Cancel inline tag editor with [esc] JS - Adds an ability to cancel the inline tag editor with [esc]
Auto-Add A Comment When Closing JS - Automatically adds a comment with details of the close reason, so that the OP can see why their question may be being downvoted, and improve it, before it is closed (disabled for Duplicate, Off-topic > Migrate, and Off-topic > Other)
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question
Stack Exchange: "View Vote totals" without 1000 rep JS - Enables the total vote counts feature without requiring an account or 1k+ reputation.
ACQUA: StackExchange best answer predictor JS - G. Gkotsis, K. Stepanyan, C. Pedrinaci, J. Domingue, and M. Liakata. It's all in the Content: State of the art Best Answer Prediction based on Discretisation of Shallow Linguistic Features. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Web Science, WebSci '14, pages 202-210, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM.
Go To Review JS - Adds a "G+R" shortcut to go to review
Mini review controller JS - Adds an ability to see the review queues by hovering "review" link
Meta Reviews Counter JS - Adds an the number of meta reviews left from the name of this queue
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question. This script is forked from http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/77298 and it add supports for HTTPs
SE Preview on hover JS - Shows preview of the linked questions/answers on hover
StackExchange Link Personalizer JS - Personalizes links to questions with your userID for sharing and collecting (Announcer/Booster/Publicist) badges
ShadeRoot StackOverflow JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for StackOverflow
StackExchange: No Hot Questions JS - Hide hot network questions from StackExchange network
hide hot network questions JS - adds a toggle button to hide/show hot network questions on stackexchange sites
StackExchange link newtaber JS - opens links from posts, answers, comments and user signatures in the new tab instead of the annoying in-place opening
StackExchange Tweaks JS - Minor visual tweaks to StackExchange (remove the new sidebar from Q/A pages, for classic look)
Remove User ID from Stack Overflow Share URLs JS - Removes the User ID from the URL displayed by the "Share" button for questions and answers on Stack Overflow and related sites. For a description of why the User ID was added, see https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/277769
[user] to OP's name on StackExchange sites JS - Changes [user] to the OP's username when commenting on StackExchange sites
StackExchange Hide Comments JS - Hide comments on all Stack Exchange sites (except StackOverflow).
Hide stack blot JS - Removes stackexchange cancer
Remove Stackoverflow Sidebar JS - Remove the sidebar and stretch the main content so that it fills the whole width, better when you have a browser window open next to your code and it's too narrow to see much with all the wasted space.
ISO time format for StackOverflow JS - Use ISO time format for Stack Overlow and other Stack Exchange sites
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter Mod JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question. This script is forked from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/12350-stack-overflow-stackprinter
Revert StackExchange Formatting JS - Brings back the old line-height, colors, padding, borders, etc. of StackExchange websites like StackOverflow, SuperUser, ServerFault, etc.
Stack Exchange comment template context menu JS - Adds a context menu (right click, long press, command click, etc) to comment boxes on Stack Exchange with customizable pre-written responses.
ISO Formatted Time/Date for Github & StackOverflow JS - Change time/date to ISO format for Github and stackoverflow websites.
StackOverflow Answers full width JS - Makes the Main bar full width to show more content and hide the stupid useless Side Bar
Show Deleted Answers/Questions at head for StackExchange JS - Swap two divs inside a parent
Stack Exchange - Hide Cookies Consent Banner JS - Hide Stack Exchange websites' annoying cookies consent banner
StackOverflow: Highlight Your Text JS - This userscript highlights the questions, answers, and comments you've made on StackOverflow and StackExchange to distinguish you from other users.
StackOverflow: Easy select question header JS - Remove the hyperlink from the question header to make it easy to select
NERD Inserter JS - just enable it and see what happens
Expand Code to Fullscreen on StackExchange Site JS - Toggle fullscreen for code blocks on hover
Show Accurate View Count, Asked timestamp and Modified timestamp of StackExchange question JS - Show Accurate View Count, Asked timestamp and Modified timestamp of StackExchange question.