment on Reddit.
Reddit CSS JS - New Design with new functionalities
Reddit Old Mobile 📱 JS - Mobile-friendly design for Reddit Old
Reddit Infinite Scrolling ♾️ JS - Adds infinite scrolling to subreddits and to comments.
Reddit Old Auto-Expand ↕️ JS - Automatically expands posts on old.reddit.com
Reddit expanded community filter JS - Filter muted communities from /r/all
Reddit Video Auto Pauser ▶️ JS - Only Play Video if Visible
Reddit Old JS - Redirects to old.reddit.com if the user chooses to use it on Reddit's new design.
Steins;Place 2023 JS - Steins;Place overlay for r/place 2023.
Titanplace Overlay JS - A visual overlay to show errors in tile colors of a desired image in r/place (forked from https://github.com/marcus-grant/place-overlay)
r/place 2023 Canada GERMAN Overlay JS - Script that adds a button to toggle an hardcoded image shown in the 2023's r/place canvas
Sodapoppin Overlay Test 1.1 JS - A visual overlay to show errors in tile colors of a desired image in r/place (forked from https://github.com/marcus-grant/place-overlay)
Sodapoppin Overlay 2023 JS - A visual overlay to show errors in tile colors of a desired image in r/place (forked from https://github.com/marcus-grant/place-overlay)
Grange Overlay JS - 21/07/2023 10:05:07
r/place 2023 Lockard Overlay JS - Script that adds a button to toggle an hardcoded image shown in the 2023's r/place canvas
r/placeFR overlay JS - try to take over the canvas!
r/place 2023 Lockard Overlay 2 JS - Script that adds a button to toggle an hardcoded image shown in the 2023's r/place canvas
Arma logo Overlay JS - A visual overlay to show errors in tile colors of a desired image in r/place (forked from https://github.com/marcus-grant/place-overlay)
r/place 2023 Lockard Overlay 2 JS - Script that adds a button to toggle an hardcoded image shown in the 2023's r/place canvas
r/place 2023 Kanye Gradbear Overlay JS - Script that adds a button to toggle an hardcoded image shown in the 2023's r/place canvas
r/place AOTY Logo JS - aoty logo for r/place
template-manager JS - Manages your templates on various canvas games
Südflagge Template JS - try to take over the canvas!
r/placesueflagge Template JS - try to take over the canvas!
rplace amongus detector JS - Manages your templates on various canvas games
r/placesueflagge Template JS - try to take over the canvas!
r/placesueflagge Template JS - try to take over the canvas!
Reddit Old Emotes 😀 JS - subreddit emotes for old.reddit.com
r/place Cuba Template JS - try to take over the canvas!
r/placesuedflagge Template by Skesh JS - Für die Südflagge
arkasvtc JS - Discord: @okunamayand, Github: https://github.com/okunamayanad/r-place-2023
Country Balls JS - try to take over the canvas!
RedditSave button (old reddit) JS - created on 2022-06-12, 12:35:31 a.m.
Hide Reddit posts with "Because you" and "Popular" JS - Hide Reddit's promoted posts for a cleaner experience.
Disable reddit keyboard shortcuts JS - Disables keyboard shortcuts on reddit
Reddit Hide Promoted Ads JS - This script will hide the ads from reddit every 5 seconds. It is set in an interval to work with reddits "infinite" scroll version of the site.
reddit-toggle-panel JS - Uses a keyboard shortcut to toggle the right panel on reddit.
Reddit Render Compact 2023 JS - a way to render the reddit compact page
Expand all Reddit posts on mouse scolling JS - Expand all Reddit on mouse scolling
Reddit Collapse Automod 🛡️ JS - automatically collapses Automod comments (only old.reddit.com)
Show Thread Images JS - Replaces all <image> links with images on old reddit
Reddit Comment Delete JS - Automatically removes all comments one-by-one from the reddit profile page. THIS WILL RUN IF THE SCRIPT IS ENABLED!
Reddit B64 Decoder JS - Decode Base64-encoded text in Reddit posts and convert URLs to clickable links.
redditHide JS - quickly hide your reddit page
Old Reddit Redirect (with Funny Hat fix) JS - Redirect any new reddit url except for "/media", "/gallery" or "/poll" to old reddit. Fixes the "Funny Hat" redirect.
Old Reddit Expando Click Anywhere JS - Expand the video or image content by clicking on the free space around the post
Subreddit style remover JS - Enforces consistent, generic style across all subreddits in the old reddit UI.
Reddl JS - Reddit Preview Ctrl+s Downloading Utility - also applies to a few other sites - Only tested on Firefox
Good o'l Reddit JS - Makes sure you're using Good o'l Reddit. License WTFPLV2
Bundle Helper Reborn JS - Marks owned/ignored/wishlisted games on several sites, and also adds a button to open the steam page for each game.
Reddit Videojs JS - replace default player with videoJS
Old Reddit Redirect! JS - Converts reddit.com links to old.reddit.com links
Hide Reddit Sidebar JS - Hides the Reddit sidebar.
Reddit - Hide Login Banner JS - Hide Reddit website's annoying login banner
Reddit De-tiktokified JS - Redirects you to new.reddit.com, avoiding the new beta UI.
Right-to-Left Paragraph Fixer JS - Fixes mixed-direction paragraphs on old.reddit.com by adding the dir="rtl" attribute
Reddit Dropdown Menu JS - Adds a dropdown menu with links to r/all and r/popular
Reddit Show Images Marked with Spoiler/NSFW JS - show images marked with spoiler/nsfw post in reddit
Redirect Reddit Homepage to /new JS - Redirects reddit.com to reddit.com/new
AjaxPipeHelper JS - Page => AJAX Page
Reddit Comment Context Copier JS - Copy full context of Reddit comments to clipboard
Reddit hide blocked accounts on comments JS - Hide comments with class starting pattern "Comment" if they contain "Blocked account"
Old Reddit Better Codeblocks JS - re-render markdown with marked.js and highlight codeblocks with highlight.js
Reddit Expand Everything Except Automod 🛡️ JS - automatically collapses Automod but uncollapses all other comments (only old.reddit.com)
Reddit - Auto Upvote JS - Upvote posts automatically as you scroll, mainly to hide already seen posts