// ==UserScript==
// @name 挂刀网优化
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1362311
// @version 1.3.3
// @description 优化界面。优化表格价格列展示信息,增加数据更新时间;支持配置查询参数首次进入时自动查询;增加挂刀比例计算器;
// @author honguangli
// @license MIT
// @match https://www.hangknife.com/
// @match https://hangknife.com/
// @icon https://www.hangknife.com/static/imgs/logo_home_black.png
// @run-at document-body
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const routerHash = '#/Home'; // 需要开启优化的页面
const searchUrl = 'https://www.hangknife.com/api/steam/queryItemList'; // 查询接口
let state = true; // 是否默认开启优化
const updateDurationMinutes = 30; // 期望更新时间间隔,单位为分钟,当前时间与更新时间差值小于此配置时会标黄色
const closeRealTimeData = true; // 是否关闭实时上架数据
// csgo配置
const csgoOption = {
game: 'csgo',
selector: '#pane-csgo .el-table', // 表格选择器
priceColumnIndex: 15, // 价格列下标
search: true, // 是否自定义查询,每次进入页面时执行一次
searchParam: {
orderBy: 'minPrice / steamSafeBuyerPrice,ascending', // 排序方式
minPrice: '1', // 最低价
maxPrice: '', // 最高价
last24Volume: '', // 成交数
platform: ["uupin"], // 交易平台
minWidth: 190, // 表格价格列最小宽度
_isInit: false, // 是否已初始化
_isSearch: false, // 是否已触发自定义查询
_width: undefined, // 表格价格列宽度,缓存初始值,用于恢复默认样式
_minWidth: undefined, // 表格价格列最小宽度,缓存初始值,用于恢复默认样式
// dota2配置
const dota2Option = {
game: 'dota2',
selector: '#pane-dota2 .el-table', // 表格选择器
priceColumnIndex: 9, // 价格列下标
search: true, // 是否自定义查询,每次进入页面时执行一次
searchParam: {
orderBy: 'minPrice / steamSafeBuyerPrice,ascending', // 排序方式
minPrice: '1', // 最低价
maxPrice: '', // 最高价
last24Volume: '', // 成交数
platform: ["buff"], // 交易平台
minWidth: 190, // 表格价格列最小宽度
_isInit: false, // 是否已初始化
_isSearch: false, // 是否已触发自定义查询
_width: undefined, // 表格价格列宽度,缓存初始值,用于恢复默认样式
_minWidth: undefined, // 表格价格列最小宽度,缓存初始值,用于恢复默认样式
// csgo 查询参数
// 交易平台可选项
// ['buff', 'dmarket', 'c5game', 'skinPort', 'igxe', 'uupin', 'v5Item', 'csMoney', 'waxpeer', 'eco', 'bitSkins', 'haloskins']
// 排序方式可选项
// {value: 'minPrice / steamSellerPrice,ascending', label: '最优寄售'}
// {value: 'minPrice / steamBuyerPrice,ascending', label: '最优求购'}
// {value: 'minPrice / steamSafeBuyerPrice,ascending', label: '稳定成交'}
// {value: 'minPrice,ascending', label: '底价升序'}
// {value: 'minPrice / steamSellerPrice,descending', label: '第三方寄售价降序'}
// {value: '(buffBuyOrderPrice - minPrice)/minPrice,descending', label: '低于Buff求购'}
// {value: '(uupinBuyerPrice - minPrice)/minPrice,descending', label: '低于UU求购'}
// {value: '(dmarketOrderPrice - minPrice)/minPrice,descending', label: '低于DMarket求购'}
// steam货币配置,此处仅保留美元和人民币
const g_rgCurrencyData = {"USD":{"strCode":"USD","eCurrencyCode":1,"strSymbol":"$","bSymbolIsPrefix":true,"bWholeUnitsOnly":false,"strDecimalSymbol":".","strThousandsSeparator":",","strSymbolAndNumberSeparator":""},"CNY":{"strCode":"CNY","eCurrencyCode":23,"strSymbol":"\u00a5","bSymbolIsPrefix":true,"bWholeUnitsOnly":false,"strDecimalSymbol":".","strThousandsSeparator":",","strSymbolAndNumberSeparator":" "},};
// steam交易配置
const g_rgWalletInfo = {
"wallet_currency": 23, // 货币类型,等同于g_rgCurrencyData.eCurrencyCode,23表示人民币元
"wallet_fee": "1", // 是否计算steam交易费
"wallet_fee_minimum": "1", // steam交易费最低金额,单位分;
"wallet_fee_percent": "0.05", // steam交易费比例,百分比;计算方式:卖家收款金额*比例,保留2位小数向下取整,最低收取wallet_fee_minimum配置金额
"wallet_publisher_fee_percent_default": "0.10", // 游戏交易费比例,百分比;计算方式:卖家收款金额*比例,保留2位小数向下取整,最低收取1分
"wallet_fee_base": "0", // steam额外交易费,单位分;计算完steam交易费后直接追加
