IdlePixel Private Messages JS - Adds /m command for private messages. Note that this does not use the /pm command because smitty will (presumably) add that eventually.
IdlePixel UI Tweaks JS - Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.
IdlePixel Var Viewer JS - Easily view all game variables in a table.
IdlePixel Quick Fight Buttons JS - DEPRECATED - Added to SlapChop plugin
IdlePixel Chance2Hit JS - Adds chance-to-hit indicators in combat.
IdlePixel Slap Chop JS - Ain't nobody got time for that! Adds some QoL 1-click actions.
Idle Pixel Fixed JS - Extension to improve the experience of Idle Pixel
IdlePixel Chat Emojis JS - Adds emoji search to chat.
IdlePixel Market Overhaul JS - Overhaul of market UI and functionality.
Mining and Crafting XP Calculator JS - lol
IdlePixel Chat Links JS - Make links great again.
IdlePixel Item Hider JS - Hide yo wife, hide yo kids, hide yo itemboxes
IdlePixel Keybinds JS - Adds customizable keybinds for panel switching and casting spells in combat.
IdlePixel Tick Pulse JS - Adds a little circle that pulses each combat tick.
Quick Cookbook JS - Right click cook book to claim and start the same recipe.
Rare Potion in combat tab JS - lol
IdlePixelMobile JS - A plugin to add mobile styling to idle-pixel.com
IdlePixel Chat Functions JS - Added functionality to chat. Currently only contains a mute function. Add users via the plugin menu.
Idle Pixel Rocket Tracker JS - Adds moon and sun distance notifications.
IdlePixel Sigil Randomizer JS - Randomizes sigil after every message
Dropchance Combat JS - Adds dropchance
IdlePixel Chat Highlighter JS - Highlights messages containing specified words, or from specified users.
IdleMiner Force DarkMode JS - Forces to use dark theme.
IdlePixel market tax calculator JS - Market detax feature. Should work with or without the market overhaul script.
IdlePixel Rain and Combat loot potions from combat tab JS - Rain and Combat potions from combat tab
IdlePixel Easter 2023 Tracker JS - Tracks which eggs have been crafted & notifies for bunny
IdlePixel Armour Uncrafter JS - Uses needle to uncraft all armour pieces.
IdlePixel Custom Interactor JS - Sends, receives, and displays CUSTOM websocket frames
IdlePixelPlus Config Backup JS - Creates a panel for backing up IP+ Configs
Market Overhaul GodofNades - Codex234 Edit JS - Overhaul of market UI and functionality.
IdlePixel Lucky JS - Calculates how lucky you are with your drops.
IdlePixel AviusUiTweaks JS - IdlePixel Ui tweaks
IdlePixel Notes Panel JS - Adds a panel for storing semi-persistant notes
IdlePixel Pinger JS - Adds a chat command that pings other players
DHM - Idle Again JS - Automate most of DHM features
IdlePixel - Zlef's Chat Addons JS - Functions focused around chat on idle pixel. V1 Emoji button, font size up and down buttons
IdlePixel Database Link Remover JS - Stops items being turned into database etc links in chat
IdlePixel Shut Up, Alt JS - Never accidentally send a message on an alt again. Add alt names in the plugin settings to disable sending messages.
IdlePixel Noncify JS - Fix the username of the nonce, V2 includes message fixing!
DHM Desktop Notifications JS - Desktop Notifications for DHM
IdlePixel Bait Thrower JS - Opens x amount of bait at once and collates the loot
IdlePixel Loot Popup Remover JS - Stops vanilla loot popups, leaving only loot log
IdlePixel Market Overhaul - Wynaan Fork JS - Overhaul of market UI and functionality.
IdlePixel Chat Markdown JS - Adds support for some markdown into chat
IdlePixel No More No Arrows JS - Suppresses the green text animation when you're out of arrows
IdlePixel Chat window resizer handle JS - Resize the chat window to your heart's content
IdlePixel Chat History JS - Adds the previous 5 chat messages when you log in
IdlePixel Chat Overhaul JS - Overhaul of chat UI and functionality.
IdlePixel Cryptoe AutoRefresh JS - Automatically refresh cryptoe panel when open.
IdlePixel+ Plugin Template JS - Blank plugin with all IP+ methods, and custom message handling
IdlePixel All the Gems! JS - Opens all gem goblin bags with right click
IdlePixel Kaat Client JS - Kaat account interaction panel
IdlePixel Websocket Messenger JS - Sends websocket messages
DHM - Audio Alerts JS - Audio Alerts for DHM
Idle Pixel Audio Alerts JS - Audio Alerts for DHP
Menu Tweaks JS - Move menu items around.
IdlePixel+ Overview Panel JS - Single panel to control many skills
Idle Pixel Friend Request JS - Alerts when receiving a friend request
IdlePixel Group Chat JS - A private group chat panel
IdlePixel+ Needle All But One JS - Needle entry automatically fills to max-1
IdlePixel Mine All Meteors! JS - Opens all meteors with right click
IdlePixel Brewing Quick Filter JS - Adds quick filter buttons for monster, rocket and rotten, as well as a clear button. Can be configured in the plugin options.
oogadex JS - css bs
IdlePixel+ New Card Interface JS - Improved interface for opening new cards, receiving cards in trade & trading cards
IdlePixel Unwanted Popup Suppressor JS - Surpresses a variety of popup messages that might be unwanted by the player. Matches the popup by its title and message in english. If these strings change (or are localised) the popup will not be surpressed.
IdlePixel Criptoe Wallet Enhancer JS - Add criptoe to a wallet by percentage of total available criptoe
IdlePixel Combat Chat JS - Nades has added this to UI Tweaks, uninstall this plugin.
IdlePixel Smitty Fight JS - Adds Smitty as a boss
Hiscore temporary replacement JS - Automatically forward from a hiscore page to the compare page
IdlePixel+ Teams QoL JS - Various teams quality of life additions, quick deposit/withdraw fight points, better interface when clicking on stored items, storage organisation
Idle Pixel XP Calculator helper JS - When clicking on the XP under a skill, loads the XP calculator page with the current XP and a target level of +1 of current already filled in
IdlePixel Slap Chop Select Monster Addon JS - Slap Chop select monster addon
Idle-Pixel - Lux Libs JS - Loader for Lux's Libraries
Pixel PVP Plus JS - PVP plugin for IdlePixel
IdlePixel Breeding Overhaul JS - Redesigned breeding UI and QoL features.
IdlePixel Harvest All Mover JS - Moves the Harvest All buddy to the start
IdlePixel Card Game JS - A playable card game for your IdlePixel cards.
Idle-Pixel TCG Exporter JS - Export a table of all your cards
IdlePixel Loot Log Tweaks JS - Moving the Loot Log into a container like IdlePixel Fixed had with 'Tab' as the button to open.
IdlePixel TCG Dex (Lux Fork) JS - Organizational script for the Criptoe Trading Card Game
IdlePixel TCG Dex - No Sort JS - No Sort Card Summoning
IdlePixel UI Tweaks - (Lux Fork) JS - Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.
IdlePixel Slap Chop - mippo Fork JS - Ain't nobody got time for that! Adds some QoL 1-click actions.
IdlePixel Quick Fight Go Brrrrr JS - Adds space hotkey for "Collect Loot & Fight Again" button when quick fighting.
IdlePixel UI Tweaks (Lite) JS - Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.