This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
const cfg = {};
(() => {
'use strict';
const config = {};
const inplace = (() => {
const id = "test";
const cap = GM_registerMenuCommand("测试", Function.prototype, {id});
return (cap === id);
} catch(e) {return false;}
const tmpu = {};
const register = (() => {
const boolean_prefix = ["❌(已禁用) ", "✅(已启用) "];
const int_family = ['uint', 'int'];
return ({name, default: def, type = "other", desc: prompts, tips: ipt, input: func = prompt, callback: listener = Function.prototype, init = false, autoClose = true, judge: _jud, temp = false}) => {
// let val = GM_getValue(name, def);
// config[name] = val;
const judge = (() => {
if (typeof _jud === 'function') return _jud;
return () => true;
if (!temp) Object.defineProperty(config, name, {
get: () => GM_getValue(name, def),
set: val => GM_setValue(name, val)
else tmpu[name] = def;
if (typeof init === 'function') init(name, config[name]);
if (int_family.includes(type)) {
const judge = (type === 'uint') ? (s => (s|0) < 0) : (()=>false);
if (func === prompt) {
func = () => {
let p;
do {p = prompt(ipt, config[name]);} while(isNaN(p) || judge(p));
return p | 0;
type = 'other';
const cfg = {id: name, autoClose};
if (type === 'bool') {
let cont;
const reg = () => cont = GM_registerMenuCommand(boolean_prefix[config[name] | 0] + prompts, () => {
const newval = !config[name];
if (judge(name, newval))
config[name] = newval;
}, cfg);
if (true == init) listener(name, config[name], config[name], cont);
const stn = (() => {
const re_reg = inplace ? reg : () => (GM_unregisterMenuCommand(cont), reg());
return (_1, ov, nv) => (reg(), listener(name, ov, nv, cont));
if (!temp) GM_addValueChangeListener(name, stn);
else Object.defineProperty(config, name, {
get: () => tmpu[name],
set: v => (stn(name, tmpu[name], v), tmpu[name] = v),
} else if (type === "other") {
if (func === prompt) func = () => prompt(ipt, config[name]);
const cont = GM_registerMenuCommand(prompts, () => {
const inp = func();
if (judge(name, inp))
GM_setValue(name, inp);
}, cfg);
if (true == init) listener(name, config[name], config[name], cont);
if (!temp) GM_addValueChangeListener(name, (_1, ov, nv) => listener(name, ov, nv, cont));
else Object.defineProperty(config, name, {
get: () => tmpu[name],
set: v => (listener(name, tmpu[name], v, cont), tmpu[name] = v),
console.debug(name, "in type", type, "\nRegistered!");
cfg.config = config;
cfg.register = register;