// 隐藏原生的折扣内容
// 通过改变DOM属性实现
GM_addStyle('tbody > tr > td:last-child > div.cell[data-optimize="true"] > div:not([data-type="optimize"]) { display: none; }');
// 优化成交数量输入框尺寸
GM_addStyle('.el-tabs .el-tab-pane > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div:first-child > div:first-child { width: 185px !important; }');
GM_addStyle('.el-tabs .el-tab-pane > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:first-child { padding: 0 12px; }');
// 监听页面变化
// 匹配路由成功后重新初始化
const observerApp = () => {
const interval = setInterval(()=>{
// 获取app节点
const domApp = document.getElementById('app');
const app = domApp.__vue__;
if (app && app._isVue) {
// 初始化配置
// 插入优化选项
// 插入挂刀比例计算器
if (closeRealTimeData) {
// 开启监听
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
// 初始化配置
// 等待DOM刷新
app.$nextTick(() => {
if (location.hash === routerHash) {
// 插入优化选项
// 插入挂刀比例计算器
if (closeRealTimeData) {
observer.observe(domApp, { childList: true });
}, 100);
// 劫持请求
const listenHttpRequest = () => {
let oldOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function (method, url, async, user, password) {
this._url = url;
return oldOpen.call(this, method, url, async, user, password);
let oldSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function () {
// 替换查询参数
if (this._url === searchUrl) {
const args = JSON.parse(arguments[0]);
this._game = args.game;
// 替换自定义查询参数
if (args.game === 'csgo' && !csgoOption._isSearch) {
Object.entries(csgoOption.searchParam).forEach(item => {
if (args.hasOwnProperty(item[0])) {
args[item[0]] = item[1];
arguments[0] = JSON.stringify(args);
} else if (args.game === 'dota2' && !dota2Option._isSearch) {
Object.entries(dota2Option.searchParam).forEach(item => {
if (args.hasOwnProperty(item[0])) {
args[item[0]] = item[1];
arguments[0] = JSON.stringify(args);
// 监听请求响应
this.addEventListener("load", function () {
if (this._url === searchUrl) {
// 同步自定义查询参数
if (this._game === 'csgo' && csgoOption.search && !csgoOption._isSearch) {
csgoOption._isSearch = true;
const tableElement = document.querySelector(csgoOption.selector);
const table = tableElement.__vue__;
Object.entries(csgoOption.searchParam).forEach(item => {
if (table.$parent.initPage.hasOwnProperty(item[0])) {
table.$parent.initPage[item[0]] = item[1];
} else if (this._game === 'dota2' && dota2Option.search && !dota2Option._isSearch) {
dota2Option._isSearch = true;
const tableElement = document.querySelector(dota2Option.selector);
const table = tableElement.__vue__;
Object.entries(dota2Option.searchParam).forEach(item => {
if (table.$parent.initPage.hasOwnProperty(item[0])) {
table.$parent.initPage[item[0]] = item[1];
// 触发优化选项
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
if (this._game === 'csgo' || this._game === 'dota2') {
return oldSend.apply(this, arguments);
// 初始化配置
const initOption = () => {
// 重置配置
csgoOption._isInit = false;
csgoOption._isSearch = false;
csgoOption._width = undefined;
csgoOption._minWidth = undefined;
dota2Option._isInit = false;
dota2Option._isSearch = false;
dota2Option._width = undefined;
dota2Option._minWidth = undefined;
// 插入优化选项
const insertOptimizeCheckBox = () => {
if (document.getElementById('optimize-checkbox')) {
// 获取右侧导航栏
const domRightMenu = document.getElementsByClassName('avatarDiv')[0];
// 添加优化选项
