Reddit NP JS - Change the language back to avoid NP styling
Reddit Overwrite Extended JS - This script is a modification of Reddit Overwrite with an extended exit message expressing dissatisfaction with reddit management and announcing a migration to Voat. It will overwrite your Reddit comment history. To use it, go to Reddit, log in, click on your username, then click on the comments tab, then click on the new OVERWRITE button. If you want to modify the message that is left over your comments, it is on line 88.
Mediablock JS - Closes social media from 7 AM to 6 PM inclusive on weekdays, 6 AM to 10 AM Saturdays, and completely free on Sundays!
De-sidebar with Nightmode JS - Nightmode for Reddit.com only
De-sidebar JS - Deletes sidebar
sanereddit JS - Sanereddit will remove tons of bloat, allowing reddit to be used in a sane manner.
Reddit Secure Delete - Only Comments More Than 7 Days Old JS - Securely delete your reddit posts. Now with the ability to only securely delete comments more than 7 days old. Originally by https://greasyfork.org/en/users/5868-mrazavi
Reddit Live Highlight New JS - Highlights new posts on a Reddit Live thread
Down with the sloth! JS - Replace the header background on /r/Guildwars2/
Reddit Enhancement Suite Custom Toggle Visibility JS - Toggle a comment's visibility by clicking text on its tagline or the comment's body.
RES twitter expandos JS - Formats embedded tweets. RES cannot do this for technical and security reasons.
reddit JS - reddit upvote post on hover|remove matching text from post|hide all posts on next page clicked
Reddit Robin Filter JS - Filters comments. Works on usernames and messages.
Reddit Robin Autoclick JS - autoclick grow
Abandon Bot JS - Automatically vote STAY
Robin Enhancement Suite JS - Trying to make Robin more awesome (revised by teknogeek)
Spam bot JS - Automatically vote STAY
InsultBot JS - Say @insult
Robin Enhancement Script JS - Highlight mentions, make links clickable, add tabbed channels & automatically remove spam
Full subreddit menu JS - Displays all your subreddits in the "My subreddits" dropdown menu instead of the default list capped at 50 items.
Bot to Top JS - Move Youtube Mirror Bots and twitter bots to the top of the thread
Reddit RES Style Class JS - Adds class to html for subreddit RES style on/off
reddit-saved-category JS - Change the category of saved Reddit posts more easily
Force HTML 5 for Imgur and Gfycat on Reddit JS - Converts giant.gfycat.com hyperlinks to their HTML 5 video counterpart and Imgur links to their HTML 5 video counterpart.
Custom reddit top posts JS - Allows selecting a custom time interval for subreddit top posts
Reddit Youtube Playlist Maker JS - This will create a small link at the bottom left of reddit.com/r/videos to open a playlist of the videos on the page.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy sending commands to main script.
Reddit - auto pause NeverEndingReddit every X pages JS - Pauses NER every X pages for you to reload Reddit at the new position and unpauses it after the reload. Helps stopping the ressources-guzzling which slows down the browser.
Modify RES Image Title JS - Sets the title attribute on the RES Image in a Reddit thread to match the document title. This is done so extensions like Pinterest can capture the image and use the document's title as the description.
Evex Banner Contest Viewer JS - Previews banners for the reddit.com/r/EVEX banner contest
Reddit Inline Comments Viewer JS - View inline Reddit threads from the front page or any subreddit.
Hide Karma JS - Hides karma scores on Reddit links and comments
Reddit remove np. JS - redirects np.reddit.com links to regular reddit
Reddeheme - Black Ops 3 - Dark Theme JS - Theme for /r/BlackOps3 Subreddit
Imgur direct links JS - Replace all Imgur links to direct image links in Reddit
Reddit Overwrite Extended With List of Alternatives JS - This script is a modification of Reddit Overwrite with an extended exit message expressing dissatisfaction with reddit management and announcing a migration to a reddit alternative. It will overwrite your Reddit comment history. To use it, go to Reddit, log in, click on your username, then click on the comments tab, then click on the new OVERWRITE button. If you want to modify the message that is left over your comments, it is on line 88.
Bundle Helper JS - Add tools for many bundle sites.
reddit context menu options JS - Adds links for reddit-stream, snoopsnoo, and "copy link with context" to reddit
Star Citizen Bullshit Filter JS - Word Replacement for Star Citizen
Reddit: Hide Sidebar When 50% Screen JS - Hide Reddit sidebar when window is less than 960px wide.
Wishlist profile linkifier and contest search fixer JS - try to take over the world!
Reddit Place - Mousewheel zoom JS - Use mousewheel to zoom in and out
Reddit /r/place Zoom JS - Use mouse wheel to zoom
RPlace fixing script TESLA VERSION JS - RPlace fixing script TESLA VERSION and SpaceX
Reddit Place Kekistani Flag JS - Kekistani Flag
RedditChart JS - Some data analysis for reddit
reddit-block JS - redirect all reddit.com traffic -> /r/getoffreddit
Add Reddit Message Sorting Links JS - Add links for sorting user messages (excluding sent) in Reddit.