const h = `<label id="optimize-checkbox" class="el-checkbox is-bordered" style="height: 32px; margin-right: 8px; padding: 6px 12px;">
<span class="el-checkbox__input">
<span class="el-checkbox__inner"></span>
<span class="el-checkbox__label">自定义优化</span>
domRightMenu.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', h);
const checkbox = document.getElementById('optimize-checkbox');
checkbox.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
state = !state;
// 是否默认开启优化
if (state) {
// 插入挂刀比例计算器
const insertCalculator = () => {
if (document.getElementById('calculator')) {
const row = document.querySelector('.el-main');
if (!row) {
const h = `<div id="calculator" style="display: flex; justify-content: end; align-items: center; column-gap: 12px; margin-bottom: 20px;">
<div class="el-input el-input--small el-input-group el-input-group--prepend" style="width: 100px;">
<div class="el-input-group__prepend">第三方平台购入价</div>
<input id="calculator-buy-price" type="text" autocomplete="off" class="el-input__inner" style="width: 100px;">
<div class="el-input el-input--small el-input-group el-input-group--prepend" style="width: 100px;">
<div class="el-input-group__prepend">Steam买家支付价</div>
<input id="calculator-sell-price" type="text" autocomplete="off" class="el-input__inner" style="width: 100px;">
<div class="el-input el-input--small el-input-group el-input-group--prepend is-disabled" style="width: 100px;">
<div class="el-input-group__prepend">Steam到手余额</div>
<input id="calculator-steam-balance" type="text" autocomplete="off" class="el-input__inner" style="width: 100px; color: #67c23a;" disabled>
<div class="el-input el-input--small el-input-group el-input-group--prepend is-disabled" style="width: 100px;">
<div class="el-input-group__prepend">比例</div>
<input id="calculator-discount" type="text" autocomplete="off" class="el-input__inner" style="width: 100px;" disabled>
row.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', h);
// 计算折扣
const calculate = (buyPrice, sellPrice) => {
const inputSteamBalance = document.getElementById('calculator-steam-balance');
const inputDiscount = document.getElementById('calculator-discount');
// 格式化金额
const buyPriceInt = GetPriceValueAsInt(buyPrice);
const sellPriceInt = GetPriceValueAsInt(sellPrice);
// 若steam买家支付金额未设置,则不显示steam到手余额和折扣信息
if (sellPriceInt <= 0) {
inputSteamBalance.value = '';
inputDiscount.value = '';
const fees = CalculateFeeAmount(sellPriceInt, g_rgWalletInfo.wallet_publisher_fee_percent_default);
inputSteamBalance.value = (fees.amount - fees.fees)/100;
// 若第三方平台购入金额未设置,则不显示折扣信息
if (buyPriceInt <= 0) {
inputDiscount.value = '';
const discount = buyPriceInt / (fees.amount - fees.fees);
inputDiscount.value = discount.toFixed(3);
if (discount <= 0.7) {
inputDiscount.style.setProperty('color', '#67c23a');
} else if (discount <= 0.8) {
inputDiscount.style.setProperty('color', '#409eff');
} else if (discount <= 0.9) {
inputDiscount.style.setProperty('color', '#e6a23c');
} else {
inputDiscount.style.setProperty('color', '#f56c6c');
const inputBuyPrice = document.getElementById('calculator-buy-price');
const inputSellPrice = document.getElementById('calculator-sell-price');
inputBuyPrice.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
calculate(inputBuyPrice.value, inputSellPrice.value);
inputSellPrice.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
calculate(inputBuyPrice.value, inputSellPrice.value);