Load List In Next Reddit Page In-Place JS - Load the list in the next Reddit page and append it into the current list without leaving the current page. Like YouTube does.
reddit default theme JS - Disable reddit custom subreddits themes, fallback to the default one.
Show Absolute Time On Reddit Posts JS - Show absolute time of Reddit posting time in addition to the relative time. Applies for links, comments, and messages.
Fix Collapse Button on /r/DoctorWho (old Reddit) JS - Move the collapse button back where it's supposed to be on /r/DoctorWho.
/r/FlashTV flair vibrate JS - Make all /r/FlashTV flairs vibrate
mute live threads JS - Add a close button to reddit live threads so you can ignore them easily.
Reddit Never NP JS - Redirect from No-participation reddit urls to actual reddit urls
Reddit S1 样式 JS - try to take over the world!
Reddit User/Subreddit/Domain Filter JS - Filter Reddit posts based on the user, subreddit, domain, or post flair name.
Trumpy2017! JS - Displays an icon next to users who frequently submit to or comment in /r/the_donald
Hide Reddit post metadata JS - Hides the title and the tagline on reddit posts.
Add A Link To Hide All Reddit Posts JS - Add a link to hide all Reddit posts listed in currently logged-on user's page tab (Overview, Submitted, Downvoted, etc.). This script will auto-navigate to the next page (if any) and will continue hiding any hideable posts until the last page.
Reddit sidebar toggle JS - fix that shit
Reddit remove relevant XKCD JS - No XKCD!
Expand Subreddit List Simple JS - Expands the Reddit top bar to show all subscribed subreddits. NOTE: I am moving the script to here: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/Sanakazubi/Expand_Reddit_Subscription_Bar
Subreddit Header Link JS - Changes the header link to current subreddit home on comment pages.
Reddit Remove Spy Linking JS - Remove Spy Linking on Reddit.com
Group By Subreddit JS - Groups submissions by subreddit on main page
Reddit - always link to comments JS - Always link titles to comments section on Reddit, to have consistent behavior.
Elite JVC JS - Avoir les smileys de JVC sur le Reddit
Redit Comment Form and Stickied Hider JS - Hides reddit comment form and stickied comments
GatherSubs for Reddit JS - Gather which subreddits you are subscribed to
Reddit Comment Live Preview JS - Provide a live preview of comments at reddit.com.
Reddit Remove More From JS - Removes the "more from subreddit" links that appear on comments pages when you are not signed in
"View Reddit in the app" mobile pop-up remover JS - Removes the "View Reddit in the app" when accessing reddit on mobile
r/MtF link fixer JS - Switch all links to "r/MtF" on reddit to r/MtF/new
Old Snoo JS - replace the new favicon with the old one
Stop Reddit tracking your clicks JS - Prevents reddit from modifying outbound links when you click them.
reddit icon restore JS - restore the blue icon over the orange icon
Reddit Peloton profile linkifier JS - Turns the text of flair in reddit.com/r/pelotoncycle into links to Peloton Cycle / One Peloton profiles
Reddit hide sidebar JS - Hide the reddit sidebar with a simple button
Export & Share Multireddit JS - share and export multi-reddit to everyone including mobile users.
Open all to tabs for Reddit JS - Opens all Reddit links on the page to tabs.
Reddit Overwrite NOT SPAMMY JS - This is a modified version of the Reddit Overwrite Script located here: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/10380-reddit-overwrite/code/Reddit%20Overwrite.user.js
Remove reddit click tracking JS - Remove the data-inbound-url parameter from links
Reddit Visited Link Hider JS - Hide links on Reddit which are already have been visited.
mute live threads JS - Adds a button to remove live threads
Reddit downvote /r/politics JS - Downvote /r/politics. This script is breaking the ToS of the site it runs on as can be seen here: https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205192985 This is an exact copy of the downvote /r/the_donald script.
Reddit upvote /r/the_donald JS - Downvote /r/politics. This script is breaking the ToS of the site it runs on as can be seen here: https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205192985 This is an exact copy of the downvote /r/the_donald script.
Reddit - normalize link score JS - Normalize link scores according to subreddit subscriber base
Reddit - force default theme JS - Force subreddits to use the default theme, even while logged out
Reddit Highlighter JS - Highlight new stories on Reddit
Reddit Video Downloader JS - A script to that allows you to download videos hosted on Reddit by pressing Ctrl+S or Meta+S on the comments section.
Block reddit click tracking JS - Stops reddit from tracking your inbound and outbound clicks
reddit: sabotage event tracker JS - Blocks the reddit event collector
reddit: /r/watchpeopledie censor bypass JS - Bypasses the Germany block on /r/watchpeopledie
Spaz's Reddit Delete JS - Replaces all VISIBLE comments with garbage text, then deletes the comment. Works with RES!
Reddit Image Search Add-on JS - Create instant reverse image search links for image posts
Furigana for Redesigned Reddit JS - Adds furigana back to the r/LearnJapanese subreddit even if you're using the redesign.