* 优化状态变更
* @param {bool} state 状态
const changeState = (state) => {
if (!state) {
// 关闭
const checkbox = document.getElementById('optimize-checkbox');
} else {
// 开启
const checkbox = document.getElementById('optimize-checkbox');
* 优化表格
* @param {object} option 配置
const optimize = (option) => {
const tableElement = document.querySelector(option.selector);
if (!tableElement) {
const table = tableElement.__vue__;
if (!table) {
// 初始化
if (!option._isInit) {
option._isInit = true;
// 缓存参数
option._width = table.columns[option.priceColumnIndex].width;
option._minWidth = table.columns[option.priceColumnIndex].minWidth;
// 执行优化
optimizeTable(table, option);
}, 50);
* 优化表格
* @param {object} table 表格对象
* @param {object} option 配置
const optimizeTable = (table, option) => {
// 开启表格纵向边框,开启后可以拖动改变列宽度
table.border = true;
// 设置折扣列宽度,需清除width并设置最小宽度,否则宽度占不满则会出现空白列
table.columns[option.priceColumnIndex].width = undefined;
table.columns[option.priceColumnIndex].minWidth = option.minWidth;
// 修改UI后需重新渲染表格布局
// 移除优化生成的内容
const domOptimizes = table.$el.querySelectorAll(`tbody > tr > td:nth-child(${ option.priceColumnIndex+1 }) > div.cell > div[data-type="optimize"]`);
for (let i = 0; i < domOptimizes.length; i++) {
// 找到每行的折扣内容
const cells = table.$el.querySelectorAll(`tbody > tr > td:nth-child(${ option.priceColumnIndex+1 }) > div.cell`);
const nowUnix = Math.round(new Date() / 1000);
// 遍历每行生成优化内容
const data = table.data;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// 寄售
const sellerFees = CalculateFeeAmount(GetPriceValueAsInt(data[i].steamSellerPrice+''), g_rgWalletInfo.wallet_publisher_fee_percent_default);
const sellerDiscount = (data[i].minPlatformPrice * 100) / (sellerFees.amount - sellerFees.fees);
// 求购
const buyerFees = CalculateFeeAmount(GetPriceValueAsInt(data[i].steamBuyerPrice+''), g_rgWalletInfo.wallet_publisher_fee_percent_default);
const buyerDiscount = (data[i].minPlatformPrice * 100) / (buyerFees.amount - buyerFees.fees);
// 稳定
const safeBuyerFees = CalculateFeeAmount(GetPriceValueAsInt(data[i].steamSafeBuyerPrice+''), g_rgWalletInfo.wallet_publisher_fee_percent_default);
const safeBuyerDiscount = (data[i].minPlatformPrice * 100) / (safeBuyerFees.amount - safeBuyerFees.fees);
const h = `
<div data-type="optimize">
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="min-width: 33px;">寄售:</div>
${ data[i].steamSellerPrice === null ? '<div style="flex: 1; color: rgb(170, 170, 170);">暂无记录</div>' : `
<div style="flex: 1">${ table.$parent.formatterPrice(sellerFees.amount/100) } → ${ table.$parent.formatterPrice((sellerFees.amount-sellerFees.fees)/100) }</div>
<span class="el-tag el-tag--${ table.$parent.formatterTagType(sellerDiscount) } el-tag--mini el-tag--plain">${ sellerDiscount.toFixed(3) }</span>
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="min-width: 33px;">求购:</div>
${ data[i].steamBuyerPrice === null ? '<div style="flex: 1; color: rgb(170, 170, 170);">暂无记录</div>' : `
<div style="flex: 1">${ table.$parent.formatterPrice(buyerFees.amount/100) } → ${ table.$parent.formatterPrice((buyerFees.amount-buyerFees.fees)/100) }</div>
<span class="el-tag el-tag--${ table.$parent.formatterTagType(buyerDiscount) } el-tag--mini el-tag--plain">${ buyerDiscount.toFixed(3) }</span>
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="min-width: 33px;">稳定:</div>
${ data[i].steamSafeBuyerPrice === null ? '<div style="flex: 1; color: rgb(170, 170, 170);">暂无记录</div>' : `
<div style="flex: 1">${ table.$parent.formatterPrice(safeBuyerFees.amount/100) } → ${ table.$parent.formatterPrice((safeBuyerFees.amount-safeBuyerFees.fees)/100) }</div>
<span class="el-tag el-tag--${ table.$parent.formatterTagType(safeBuyerDiscount) } el-tag--mini el-tag--plain">${ safeBuyerDiscount.toFixed(3) }</span>
<div style="display: flex;">
<div style="min-width: 33px;">更新:</div>
<div style="${ nowUnix - Math.round(new Date(data[i].updateTime)/1000) < updateDurationMinutes * 60 ? 'color: #e6a23c' : '' }">${ data[i].updateTime }</div>
cells[i].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', h);
cells[i].setAttribute('data-optimize', 'true');
* 重置
* @param {object} option 配置
const reset = (option) => {
const tableElement = document.querySelector(option.selector);
if (!tableElement) {
const table = tableElement.__vue__;
if (!table) {
// 关闭表格纵向边框
table.border = false;
// 重置列宽度
table.columns[option.priceColumnIndex].width = option._width;
table.columns[option.priceColumnIndex].minWidth = option._minWidth;
// 修改UI后需重新渲染表格布局
// 移除优化生成的内容
const domOptimizes = table.$el.querySelectorAll(`tbody > tr > td:nth-child(${ option.priceColumnIndex+1 }) > div.cell > div[data-type="optimize"]`);
for (let i = 0; i < domOptimizes.length; i++) {
// 关闭实时上架数据websocket
const closeRealTimeDataWebSocket = () => {
const dom = document.querySelector('.el-header .el-card');
if (!dom || !dom.__vue__ || !dom.__vue__._isVue || !dom.__vue__.$parent || !dom.__vue__.$parent._isVue) {
* @typedef {Object} Fees
* @property {number} steam_fee - steam交易费
* @property {number} publisher_fee - 游戏交易费
* @property {number} fees - 总交易费
* @property {number} amount - 买家支付金额
* 计算交易费用
* steam官网源码,未作改动
* @param {number} amount 买家支付金额
* @param {number} publisherFee 游戏交易费比例
* @return {Fees} 交易费用明细
function CalculateFeeAmount( amount, publisherFee ) {
if ( !g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_fee'] ) {
return 0;
publisherFee = ( typeof publisherFee == 'undefined' ) ? 0 : publisherFee;
// Since CalculateFeeAmount has a Math.floor, we could be off a cent or two. Let's check:
var iterations = 0; // shouldn't be needed, but included to be sure nothing unforseen causes us to get stuck
var nEstimatedAmountOfWalletFundsReceivedByOtherParty = parseInt( ( amount - parseInt( g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_fee_base'] ) ) / ( parseFloat( g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_fee_percent'] ) + parseFloat( publisherFee ) + 1 ) );
var bEverUndershot = false;
var fees = CalculateAmountToSendForDesiredReceivedAmount( nEstimatedAmountOfWalletFundsReceivedByOtherParty, publisherFee );
while ( fees.amount != amount && iterations < 10 )
if ( fees.amount > amount )
if ( bEverUndershot )
fees = CalculateAmountToSendForDesiredReceivedAmount( nEstimatedAmountOfWalletFundsReceivedByOtherParty - 1, publisherFee );
fees.steam_fee += ( amount - fees.amount );
fees.fees += ( amount - fees.amount );
fees.amount = amount;
bEverUndershot = true;
fees = CalculateAmountToSendForDesiredReceivedAmount( nEstimatedAmountOfWalletFundsReceivedByOtherParty, publisherFee );
// fees.amount should equal the passed in amount
return fees;
* 计算交易费用
* steam官网源码,未作改动
* @param {number} receivedAmount 卖家收款金额
* @param {number} publisherFee 游戏交易费比例
* @return {Fees} 交易费用明细
function CalculateAmountToSendForDesiredReceivedAmount( receivedAmount, publisherFee ){
if ( !g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_fee'] ){
return receivedAmount;
publisherFee = ( typeof publisherFee == 'undefined' ) ? 0 : publisherFee;
var nSteamFee = parseInt( Math.floor( Math.max( receivedAmount * parseFloat( g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_fee_percent'] ), g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_fee_minimum'] ) + parseInt( g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_fee_base'] ) ) );
var nPublisherFee = parseInt( Math.floor( publisherFee > 0 ? Math.max( receivedAmount * publisherFee, 1 ) : 0 ) );
var nAmountToSend = receivedAmount + nSteamFee + nPublisherFee;
return {
steam_fee: nSteamFee,
publisher_fee: nPublisherFee,
fees: nSteamFee + nPublisherFee,
amount: parseInt( nAmountToSend )
* 格式化金额
* steam官网源码,未作改动
* @param {string} strAmount 金额,单位元
* @return {number} 金额,单位分
function GetPriceValueAsInt( strAmount ) {
var nAmount;
if ( !strAmount )
return 0;
// Users may enter either comma or period for the decimal mark and digit group separators.
strAmount = strAmount.replace( /,/g, '.' );
// strip the currency symbol, set .-- to .00
strAmount = strAmount.replace( GetCurrencySymbol( GetCurrencyCode( g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_currency'] ) ), '' ).replace( '.--', '.00');
// strip spaces
strAmount = strAmount.replace( / /g, '' );
// Remove all but the last period so that entries like "1,147.6" work
if ( strAmount.indexOf( '.' ) != -1 )
var splitAmount = strAmount.split( '.' );
var strLastSegment = splitAmount[splitAmount.length-1];
if ( !isNaN( strLastSegment ) && strLastSegment.length == 3 && splitAmount[splitAmount.length-2] != '0' )
// Looks like the user only entered thousands separators. Remove all commas and periods.
// Ensures an entry like "1,147" is not treated as "1.147"
// Users may be surprised to find that "1.147" is treated as "1,147". "1.147" is either an error or the user
// really did mean one thousand one hundred and forty seven since no currencies can be split into more than
// hundredths. If it was an error, the user should notice in the next step of the dialog and can go back and
// correct it. If they happen to not notice, it is better that we list the item at a higher price than
// intended instead of lower than intended (which we would have done if we accepted the 1.147 value as is).
strAmount = splitAmount.join( '' );
strAmount = splitAmount.slice( 0, -1 ).join( '' ) + '.' + strLastSegment;
var flAmount = parseFloat( strAmount ) * 100;
nAmount = Math.floor( isNaN(flAmount) ? 0 : flAmount + 0.000001 ); // round down
nAmount = Math.max( nAmount, 0 );
return nAmount;
* 获取货币符号
* steam官网源码,未作改动
* @param {string} currencyCode 货币代码
* @return {string} 货币符号
// Return the symbol to use for a currency
function GetCurrencySymbol( currencyCode ) {
return g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode] ? g_rgCurrencyData[currencyCode].strSymbol : currencyCode + ' ';
* 获取货币代码
* steam官网源码,未作改动
* @param {number} currencyId 货币id
* @return {string} 货币代码
function GetCurrencyCode( currencyId ) {
for ( var code in g_rgCurrencyData )
if ( g_rgCurrencyData[code].eCurrencyCode == currencyId )
return code;
return 'Unknown';
// 监听页面
// 劫持请求